"Michael, on behalf of Mankind, we apologize"


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I was looking back on some of the old threads on MJJF, and came across a thread by Sisyphus that entertained the idea of some kind of Michael Jackson Utopia :lol:...where after the trial, once MJ was found innocent, the world would (or should) be a bit more apologetic towards MJ after being proven so wrong about the man's character after so many years.

Well as we all know that hasn't/won't happen. But my question to you is who SHOULD apologize in general to Michael Jackson? Not WOULD or WILL, but should.

Should comedians like Jay Leno or Chris Rock feel some remorse for making light out of MJ's hardships, often cruelly? or do you think comedians just do their jobs and celebs like MJ should just take the hit? Why?

Should legal pendents and commentators/investigators and journalists like Diane Diamond, Nancy Grace, Martin Bashir or Bill O' Reilly feel bad? Some might argue that it's their job to be opinionated...so they shouldn't feel bad for anything.

Should the fans apologize for being so eager to get into his private life? Sure, being a celebrity comes with the territory, but does that give us fans the permission to get crazy with it?

And IF by chance MJ receives some kind of apology from these people, would it matter? Would MJ accept? is it forgive, but not forget?

Oooor maybe you think the world in general actually has become a bit, if maybe only a little, more apologetic towards MJ, evidenced by some of the recent happenings. If you think so, why do you?

What do you think? And please, give me a reason for your answers.

BTW, the quote in the title is from a sign a fan held up during the verdict in Santa maria.
well Aphrodite Jones felt bad and wrote a book trying to vindicate him
oh Gosh this thread makes me feel guilty like i've done sth terrible to him :lol:
i think the answer is simple really. ppl who hate on him should see the truth and apologize to him (but this will never happen cuz they're evil). the phrase "michael on behalf of mankind we apologize" includes us ALL and thats not fair cuz i personally have nothing to apologize for since i've always knew the truth and have always loved and supported him unconditionally
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Yes to all questions, including the one about him accepting the apologies. He is very forgiving, other people would have been blue with remorse and negativity, should they have undergone what he has from so many people and for decades. Yet, he "take it all in stride".

But I'm sure he doesn't even care if he receives or will receive apologies, at least not anymore, he focuses on positivity instead, and just lets nature take its course. In the "Ebony" interview, he made very relevant points about that. He does seem at peace, moreso than ever before, and I dare say it is miracle being that serene after everything that happened. I'm pretty sure he also chooses not to think about all that, for instance, the trial days, resorting to repressed memory. But he isn't hateful or spiteful.
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:) good job J5! Well done post. I do actually see a change already. Yes many people still have a block up when it comes to him, but things are coming around.

I used to not understand fans at all, I thought they really should apologize for pushing to get into his personal life... I would like to relate a bit of an epiphany moment. When I first went into the sony chatroom it was my first real experience chatting. I went in there because I wanted to learn the truth about Michael Jackson. I had just finished watching the end part of the Bashir documentary and I could see that the media misrepresented him so I wanted to learn the truth. I went to what I thought was as close to the source as I could get. The Official Michael Jackson website. I looked through all of the site and couldn't find anything about his personal life on it. I loved seeing the videos and listening to the music (much of which I didn't even know Michael sang) but nothing could be found about him personally, so....I got over my ideas and fears to click on that final unsearched button called "Chatroom". My preconceived notions of what they would be like were pushed aside so that I could learn. I hid behind various anonymous names to observe at first, and then ask questions. I thought the people in chat could give me some insight as to who Michael Jackson really is. I forget how far into it, I had someone say to me something along the lines of "What gives you the right to pry into his private life? His music is what he shares, and that's what is important. He doesn't owe us anything more. His private life should remain private." (Something like that) and I thought about it a second and though, yeah , you are right. Why am I wanting to know the personal life of this man who doesn't know a thing about me? Would I let him know my personal life details? ...maybe...would I let him read my diary?...(if I had one..lol) No I don't think so, so why would I want to pry into his life?

I think...the fans and MJ share a special relationship though. It is more than just two strangers who know a bit about the other. It is more than just one sided adoration. I think there may be some parts of his life he DOES want to share with us, and I guess he showed that when he shared with us one of his most precious gifts ever. His son. That awful moment that he got so harshly chastised for by the world. He was sharing his joy with us that day. Sort of similar to the Lion King start, in a way....if you want to look at it that way. It might not have been the best way to do it, but I believe that was the heart of the matter.

So should we apologize to Michael? ......That is something we have to look inside to answer. Are we being respectful and giving him the space he needs as a person? or do we push beyond what we would want, if in his shoes?
I think anybody who thinks ill thoughts about him and anybody who stalks him should apologize.
I think he is very forgiving, he said in an interview that he was tought to forgive... I hope he doesn't even care about all the haters, and I think there aren't any bad thoughts in his heart and soul towards those ugly people. He looks very healthy and happy and relaxed nowadays. He is a true warrior and it's really a miracle that he stands stronger than ever!!! If he'd stand with outspread arms saying or yelling to the whole world: here I am, I'm Michael Jackson, nobody can/could ever let me down. I wish him all the best and let's forget that nightmare for good...
Ok. I haven't read most of the long posts on this thread yet, so I might be digging myself a hole here, I dunno.

Should we (we meaning media, specific news anchors, and journalists) apologize for what we put Michael through? Absolutely!

As for the people you mentioned. I think half of them still believe that their opinion is right! That's the only sad problem about this whole ordeal.
ugh- I'm just fed up with ppl like Chris Rock and Jay Leno....grrrrr........AHHHH!!!!

They need to stop being so IGNORANT!

anyway- I think the media owes Michael a HUGE apology, but like IvoryKeys said, half of them still think they are right!!!!!!

Ignorance is SO disgusting, and ppl are just so ignorant! I cant undestand how people can be like that! :no:
there are times when i have felt very guilty - although i dont think i have done anything wrong. Like i feel very sorry for Michael not being able to go out or live a normal life, but although that is partly because of the fans, as a celebrity he has to accept that. What the media SHOULD do is just stop printing lies from now on, and only tell the truth however they dont think they are doing anything wrong and so will never apologize and will probably just carry on to print what sells papers.
i think the answer is simple really. ppl who hate on him should see the truth and apologize to him (but this will never happen cuz they're evil). the phrase "michael on behalf of mankind we apologize" includes us ALL and thats not fair cuz i personally have nothing to apologize for since i've always knew the truth and have always loved and supported him unconditionally

Well i think what that means is that society really is partially responsible for MJ having such a tough time. Society has its way of enforcing what's normal and what's not. What's appropriate and whats not. What's crazy and what's not. I remember during the trial Wendy Murphy saying something like "do you expect me to believe that a man would take in some random kid and his family, give them his home...free reign of his home, give these people shopping sprees, for nothing in return? For no personal gain? And you mean to tell me he invited this kid in his bedroom without any motive? Come on, no one can be THAT NICE. That's impossible."

And ya know that struck me because, it IS kinda hard to believe someone can be THAT NICE. But MJ is that nice, and it's really hard for someone that nice, or even someone with such an innocent simple world view as MJ has, to live peacefully in such a dog-eat-dog society like this. I mean it's pretty damn sad that its a RISK, or it's INAPPROPRIATE, or a MISTAKE, or something automatically innately BAD...to share a bed with a child. I mean when u think about it our world and society is sooooo messed up that a simple thing like sharing a bed can be the worst life changing mistake a man can make. So yes that's society and 'mankind' contributing to this.
Well i think what that means is that society really is partially responsible for MJ having such a tough time. Society has its way of enforcing what's normal and what's not. What's appropriate and whats not. What's crazy and what's not. I remember during the trial Wendy Murphy saying something like "do you expect me to believe that a man would take in some random kid and his family, give them his home...free reign of his home, give these people shopping sprees, for nothing in return? For no personal gain? And you mean to tell me he invited this kid in his bedroom without any motive? Come on, no one can be THAT NICE. That's impossible."

And ya know that struck me because, it IS kinda hard to believe someone can be THAT NICE. But MJ is that nice, and it's really hard for someone that nice, or even someone with such an innocent simple world view as MJ has, to live peacefully in such a dog-eat-dog society like this. I mean it's pretty damn sad that its a RISK, or it's INAPPROPRIATE, or a MISTAKE, or something automatically innately BAD...to share a bed with a child. I mean when u think about it our world and society is sooooo messed up that a simple thing like sharing a bed can be the worst life changing mistake a man can make. So yes that's society and 'mankind' contributing to this.

Great post...
I was looking back on some of the old threads on MJJF, and came across a thread by Sisyphus that entertained the idea of some kind of Michael Jackson Utopia :lol:...where after the trial, once MJ was found innocent, the world would (or should) be a bit more apologetic towards MJ after being proven so wrong about the man's character after so many years.

Well as we all know that hasn't/won't happen. But my question to you is who SHOULD apologize in general to Michael Jackson? Not WOULD or WILL, but should.

Should comedians like Jay Leno or Chris Rock feel some remorse for making light out of MJ's hardships, often cruelly? or do you think comedians just do their jobs and celebs like MJ should just take the hit? Why?

Should legal pendents and commentators/investigators and journalists like Diane Diamond, Nancy Grace, Martin Bashir or Bill O' Reilly feel bad? Some might argue that it's their job to be opinionated...so they shouldn't feel bad for anything.

Should the fans apologize for being so eager to get into his private life? Sure, being a celebrity comes with the territory, but does that give us fans the permission to get crazy with it?

And IF by chance MJ receives some kind of apology from these people, would it matter? Would MJ accept? is it forgive, but not forget?

Oooor maybe you think the world in general actually has become a bit, if maybe only a little, more apologetic towards MJ, evidenced by some of the recent happenings. If you think so, why do you?

What do you think? And please, give me a reason for your answers.

BTW, the quote in the title is from a sign a fan held up during the verdict in Santa maria.

What makes you so sure that they won't end up apoligizing..? The legalities of his innocence was "proven not guilty"...however...many still have doubt...

Patience is a true virtue...

Keep the Faith...Smiles~~~
anyone who's hurt :heart:Michael, from the ones whos unfairly accused him to the fans who invade his privacy should.

we r fans, we support him, love him and always r there for him and he needs that but but that doesn't permit us to do whatever we want or allow us to go so much into his life. there is a limit for us TO STOP! we r not allowed to go further.
we fans has been cruel sometimes, :( and we do much apologize, me myself am one of them.

and so should anyone else who's broken his heart even slightly. those who utterly did (who r soooooooooooo many) and the people who during their life, in their daily conversation so carelessly accuses him of things which he's not done.

he is a human, then is a singer and he's a very sensitive heart that can be easily broken. thats why anyone who's hurt him should (i say must - it must be a rule or obligation) to aplogize.

so here is the apology on behalf of people of the world:

Dearest :heart: Michael
if we try hard to love you, will u try hard to forgive us?
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About the media: YES THEY SHOULD! no question about it, if there's someone who has persecuted Michael and have taken every step necessary to make his life as miserable as possible it's been the media.

However, one might think, they did this for ratings, money, it was their job...and that raises another question, how much of a role does the general public takes in this?
If people wouldn't want to hear all that trash, they wouldn't print it, they wouldn't say it, they'd had nothing to gain from it; unfortunately we live in a society were people take joy and pride from seeing others hurting and MJ's case was proof of it.
The general public was hungry for every single disgusting detail the prosecution had to give, true or false didn't matter, it still doesn't matter, it was juicy and dirty and it's human nature to be prone to that type of garbage.
In that sense I do think the message on the sign makes a good point...everyone took part on it (obviously the fans don't read this crap) but we can't just substract ourselves from society.

I think...the fans and MJ share a special relationship though. It is more than just two strangers who know a bit about the other. It is more than just one sided adoration. I think there may be some parts of his life he DOES want to share with us, and I guess he showed that when he shared with us one of his most precious gifts ever. His son. That awful moment that he got so harshly chastised for by the world. He was sharing his joy with us that day. Sort of similar to the Lion King start, in a way....if you want to look at it that way. It might not have been the best way to do it, but I believe that was the heart of the matter.

I agree with this Ape, the relationship Michael and the fans have is one of a kind, I don't think any other performer has this kind of loving fans, and no other fans receive such love from the person they look up to. It's again another proof of how unique and special Michael is as a person; and that's something that people just can't understand because they've never been there, they've never experienced what that's like.
Well i think what that means is that society really is partially responsible for MJ having such a tough time. Society has its way of enforcing what's normal and what's not. What's appropriate and whats not. What's crazy and what's not. I remember during the trial Wendy Murphy saying something like "do you expect me to believe that a man would take in some random kid and his family, give them his home...free reign of his home, give these people shopping sprees, for nothing in return? For no personal gain? And you mean to tell me he invited this kid in his bedroom without any motive? Come on, no one can be THAT NICE. That's impossible."

And ya know that struck me because, it IS kinda hard to believe someone can be THAT NICE. But MJ is that nice, and it's really hard for someone that nice, or even someone with such an innocent simple world view as MJ has, to live peacefully in such a dog-eat-dog society like this. I mean it's pretty damn sad that its a RISK, or it's INAPPROPRIATE, or a MISTAKE, or something automatically innately BAD...to share a bed with a child. I mean when u think about it our world and society is sooooo messed up that a simple thing like sharing a bed can be the worst life changing mistake a man can make. So yes that's society and 'mankind' contributing to this.

OMG!!! :eek: What a great post............. :yes: :yes:
Yes to all questions, including the one about him accepting the apologies. He is very forgiving, other people would have been blue with remorse and negativity, should they have undergone what he has from so many people and for decades. Yet, he "take it all in stride".

But I'm sure he doesn't even care if he receives or will receive apologies, at least not anymore, he focuses on positivity instead, and just lets nature take its course. In the "Ebony" interview, he made very relevant points about that. He does seem at peace, moreso than ever before, and I dare say it is miracle being that serene after everything that happened. I'm pretty sure he also chooses not to think about all that, for instance, the trial days, resorting to repressed memory. But he isn't hateful or spiteful.

And that is my reason for admire him more than ever.
He is more of a man then most of the people who should apologise to him.
And I think they know it, but just don`t have the "balls" to admit it, and do the right thing.
I wish MJ was more tough!...way must he always be the victum?...way is it allways so sorry for him?...he is rich, many people love him, he is talented and has everything he needs. and if someone don´t like mj dosnet mean they are MJ heaters!...is just that they dont like his style. and everyone has diffrente taste!
It´s only MJ fanse that care so much what other peolple think of their hero.
Well i think what that means is that society really is partially responsible for MJ having such a tough time. Society has its way of enforcing what's normal and what's not. What's appropriate and whats not. What's crazy and what's not. I remember during the trial Wendy Murphy saying something like "do you expect me to believe that a man would take in some random kid and his family, give them his home...free reign of his home, give these people shopping sprees, for nothing in return? For no personal gain? And you mean to tell me he invited this kid in his bedroom without any motive? Come on, no one can be THAT NICE. That's impossible."

And ya know that struck me because, it IS kinda hard to believe someone can be THAT NICE. But MJ is that nice, and it's really hard for someone that nice, or even someone with such an innocent simple world view as MJ has, to live peacefully in such a dog-eat-dog society like this. I mean it's pretty damn sad that its a RISK, or it's INAPPROPRIATE, or a MISTAKE, or something automatically innately BAD...to share a bed with a child. I mean when u think about it our world and society is sooooo messed up that a simple thing like sharing a bed can be the worst life changing mistake a man can make. So yes that's society and 'mankind' contributing to this.

You know, you hit the nail on the head with this post. The term "nice guys finish last" is a cliche because it's true. In the world we live in, the world man has bult around themselves, the rule is kill or be killed, that is what we are conditioned to know from the time we are born all throughout the rest of our lives, and by the time we're pre-teens, we are wholly pressured in to living that lie. Anyone who doesn't follow that rule, they pay the price. I get angry at people when they blame Michael for what's happened to him, because it isn't his fault. It isn't his fault that he was bron in a world in which people are willing to use his love for them against him for their own gain. That isnt' his fault. When we punish people for being kind, generous and loving, then there is something wrong with us, not with them. And essentially, that's what the world has done to Michael, our society, our civilization. It's punished Michael for being the opposite of what we all are conditioned to be. Instead of cynical and suspicious, he's trusting and opptomistic, instead of angry and bitter, he's loving and caring, instead of being selfish, he's selfless. People have a very hard time grasping the idea of someone giving something up to help someone else. It's a foreign concept to them because of how they've been molded to see the world and themselves. People's favorite way to describe Michael is to say that he isn't living in reality. Maybe not in their reality. But what they don't realize is that their reality is man-made, it isn't a reality at all, it's a world created to seal us off from what is real. We see what society conditions things in to being, not what they actually are. In that way, Michael lives in a much more authentic place then the rest of us, because he doesn't allow that conditioning to blind him, he doesn't allow it to dictat to him. He just sees things for what they really are, passed the surface. He feels what he knows is in his heart, not what he's told to feel and he responds according to that. Not out of fear or uncertainty like we do, but to what is in him and what he knows is right. That's bravery. Something most all of us actually lack. I always say that Michael is a perfect study in human nature. Not by examining him, but by examining the way people react to him. What began as a facsination quickly turned to frustration, on to fear and eventually hatred, which all has led to the attacks on and diminishment of Michael. People fear what they do not understand, and when they aren't able to control the object of their fear, when they aren't able to define it, place it in a box, change it, they resort to trying to destroy it, rid themselves of it, etc...

People don't understand Michael because he's so different from what they've become. He's retained this outlook on life that most of us lose by the age of 5. He sees beauty where most of us see ugliness, he sees the joy where most of us see the pain, he sees brightness where most of us only see dark. He knows that below what everything and everybody has been made to be, there is what it actually is and he treats it as such, he reacts to it as such and that gives him the power to always forgive and to trust and not let his fear ruin his ability to love and be kind.

I think society owes Michael an apology, for ruining his life out of it's own fear of him. People individually contribute out of a desire to themselves not be attacked or thrust out of acceptance. It's a selfish impulse which keeps them in line. Michael doesn't keep in line, he follows his heart, he isn't afraid of the fact that he doesn't fit in, and that's threatening to society. Michael tries to better our lives and bring us closer to how we should be living, not how we are. But he pays a heavy price for it.
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^^^AHHHHH! j5master and wbss21, you guys have made EXCELLENT points!!! :yes: Those might be two of the bestest posts I done eva read!!!!!! :yes:
I Saw that sign on JUNE 13th 2005. it was a Yellow Poster with a black writing. thats actually what made me strt crying b4 MJ arrived. then after the vindication, i coundnt stop the sobs, really small sobs but this time it was happiness.

and yah i think all talk shows that belittled Michael SHOULD APOLOGIZE TO HIM! I mean they need 2 have respect 4 him.
Thank you for the excellent posts J5, daphnieas, Ape and wbss21. Great stuff.

nationtonation said:
I wish MJ was more tough!...way must he always be the victum?...way is it allways so sorry for him?...he is rich, many people love him, he is talented and has everything he needs. and if someone don´t like mj dosnet mean they are MJ heaters!...is just that they dont like his style. and everyone has diffrente taste!
It´s only MJ fanse that care so much what other peolple think of their hero.

nationtonation, he's not always been the victim. But he has indeed been a victim. What difference does it make whether he's rich and all that? It doesn't change the fact. And fans care because they don't want the crap about MJ to be perpetuated to people who don't know any better. They don't like to hear crap said about someone they care about. Who would? Wouldn't you defend someone you care about if someone said crap about them? No one lives in a box.

And I don't think anyone is talking about peeps who just don't care for MJ's style. I think it's more about taking a stand against hatred, prejudice and injustice.

Why is it such a bad thing to CARE?

And don't worry; MJ is veeeery tough.
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I wish MJ was more tough!...way must he always be the victum?...way is it allways so sorry for him?...he is rich, many people love him, he is talented and has everything he needs. and if someone don´t like mj dosnet mean they are MJ heaters!...is just that they dont like his style. and everyone has diffrente taste!
It´s only MJ fanse that care so much what other peolple think of their hero.

Yeah as someone else has said he's not always a victim but its undeniable that he HAS BEEN A VICTIM of the media, of greedy liars, of a normal-worshiping society. And mj is very strong...stronger than most people even believe. The fact MJ has bounce back soooo quickly from such a horrifying trial is amaaaazing.

And rich, money and screaming fans isn't 'all you need' in life. All of that comes with the territory. Some people see only the golden lights of the celebrity life but it's obvious that that life isn't all fortune. I'm not saying its HELL but its a far cry from paradise thats for sure.

If someone doesn't like MJ's MUSIC thats fine. But if someone doesn't like MJ cuz they think he's a criminal and a freak then that's called hateration right there lol...And the fans care because we care about MJ's well being in all areas. We care because most of that hateration has been brought unfairly and unjustly. So it's not necessarily just about MJ's pains and tribulations, but it's a worldly problem. The injustice MJ has gone through in the hand of the justice system and the injustice MJ has gone through in the hands of the media is NOT JUST HIS PROBLEM. These things go on all the time. So not only do we care about MICHAEL, but we care about the integrity of us as respectful human beings that do not judge each other at face value and do not "mark people off" based on arbitrary rules of social norms. THAT'S why people care so much.

So although MJ is strong and can take care of his own, we are his support system. We are there when he needs us and if he doesn't, we're still there because he's important to us. :)
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Great topic J5Master! Great questions and great posts.

While reading this thread, my mind drifted to wondering about people who have hurt him even on a one on one level, people who made a mistake and did not set out to harm him out of evil or malice.

Sometimes we are called upon to forgive in the sense of overlooking other peoples' stupidities and shortcomings as human beings.

For instance the female he was talking about in LWMJ who saw him and his brothers at the airport and said something horribly hurtful in response to him no longer looking like "cute little Michael Jackson".

Some 30 years later that experience was still alive in his consciousness as a bothersome and hurtful experience and it hurt me to my heart that it had hurt him so badly.

I couldn't help but wonder whether, now that the woman is nearly 30 years older, whether, in her maturity, she may have recognized herself in what he was saying and whether she was aghast and devestated in learning the effect it had had on him.

Some people assume that just because they're not rich and famous etc., that the things they do couldn't matter, or bother someone so powerful in the world, but we can see that it did because he's only human.

And what I feel Michael Jackson doesn't realize is that people see him as emotionally unavailable and invincible because he is so distant and remote in a certain way, due to the distant, impersonal way in which people know him.

I could not help but to wonder if that lady at the airport thought/felt to apologize after seeing that documentary.

If she did, I wondered how she could possibly go about it to ensure he received her apology in the sufficiency of her heart, so that he would have a new "take away" from the experience.

If you are feeling truly repentant for something you did that hurt someone (especially someone you love) it is very important to know that you can give a personal apology and that it is truly received in the spirit in which it is intended, but how to a superstar?

I couldn't help but to try and see from her perspective because things are often never the way they seem from one point of view.

Sure sometimes people say the first thing that comes to their mind without filtering their thoughts but what if, rather than disgust at his new appearance, she was actually expressing nothing more than shock.

What if at the point of meeting him at the airport, she still had her bedroom walls covered with OLD pics of him and assumed he still looked the same, all the while playing his music night and day and broke her neck to get to the airport to see him because she loves him.

I'm not offering this woman an excuse for being thoughtless, rude or unflattering. I'm offering a chance to notice that everyone does not set out to harm, although sometimes they inadvertantly do - like that woman at the airport, I believe, or would like to believe.

Sometimes we humans have to try and see beyond the pain of the moment, is what I'm saying.

What if she was a die-hard fan excited about seeing the J5 at the airport, and after meeting him thought about him day and night as die-hard fans do (especially after meeing him in person are you kidding?!??) , even prayed for him to have a safe trip and a safe life and never gave another thought to that mindless thing she said.

Never dreaming that he was so very sensitive that it would (surprisingly to her) hurt his feelings no-less still does to this day, what if she is in torment day and night for hurting someone she loved more than life itself.

What if she has been searching the fan boards since then trying to figure out what she can really do to apologize?

My heart went out to her as well as him and I began to consider/wonder what forgiveness really is.

I feel that a lot of what forgiveness is, is the willingness or ability to try and see from another perspective. Entire films are done within the context of one perspective, when there are countless available. Ever seen alternate endings to movies in the out-takes? The fact is, there are always a multitude of ways things can be and when something happens the mind takes a snapshot of only one.

One thing I hope Michael Jackson will forgive certain people for, is for thier mistaken assumption that as the distant superstar that he is, whom they know primarily from (DISTANT) mass media exposure, who has everything most people don't have, that he is unreachable and/or invincible- emotionally - who couldn't possibly actually care about something they, as a "nobody" said or did.

It may be difficult for him to look from this perspective though and if so, I can understand it but sometimes feeling hurt is about nothing more than perspective, and therefore sometimes so is forgiveness.

All I'm really tring to say is, Michael in the case of some people's thoughtless actions and words, please forgive them, for they know not what they do.
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^^ dito.. I agree. And a good post for us all to read and take to heart because we all can take things personally that aren't meant to be taken the way we do at times. Sometimes the person isn't meaning it the way it comes out. They stick their foot in their mouths without realizing how something sounds. Makes perfect sense. :)
The thing about Michael is, he is forgiving. If he wasn't, he couldn't continue to be as open and generous as he has been and obviously continues to be. People who can't forgive are filled with anger and bitterness, Michael clearly is not. He's even reached out to forgive those who most hurt him, people in his family and people who have had personal relationships with him, who hurt him immensely, let alone some random fan who ran up to him in an airport 30 years ago. What one must also realize though, when talking about forgiveness, is that in order for it to truly be real, the person to be given the forgiveness must first be willing to accept it, and in order to accept it, they must first admit that they did something wrong. Too often, the vicimizers aren't willing to admit to any wrong doing, and if forgiveness won't be recieved, then it can't be given. And often times it is that act alone which can cause the greatest pain to the person who want's to move on from the hurt they recieved. I think in many areas of Michael's life, from many people, both individually and on a larger, public scale, that has always been one of the greater causes of his pain. He is willing to forgive, to still love and to not hold things against people, give them the benifit of the doubt, yet they continue to act as though they are blameless and that he's at fault for their actions, and so he isn't able to give that forgiveness to them and thus isn't able to ever completely move passed it.
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