michael may write memoirs


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
in your mind
M ichael Jackson reportedly thinks he's found one way to help ease his ongoing $$$ problems -- finally getting around to writing his memoirs. New York publishing sources say the self-styled King of Pop has put out feelers and could stand to snare one of the biggest advances ever for a show-biz autobiography.​

''Despite all that's known about Michael, he still is one of our more intriguing celebrities, and if he's truly candid and reveals some good secrets, his memoirs could easily be a huge best seller,'' said a veteran Big Apple publishing pro Monday.

New York publishing sources say Michael Jackson has put out feelers and could stand to snare one of the biggest advances ever for his memoirs.
(AP file)​

According to that source, Jackson could expect bidding to push his eventual advance into the low eight figures.
Given Jackson was just forced to settle that lawsuit filed by a Bahraini prince (for not delivering on a music project for which the prince claimed he paid $7 million), the book booty could come in handy.
However, considering the music superstar's spotty history of fulfilling business promises, ''he's going to have to provide a fairly explicit outline of his memoirs before a major publisher is going to shell out a significant advance,'' said the source.​

No doubt he will sometime write something in the future, but right now I don't see this story that credible
He is gonna write his memoirs? What about the CD? Blah. This is as reliable as the converting to Islam rumors.
Certainly could be in the cards at some point; but, as usual, the info in the article came from "sources". Sources, pesky little things, aren't they.
Not being funny but what does 'memoir' mean? Is it like a will?
Lawd, the idea alone made me break out in a cold sweat just now. :bugeyed lol

If true, I hope it comes a bit after the music. Maybe get some music going before delving into...umm....stuff. :fear: I can't see anyone NOT being interested in this so even if this story is false, we know if he DID decide to do such a thing it would be extremely lucrative for him. And he could say what he wanted on his own terms in his own way? Timing is the important thing, imho.

Thanks for posting. :flowers:
This story is iffy because MJ does not need money. The man owns a insane music catalouge. He has some cash flow issues, but he does not need money. Just reliable accountants. If MJ is gonna write his memoirs, everybody will be on that book. However, right now, I wanna see a CD coming out soon with some great songs.
We need a more complete and comprehensive version of Michael autobiography, it always surprises me when I buy a book about someone I think I know everything about, I always find something new
We need a more complete and comprehensive version of Michael autobiography, it always surprises me when I buy a book about someone I think I know everything about, I always find something new

I know what you mean. But this is going to take him months to write, you do know this right?

Its gonna take agessss
This story is iffy because MJ does not need money. The man owns a insane music catalouge. He has some cash flow issues, but he does not need money. Just reliable accountants. If MJ is gonna write his memoirs, everybody will be on that book. However, right now, I wanna see a CD coming out soon with some great songs.

Bee, I don't see the story being so much about him needing money. I just meant whenever or if ever he wanted to do this it would be lucrative for him. I'm not thinking about whether he needs the money or not. It's just something that will automatically garner interest and high bids.

Oh right. So why does he want to write his life story? He's already done that hasnt he? Through Moonwalk and various other books?

A lot has happened in 20 years. That's undeniable.

Btw... I think it's still a bit early for his "memoirs". Seems like he still has things he wants to accomplish even tho he's already accomplished so much. Ten years from now might be good time...not to suggest he would be finished at 60 years old. Just saying a lot can happen in 10 years. His kids will be older and who knows what the next few years will bring after all that has happened. He could have an even better story to tell...not that the past 10-20 years have been uneventful.
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Bee, I don't see the story being so much about him needing money. I just meant whenever or if ever he wanted to do this it would be lucrative for him

Wendy, I meant the article. Not your reply. I thought what you stated was a great point. The way these people worded the article, they made it as if he needs the money and I doubt that is the case. It would be very lucrative for Mike, but he does not need the money. I was more into the context of the article, rather than how the book would become lucrative. :)

Yeah, I do think that a more in depth autobiography should be done on Michael by the only person who can do one - Mike. He should be real and tell the whole story instead of backtracking so he won't hurt someone's feelings. But right now, Mike gotta do a CD with great music and hopefully great short films.
It would be cool if it also contained some of his drawing and sketches like in Dancing the Dream
Maybe he will give out a book and an album. The controversy would be off the chain.

He would without a doubt cause a stir and interest to himself again.

Ya'll know Michael likes to make it big if he wants to!!
It would be cool if it also contained some of his drawing and sketches like in Dancing the Dream

I was hoping that would be a separate book. Kinda like one of those glossy coffee table type things.

Maybe he will give out a book and an album. The controversy would be off the chain.

He would without a doubt cause a stir and interest to himself again.

Ya'll know Michael likes to make it big if he wants to!!

That could work but then there's the risk of the controversy overshadowing the music. And if that's the case, we're right back where we started or rather we're right back where we've been for the past...I dunno..how many years now? jmo
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I know what you mean. But this is going to take him months to write, you do know this right?

Its gonna take agessss

Yes it will, good art always takes time, but at least we know if there is no album, he might take the time to write a book, although I would prefer an album now and a book later
I would be very excited if this were true. As it is, there is no accurate biogrophey on Michael in the world today. The only one is "Moonwalk", and Michael basically white washed that because he didn't want to write it in the first place and he was only 29 at the time. I think its actually important for Michael to tell his own life story because he's the only one you can trust on the matter and believe me, this would garnder huge interest. Michael is an enigma and people will always be facsinated by him. And stop crying people. Just because he decides to do a book doesn't mean he isn't putting an album out. He's only been working on new music for the past two years, so don't worry. But every time he's made a statement, remember, he's said he's working on several different "projects", and that could include a book about his life. Michael is one of the most complicated and misunderstood people in history, and him talking about his life would be amazing, imo, where no one could bother him or scew his words. Just him being able to tell it like it is.
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This is certainly an interesting rumor.

I've been anticipating the hint of this type of venture in a while. It would surely be a profitable project for Michael to embark on. I'm not sure to what extent the memoirs would be regarded revealing however I'm sure Michael would have some interesting accounts of his life-time experiences.

I'm suspicious about the timing of this story though. It seems very convenient for them to produce such a story, stating that it's to generate money which has clearly stemmed from the recent civil case.
So Michael has an idea of writing another autobiography to ease his money problems. Mmm this sounds like another stupid bit of media crap. Don't they get the fact Michael's already made money this year from the very successful Thriller25 album and he's one of the few "major" artists to own the masters to his own albums/music. Even the asute Madonna doesn't own the masters to her albums. If he really was "broke" he could put together a world tour in a few months and would more than likely become the highest grossing tour of the decade, or at least earn Michael over £100 million. These media stories really irritate me, because the as*hole journalists don't know what the *uck they are talking about. Sorry about the swearing if it offends any members.
Why not?He is immortal?Highlander???:huh:

But I understand you...Sorry!:hug:
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Why not?He is immortal?Highlander???:huh:

But I understand you...Sorry!:hug:

It's okay :) I'm sorry for swearing at you lol, I didn't mean it :]

I just don't think anyone has the right to talk about his death, tbh.
hopefully he will someday write a book again.

But I don't see him "waste" time on that right now!
This is very suspicious to me. And even if it was true, he wouldn't be doing it because he needs the money. It would be because he wants to.
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yeah, maybe this will happen...AFTER an album, AFTER a bunch of performances are over and he can settle in and concentrate on something like that. He's gotta show the general public that he is not a thing of the past, that he's still got what it takes to be fantastic and draw huge crowds and that he doesn't let crappy situations get him down. I don't know how many of you are aware but there are a lot of people out there that don't think Michael's fanbase is very big anymore.

Anyway, I think it would happen AFTER he's got the public's attention again in a positive light, through his music. Does that make sense? I lot of absolutely wonderful things need to happen before he publishes a bunch of memoirs, cause he doesn't want it to end on a sour note.

So, I agree with what someone else said, more like when he's in his 60's or something would be a good time for him to do some recollecting of his mature, adult years. Moonwalk recollected his young years up until he was like 30 or something, right? Lots of things have happened since then that make Moonwalk almost obsolete.