Michael made my sick girl smile (Beautiful article)

I'm sure he was an earth angel due to the fact he made so many people happy when they had troubled lives. Reading that first article made me teary again. Such a beautiful soul.
Having read the articles I truly believe that Michael was a God sent angel
"Come on let's do the moonwalk together." Does he think everyone can do it?? lol

:lol: I think so. 'member in the Bshir interview when the boy asked him to show him how to moonwalk and Mike was like "Aw, I learned it from you guys"..

The articles are really nice. I really love reading stories people have of meeting him or talking to him. There always sooo fun.
How HARD can it be to write MICHAEL, or JACKSON, or MJ.. instead of J*cko? Why cant the media have some more respect... Nice article yes.. But I hate the title..

I hate that title also, and what's even more sad is that some fans actually think it's cool and ok to call Michael that name. Evan after Michael himself said that he don't like it
my heart hurts! He was such an amazing person, i miss him dearly but reading these articles brings him back to us even if it is for a short while!
Thankyou for sharing
And for all the good he did, why are'nt stories like these the ones being publicized out there in the media? this is the kinda stuff I wanna hear...... instead we are inundated with all kinds of crap!
A true angel, inside and out. He knew how to touch people's lives not just with his music but with his loving heart. A compassionate genius, what more could we ask for? Oh yea, one thing for me, that he is still alive. The world misses you, Michael.

And my name is also Angela, just like the first girl in the article. Thanks for sharing these lovely articles.
all these articles are beautiful. it shows what a good man mike was. the true mike, not the one that media created.

but my heart aches and i ask myself "why now that he's gone"? :(
"why all these beautiful stories rarely emerged when he was still here with us"? :(

i guess people don't appreciate what they have until they lose it..

once again and for always: RIP Mike. you know that you still live in all of us, the people who truly loved you when you were here with us on earth.