Michael MAD!!

I think in public and in interviews he remained calm and collected. I've heard stories about him getting pretty angry in private. One was he locked himself in a room and was smashing things, screaming and crying :cry: - it was about something which he definitely had every right to be angry about..something about the accusations/the raid on Neverland I think :cry: The people there were very worried about him - this is the only time they witnessed him getting mad like that. I should think he would have gotten angry at home when all the BS was happening to him.
I think in public and in interviews he remained calm and collected. I've heard stories about him getting pretty angry in private. One was he locked himself in a room and was smashing things, screaming and crying :cry: - it was about something which he definitely had every right to be angry about..something about the accusations/the raid on Neverland I think :cry: The people there were very worried about him - this is the only time they witnessed him getting mad like that. I should think he would have gotten angry at home when all the BS was happening to him.

Well, I think it was probably good he let it all out in private as it probably wouldn't be healthy to hold it all in. I can only imagine what was going through his mind with all the accusations, intrusive interviews, media backlash. A sane person probably would have snapped, but he kept his composure. So I'm not surprised he let loose when he wasn't in the spotlight. Any other person would probably break from all that pressure. I'm glad he doesn't have to deal with that torture anymore. :cry:
I think in public and in interviews he remained calm and collected. I've heard stories about him getting pretty angry in private. One was he locked himself in a room and was smashing things, screaming and crying :cry: - it was about something which he definitely had every right to be angry about..something about the accusations/the raid on Neverland I think :cry: The people there were very worried about him - this is the only time they witnessed him getting mad like that. I should think he would have gotten angry at home when all the BS was happening to him.
He suffered alone with their own pains. :( :cry:
that breaks my heart :cry: I think Lisa told in that prime time interview that Michael used to let of some steam over this acusations on the phone. She made screaming gestures :(
So according to the BBC Michael is bizzar because he got angry? Oh yes because showing anger and human emotion is so weird and bizzar. I mean what sort of bizzar things would have Michael done next in his life? He may have even DUN DUN DUN breathed!!!

This is why he tried so hard to keep his composure in public. And because he wantd to be a good example to his younger fans. But in private he was a normal person and got mad just like anyone else. Honestly I don't see how he kept it all inside in public. The paparazzi were so horrible with him. If it were me, I would have flipped them the bird every time i saw them.
Sometimes you gotta let off steam to survive. Sometimes you gotta let some fools know you take no sh*t from them. I'm glad Michael did those things in public as well as in private. For all the things he went through for such a long time, it's like a miracle how he kept composure like that. It's not because he was an angel or he was weak. He was just a human being, but with amazing patience.

Oh here's another example. In the scene from LWMJ where the fans are cheering for him outside the hotel, Michael did say "Fuck the media" before spelling out the F word to make it appropriate for the camera:D I didn't catch that myself, but a fan said he or she had caught that.
I think in public and in interviews he remained calm and collected. I've heard stories about him getting pretty angry in private. One was he locked himself in a room and was smashing things, screaming and crying :cry: - it was about something which he definitely had every right to be angry about..something about the accusations/the raid on Neverland I think :cry: The people there were very worried about him - this is the only time they witnessed him getting mad like that. I should think he would have gotten angry at home when all the BS was happening to him.

I heard that story. It was in Las Vegas when the charges were filed and the warrant was issued. He was allegedly smashing furniture up and crying. In the end they had to get Katherine to come and calm him down.
I heard that story. It was in Las Vegas when the charges were filed and the warrant was issued. He was allegedly smashing furniture up and crying. In the end they had to get Katherine to come and calm him down.

Poor little thing. :cry: He had to suffered a lot of injustice in his life. He was such a loving and caring person and just like any human being he got angry and yet the media thought that was a strange thing to do becaue yeah, he's Michael Jackson, all of what he did was strange. :rolleyes2: Ignorant, ignorant world!
He seemed pretty PO'd here...he cant hear himself and the floor is slippery. Poor MJ!

I love how he says F you to the guy! I would have loved to hear Michael just curse up a storm!
I find it sexy when he's angry. People always make him out to be this delicate, fragile little thing...I think he was alot more assertive than people give him credit for.
Don't know the story behind this but...


:toofunny: this was around the time the media still continue to say the kids wasn't his i think he was ask that and that's what they got he was too through the media period around this time he was going through it i seen a clip were he said fuck the media and said opps that's not nice i love Michael. omg did u see his security guard face that man face is speechless
The sad thing is that if it was a rock star like Axel Rose who was doing what Mike did in that video the media would be kisses his ass saying ''Oh my god that's soooooooooo Rock N Roll'' but because Mike did it it's weird

I have no problem with Axel Rose by the way. It was just a random name i picked
Oh yes, i read Michael was hurt cause "Dirty Diana" waited until just a few days to tell him about her marriage.... Michael felt betrayed...

i dont know whats the story behind these two, but something happened may be more in Michael's head, but then the story changed, when Michael got older she was the one desperate behind him,

i think that at that time Michael was like, he had a crash on her and at that time he was just a young man and she was a powerful woman, may be he thought she was with him in a way, but it was more on HIS head, and well Diana was constantly seducing him, so he obviouly felt things for her, she helped on his confussion..., i think Diana was/is a B*tch... (even though i love her melodic voice)