Michael looks so sexy and gorgeous right now

its really weird

i didnt even want to watch the documentary..i had no interest LOL nothin else was on LOL
it was the living with michael jackson..and i was online and i ended up in front of the tv on my chair within 30 min LOL
i found myself thinkin of him and im all..what is wrong with me..why am thinkin of this guy LOL
i looked up sites, pictures all that...i started deffending him to people and then i was all..omg..noway...im attracted to this guy???? the fantasies i have,,its crazy LOL
it went from there, i think i was so amazed at the person he is, so much i didnt know, seeing him talk and how he feels ,,,and i felt so bad for him..it got to me..and i saw him differently and the attraction built and more so after the home movies too...it was like..wow thats michael jackson? he had me on the floor laughing he was so funny and i guess humor is a big thing for me lol
so ya i didnt listen to his stuff or anything lol
ya its weird..alot of people ask me u like him but not his music??? what?? lol..i do like his stuff..but it didnt interest me to the point where i was a fan.

Wow thats cool that u noticed MJ through the documentary, the same documentary that people hated so much. And u like the era that most fans hate or think he looked his worst. That's really cool.

I felt the same way when I became a fan except for me it was the Dangerous HBO concert. In addition, it was his Dancing the Dream book. I thought he was nice to look at cuz (well I was realllly young at the time) he has an interesting facial structure. :p He was just pleasing to the eye for me, he has this really soft, yet masculine quality about him. Delicate. Sensitive. Big azz eyes. He was nice to look at.

Then i got older and saw him as attractive lol. :lol: I still find him attractive, but not so much as the sexy beast (like in my teenage years lol)...however, he might surprise me later lol. But I think he's really handsome now and is lookin good.
lol thats cool
i still dont really listen to his stuff..like i mean i bought a few cd's but i dont listen to it..and its not like i dont like his stuff..there is a few songs i like but i just never got into it...
i dunno ..,im weird lol
hes hot..and i like his mind,his way of thinking,i think it would be nice to have a conversation with him.
He's looking sexier as each day passes! FABULOUS!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :D :flowers:
i herd alot of people saying the worst things about his looks after that interview and how it everyone thought it was a mistake that he did it...which i dont get
i mean it cought me eye

but i dont think a man has to be this big muscled cutsey brad pitt look a like to be hot or sexy lol
michael is hot because hes different and has so much more to him as a person..
never thought in a million years id feel that way lol
I agree. His personality makes him sexy.

But his looks don't hurt either ;) :lol: Especially his eyes ;)
what makes him sexy
The way he walks, talks moves, and carries himself
the way he thinks, the things he says and does ..
Its comes from within and just spills out all over place :LOL:

he IS a SEXY MAN !! from the core of his beign
he is just so hott and when he is performing he
is sizzling HOTT!!!!
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I don't understand how anyone could say anything different... Just look at that beautiful face :wub:

yeah but he doesent actually look like that, thats been photoshoped so much!!

in reality hes jaw is very worrying. it looks like its falling off!!! lol
I gotta tell you I love the long hair on Mike...I think a long leather coat kind of biker look would be very sexy and tough looking...

Being a licensed hair, make-up, color tech since 1980...I don't care for Michael in short hair, nor do I like the red lip color. It truly takes away from his wonderful facial features.

I am all for the softer, natural looking colors...
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