Michael left us in 2009... tomorrow we'll say "last year"

I was really crying in the last seconds of 2009 too :( I'm still having a really hard time getting over this...

But there's a quote that is really appropriate right now I think..
It goes.... "It may be one more day since you saw them last, but it is one less day until you will see them again."

It's pretty comforting to read and think about that quote during moments like this...
Originally Posted by sfboys
Hey guys. I have to jump in here. I didn't go out with my husband tonight to celebrate New Year's. I wasn't in the mood and neither was he. In March he was diagnosed with leukemia, 3 months later, Michael passed, and then in September (3 months after that) he was diagnosed with Parkinson's. I can't imagine how a year could be ANY worse than that. I haven't hardly cried because the emotions are so strong, that I'm afraid I would just loose it completely.

Anyhow, the countdown for New Year's is on tv and I don't even bother watching until the last 20 seconds. As it's counting down (even now just thinking about it), I started crying more and more. I was SO relieved that 2009 was over! I realize it's just a date we humans have decided to use as a marker for time, but I was so afraid of something else horrible happening. Maybe I am superstitious, but all of this pain is just too much for me. I think of Michael all the time and don't feel right mourning him when my husband is sick and may pass. It's a terrible place to be and I only hope that 2010 brings us ALL some joy. If it can bring us as much hapiness as this year brought us horror and grief, then it will be the best year ever. Please pray for my husband. We are both having a really hard time. I love you all and I DO know that Michael loves us all still. He is now our angel and can watch over each and every one of us. Happy New Year 2010. Here is to good things to come! Peace and blessings upon us all.

oh huni...My prayers is with you. You'll all get through this. God Bless!

Well last night I brought in the New Year watching MJ, but before I left work I looked up at the sky and tried to get a message across to Mike.

I told him that I miss him and that the world won't be the same :( I have not celebrated New Years since 2007 and this wasnt any different
and then yesterday my sister was singing "Heal The World" to try to get me out of my scrooge New Year's mood and I told her "Don't use him to get me to celebrate" and she scolded me saying "Excuse me! this is the first new years without Michael! this is the first new year in my 25 years of my life I will celebrate without him on this earth" and then I got extra sad.

I never wanna say goodbye, I started crying last night because it was truth. I'm so sad:(
I honestly tried not to think about Mike yesterday. But then about 10-15 minutes before watching the ball drop in Times Square I started crying because it just hit me. That this year was ending and the start of the first year without Michael was about to begin. :cry:

But yea... I also hope that this new year brings justice for Michael. At times I feel hopeless. I feel like Michael won't ever get justice because this thing, this mystery behind his napping is just too big to figure out. I don't like to think negative. I always try to stay positve and say Michael will get justice. But now, I just don't know. :no: I guess we will just have to wait and see, and hope for the best?