Michael Keaton VS Christain Bale (Who is the best Batman?)

Who is the best Batman?

  • Michael Keaton

    Votes: 27 77.1%
  • Christian Bale

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
Batman is supposed to be scary, monstrous, and intimidating. That is the whole point behind the costume, to strike fear into the criminals. that literally is the reason Bruce chose to dress like a Bat.
That is the Dark Knight version, not the original gray suited Batman. The original Batman didn't just come out at night and had a totally different personality. The earlier Batman in the comics was more like the one on the 1970s Superfriends cartoon. Even the Adam West version was closer to the old Batman than the movies.
Bale by a country mile, especially for comic book purists (I have read around 500 issues). First, Bale has the physicality down pat. As Bruce Wayne, he looks like the handsome and sauve billionaire playboy and as Batman he has the phyisique that convinces you that he has undergone years of intensive training. I never believed for a second that Michael Keaton could do any of the extreme physical feats Batman is supposed to be capable of. And while Keaton is certainly not ugly, he is plain and therefore not suitable to play the handsome and dashing Bruce Wayne. Keaton looks just like Joe Blow, not like a modern day Adonis.

The growling voice may grate on some but in the comic it is specifically stated that Batman does it for effect. Remember Bruce Wayne is a public figure whose voice is well known. The Batman voice has to be a radical and intimidating departure from Bruce Wayne's speaking voice. He has two voices, just like Michael Jackson. Behind closed doors, Michael speaks normally. In public, he often puts on that affected vulnerable little boy voice.