Michael Keaton VS Christain Bale (Who is the best Batman?)

Who is the best Batman?

  • Michael Keaton

    Votes: 27 77.1%
  • Christian Bale

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
Bale was great in the first batman, in the second one I didnt get what the fuck he was saying so Michael gets my vote
Dark Knight was a great film but one of the draw-backs was Bale's voice as the Batman. So low and growly. You could hardly understand him. So I have a hard time saying he was a better Batman than Keaton. Bale's Batman movies are superior to Keaton's IMO, but the way each guy played Batman, I think Keaton did it better.
I think Bale was the better and more "realistic" one - But has partly to do with that "Batman Begins" and "Dark Knight" were more realistic itself.

I'm not a fan of the old Batman movies - however they were right for their time.

I kind of think the old Batman movies would be as "childish" as they were no matter if Bale played in them - But I have to vote Bale because his performance felt more "authentic". And to twist it a bit, he is to me a better "Bruce Wayne", than a "Batman" (if that makes any sense).
the old batman films that Keaton done felt more like a Batman film then the 2 recent ones, it had a strong film noir feel with the old ones, I personally don't think realism is really such a great aspect to praise in comic book movies as they are meant to be over the top, thats the great thing about comic books!
Bruce Wayne I love your signature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rotfl I was just really hypnotized!

My choice is Christian Bale... but that's maybe only cuz I can't imagine Keaton in any other role than in City slickers anymore since I've seen that movie! lol
I personally don't think realism is really such a great aspect to praise in comic book movies as they are meant to be over the top, thats the great thing about comic books!

That is very very true though!

That's why I felt like, the old Batman movies were right for it's time - And the new movies are right for our time. It's of course all about personal taste.

I can't help to question how it would be like with Keaton in Batman Begins and Dark Knight.
If you guys ever have the opportunity to watch "Batman Return" in HD then don't hesitate.
Tim Burton is a monster when it comes to cinematography, absolutely world class.
It's like that "Chocolate Factory" movie, I saw that in HD and I could almost taste the chocolate in my mouth.

What I loved with Bale in Batman Begins is the whole Bruce Wayne story that he makes so believable.
Bale is to me on some "Last Samurai" level with his portraile (is it spelled like that?) of this man who leaves his regular life behind to seek purpose in life and find strength to avenge the loss of his parents.
And I just love Bale's determination.
I mean he had just finished shooting "The Machinist" a couple of months before shooting Batman Begins - and just someone that can first lose so much weight for a role as the one he had in the Machinist and then quickly build it up again, it's incredible.
The funny thing is that he even had to lose some weight for the Batman role because the director thought he was too buff haha.

Say what you want about Bale, but it's easy to see that making movies is an art form for him.
i pick Keaton cus that's why the franchise continues to this day. your first impression makes all the difference. and keaton made a mountain out of a molehill script.
Michael Keaton for me. i loved him as Bruce Wayne.
the movie was great. plus, Michael had an interesting look. i mean, the man can play Mr. Mom, Batman, and Beetlejuice!! (with that makeup i wonder how he would have protrayed the joker..lol) let alone i love the director.
Michael had the face for the bat suit with his lips, eyes, his eyebrows, that dark mysterious look Michael had going with him. plus the joker was better, the women were better.

Bale, i have to say would be 2nd. Bale looks like a Bruce Wayne himself. and hes damn handsome. but nothing compares to the original. nope. its okay alright..... but not if you make me compare the first movies.
Keaton. He also captured the essence of Bruce better. Bale's Wayne was too emotional, Bruce Wayne is a character that holds his feelings in. Plus, Bales voice was bullshit! And so was his costume. They should have over dubbed him with Kevin Conroy :D
I'd also like to add that when Keaton suits up as Batman he actually looks like Batman. When Bale suits up he doesn't look like Batman, he looks like someone who has gone to fancy dress party and dressed up as Batman.
Christian Bale, for me! Even through the growly/husky/strange voice he used for the character, Bale played a much better Batman.
I'd also like to add that when Keaton suits up as Batman he actually looks like Batman. When Bale suits up he doesn't look like Batman, he looks like someone who has gone to fancy dress party and dressed up as Batman.
My thoughts exactly.
Michael Keaton by Far i was nearly screaming at Christain Bale to shut up already cause his Batman voice done my tits in
bale has him beat on bruce wayne and it many scenes he has him obliterated as Batman as well, but way too often the batman voice was just horrible and it would take away too much from the emotional moment. whether or not that is Bale's fault or Nolan's, I can't say.

but that batman voice was often out of place and useless. It's still hard to say because Bale as Batman was scary and intimidating. Keaton as Batman was neither. Really if I saw Keaton's Batman I'd be like "why are you dressed like that? Another comic book geek who think's he's a superhero."

If I saw Bale's Batman in a dark alley? I'd probably wet my pants out of fear even if I hadn't done anything wrong.

but at the same time if I asked Keaton's batman why he was dressed like that, I'd at least be able to understand him when he answered.
I'd also like to add that when Keaton suits up as Batman he actually looks like Batman. When Bale suits up he doesn't look like Batman, he looks like someone who has gone to fancy dress party and dressed up as Batman.

no he looks like a guy wearing rubber muscles because he doesn't have any real muscle underneath. plus that suit weighs like 200 pounds. In reality nobody would be able to fight wearing that thing. they'd barely be able to run, which is why the fight scenes never looked good in that series.

Nolan's Batman looked like a guy equipeed to go into a warzone. No fake rubber muscles needed, because Bale bulked up for the movie. Plus rubber muscles don't make you any stronger. Just armour to protect you from bullets for realism.

MOre realistic and more in tune with how his comic book counterpart worked. sophisticated planning, preperation, training, and technology all used together to create a mythological character that criminals look at as something supernatural.

"How does he do it? He ain't human. I heard this, my guy heard that."
no he looks like a guy wearing rubber muscles because he doesn't have any real muscle underneath. plus that suit weighs like 200 pounds. In reality nobody would be able to fight wearing that thing. they'd barely be able to run, which is why the fight scenes never looked good in that series.

Nolan's Batman looked like a guy equipeed to go into a warzone. No fake rubber muscles needed, because Bale bulked up for the movie. Plus rubber muscles don't make you any stronger. Just armour to protect you from bullets for realism.

MOre realistic and more in tune with how his comic book counterpart worked. sophisticated planning, preperation, training, and technology all used together to create a mythological character that criminals look at as something supernatural.

"How does he do it? He ain't human. I heard this, my guy heard that."

well, i think it's a testament to Keaton's acting, that he doesn't have to bulk up. he depended entirely on his acting.

boy...this batman franchise seems to be the most popular in hollywood, these days. i see more threads on batman than anything else in hollywood. lol
well, i think it's a testament to Keaton's acting, that he doesn't have to bulk up. he depended entirely on his acting.

than why did they need to give him rubber muscles to make up for it, if he depended entirely on his acting? and really his acting as batman wasn't that good. Batman is supposed to be scary, monstrous, and intimidating. That is the whole point behind the costume, to strike fear into the criminals. that literally is the reason Bruce chose to dress like a Bat. In real life if you saw a guy dressed in tights and a cape, wouldn't you laugh at them? If you go to a comic book convention you see nerds doing that, and they always get laughed at.

Whoever plays Batman needs to act monstrous in order to overcome that factor and be scary and intimidating. Keaton didn't come close to that. None of the previous Batman actors ever pulled that off.

Bale did do that. His problem was when he wasn't supposed to be scaring you. that is when Bale failed in the acting department, and it was entirely that voice. Like when he's giving the speech to Joker while laying on his back in that last fight scene with him, or when he's giving the speech to two face and Gordon at the end. In those moments his voice just ruins it.
boy...this batman franchise seems to be the most popular in hollywood, these days. i see more threads on batman than anything else in hollywood. lol

It is an awesome franchise and for the superhero flicks it's definitely the best. It's only flaw, and literally the ONLY flaw is bale's batman voice.