Michael Jr, Paris & Prince to start taking over estate when each turn 30


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Note: News of the World released Michael Jackson's trust documents. The article is removed but you can find the link for the full documents below.

CLICK HERE TO READ TRUST IN FULL: http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz/michael_jackson/830743/Michael-Jacksons-will.html

Ivy's summary:

Summary of the Documents

- The estate is first established in 1995 to transfer the ownership of MJ's assets (at that time MJ's children weren't beneficiaries) - It shows us that the estate planning started quite early.

- During his lifetime Michael made changes to the trust as he wanted , added assets etc. During his lifetime Micheal also got income from the assets included in the trust.

- Trust was also set to provide for Michael if he became physically or mentally incapacitated any time.

- Charities (determined in IRS code as for educational purposes, encouragement of art, prevention of cruelty against children or animals) getting 20% and the charities who will be getting money is going to be determined by Branca, McClain and Katherine Jackson. In the document it is also said that MJ's intent by leaving money to charities is " to benefit children". So most probably the committee (Branca , McClain and Katherine) will choose children charities. Trust also allows the estate to form a children's charity and give the money to the charity they have established.

- After charity share is deducted estate is to pay federal/state/ inheritance taxes.

- The distribution states is like this : If MJ had children they get 50% and his mother gets 50%. If he didn't have any children all of his estate would have gone to his mother. If he didn't have children and his mother didn't survive, his 6 cousins would get the money.

- Debbie is left out , just as in the will.

- Katherine is provided for her lifetime from the net income (the principal is kept). After her death her share goes back to MJ's kids and his grandkids. If none are alive , his 6 cousins become the beneficiaries.

- Until they are 21 the children are also getting shares from the net income. When 21 they can apply for their benefit - meaning when they are 21 they can request to get their full share (in other words get the money from the estate and the executors). If they do such a request they get 1/3 of the principal when they are 30, 1/2 of the principal when they are 35 and remainder of it when they are 40.

- If they die before getting their shares, their money goes to their kids (MJ's grandkids). If they don't have kids their shares goes to their brothers and sister equally.

- If the estate doesn't have enough net income to cover the living expenses of the beneficiaries, they can provide money to the beneficiaries from/through the principal.

- It also says that they can request and get additional money if they want to buy a house, for their education, marriage and start a business etc regardless of their age. (The executors duty is to make sure that the business they want to start is reasonably sound. After that the kids are not kept responsible if the business fails).

- Interesting tidbit: If none of the beneficiaries survive (KJ, MJ's kids and MJ's grandkids and his cousins and his cousins kids) -not really likely to happen - the estate goes to Michael's heirs by law. Meaning any living family member by order.

- Interesting provision : In the case of minor children executors can give money for the care of this children directly to them (and not to the guardian) if they choose. Also if the executors are giving the money to the guardian of the children they can request documents showing how the money is spent.

- Trust provisions are set to follow the laws.

- Simply put executors get the power to manage the estate - quite common. No special powers.

- and bombshell - if no executors remain to look after the estate (and they don't determine the next group of executors), NATIONSBANK - in other words BANK OF AMERICA is named as the executor of the estate.

- If a Bank is the executor of the estate, his children when they are adults (18) could change the bank that's the executor.

- About the fees of the executors it says "executors can pay themselves reasonable compensation without court order".

- Executors can also give accounting of what they do to the beneficiaries. And beneficiaries have the right to disagree with this accounting (earnings, spendings).

What we have learned with my 2 cents

- This is a really good trust document. It's really planned for the future.

- It's obvious that Michael did not want his family as executors. To me this is quite apparent by the naming of Bank of America as the alternative executor.

- The children can get the full money / full shares. All other things said were speculation.

- Giving money in a partial format when they are 30/35/40 is very well thought. It ensures that the children will not have money issues/ go bankrupt. (we know several famous heirs that are penniless).

- Even though children only get shares from net income until they are 30, they can get additional money for expenses such as education, getting a house, marrying and opening their business. Michael thought about his children very well.

- Also if required giving minor children's money directly also very good as well as giving executors the option to ask how the money spent is good too. Guardian (whoever they might be in the present or future) cannot spend money for other things than MJ's kids.

- I hope the talk about executor's fees stops now - by the trust documents they could have determined their fees on their own but they went to a judge.

- Also this document shows what I have been saying all along, executors do not have unlimited power, they can't do whatever they want. If requested (currently by Katherine and the children's lawyer and later by children when they turn 18) executors are to give the accounting of the business deals, money earned and spent to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries (MJ's kids and his mother) is protected against fraud and intentional wrongdoing by the executors.
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Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

Yes, I think they think it is suspicious because they did not get a thing! Serves them right for all of the crap they have been saying about him since he died. There is so much I can say about this. but I think the above will suffice for now.
Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

Michael was a very very smart man..he KNEW that the family would waste the money...he KNEW about Joe's bad business adventures..we heard him say this himself. He has left sufficient amount of money to take care of the only people that he wants to ..and that is his children..and Katherine. I also think it was smart of hin to put the an age of 30 for his children...he knew that most times people are not level headed enough through their 20's to handle such a large sum. again I will say..Michael knew exactly what he was doing.

Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

so they got the trust documents? let me read and write about in detail.

btw Lisa Marie wouldn't be included in the will/trust, nothing surprising about that. Lisa wouldn't be entitled to anything as she remarried (first with Nicolas Cage and then with her current husband) and did not have children with Michael. Debbie's situation is different as she didn't remarry and has children from Michael. Debbie is in a position to claim spousal and child support, Lisa isn't.
The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

I know a few people were disputing earlier reports that MJ did not leave ANYTHING to other members of his family.

Well, it has now been confirmed.

Katherine gets the income from 40% of the Principal. When Katherine passes, her 40% will be split evenly in the 3 kids' trust

Michael jr, Paris & Prince get the income from 40% of the Principal of the Michael Jackson children' trust until they turn 21.

When each child turns 30..they will receive 1/3 of the Principal of their trust
When they turn 35, they get half of their trust again
When they each turn 40...they get total control of their trust....and all three will control the estate.

A third trust is to be created with 20% for children charities.

An optional 4th trust -the Michael Jackson Relative trust - will be created if (AND ONLY if) none of MJ's three children & their own children survive. In that case, he has named his cousins & 3T as beneficiaries.

MJ first created that trust in 1995...it was later amended and completed in 2002.

So to those who still believe otherwise...MJ DID NOT WANT ANY FAMILY IN CONTROL OF HIS ESTATE.

He specifically stated, if the executors or their named successors aren't able to continue their duty of administering the trust funds...he wanted A BANK (BANK OF AMERICA) to CONTROL HIS ESTATE. NOT A FAMILY MEMBER.

WAS MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON clear enough in his final wishes? Or is that 1995 Trust fund document FAKE???

Michael we love and miss you so much. I am gonna continue praying for your beloved children. May god bless them with loooooooong life

Read all 23 pages of the scanned trust document here: http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/showbiz/michael_jackson/830743/Michael-Jacksons-will.html

Please debate.
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Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

Yes, I think they think it is suspicious because they did not get a thing! Serves them right for all of the crap they have been saying about him since he died. There is so much I can say about this. but I think the above will suffice for now.

WAsn't Latoya estranged from Michael in 1995? Why is a "source" saying MJ was close to Latoya & Rebbie....Mj was never close to Rebbie because she was married off when he was very young.

They are very bitter....obviously. Even if they challenge the will..the trust is iron-clad in my opinion. Ivy, as the MJJC legal eagle, what do you think of the trust? I see no potential way for Randy & co to take control of the estate. The trust is very detailed...and he established it before he even HAD kids.

Katherine cannot get her 99M because it is not hers. 1..the estate is in probate court. 2. the trust clearly states she has to received THE INCOME (INTEREST) from that 99M...the 99M is the principal. And should not be touch....unless there isn't enough income or the trustees judge it appropriate ...otherwise..the 99M is to remain in the trust and will be distributed to Michael Jr, Paris & Prince when Katherine is gone.

FYI By the time Michael Jr takes control of his 1/3 (at age 30) Randy Jackson will be too old to pull any ish...well 62 is old..right???
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Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

I think they are trying to make something out of nothing. The article is very sensationalized and making points about stuff that will just sadly feed a conspiracy. MJ was very clear and explicit and I do not feel he ws very close to ANY of his family members sans Katherine when he died. I still cannot believe that they are trying to live off of him. And this only applies to some members of the family.
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

I'm shocked.


An optional 4th trust -the Michael Jackson Relative trust - will be created if (AND ONLY if) none of MJ's three children & their own children survive. In that case, he has named his cousins & 3T as beneficiaries.

Can the optional 4th trust still be created?


PS: News of the World is the worst tabloid of UK.
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

I'm shocked.


Can the optional 4th trust still be created?


PS: News of the World is the worst tabloid of UK.

I know, but the Jacksons use them a lot...whether we like it or not, they seem to be the most generous among tabloids.

And I don't think they would fake "scanned legal documents".

Ivy could answer this better, but my understanding is the "Michael Jackson Relative's trust" is to be created ONLY if the 3 kids and michael's grandchildren don't survived.

Then the estate is to be evenly split for the benefit of the 6 or 7 cousins & nephews he named.

I am trying to go back to 1995 when he first created the trust, and trying to imagine his state of mind. He was such giving person...he put away 20% of his fortune for charities...yet he completely shut out his dad & siblings.

He must have been beyond exhausted with them.

I am glad he had these 3 angels with him for the last 12 years. God bless them.

Poor Michael!!!!
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Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

Michael was a very smart man he knew exactly what he was doing...he didn't want or trust any of them Jackson's with his money.now the inheritance of his children and Katherine. Nope sorry....he didn't leave anyone else anything..sorry Jackson's ..you better all go get some jobs now...:D
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

I'm reading the document right now. Aside from PPB (primary beneficiaries), Katherine (lifetime only), 3T and three cousins (in specific cases), MJ completely excluded most of the family. MJ actually preferred a bank to take care of his legacy and money (page 17).

WAS MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON clear enough in his final wishes? Or is that 1995 Trust fund document FAKE???

The document is from 2002.
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

i do think docs can be faked, i don't believe Michael was ok with the tabloids, including this one(my position on the media is something i will always hold, no matter what anyone says)...but..hey...i don't need to see any of this to believe MJ didn't leave anything to anyone outside his kids..
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

I'm reading the document right now. Aside from PPB (primary beneficiaries), Katherine (lifetime only), 3T and three cousins (in specific cases), MJ completely excluded most of the family. MJ actually preferred a bank to take care of his legacy and money (page 17).

The document is from 2002.

From what I read & understood, The trust was first setup in 1995 (see first page of document, MJ had a LIVING trust)...before he had kids. It was amended or completed in 2002.
Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

Summary of the Documents

- The estate is first established in 1995 to transfer the ownership of MJ's assets (at that time MJ's children weren't beneficiaries) - It shows us that the estate planning started quite early.

- During his lifetime Michael made changes to the trust as he wanted , added assets etc. During his lifetime Micheal also got income from the assets included in the trust.

- Trust was also set to provide for Michael if he became physically or mentally incapacitated any time.

- Charities (determined in IRS code as for educational purposes, encouragement of art, prevention of cruelty against children or animals) getting 20% and the charities who will be getting money is going to be determined by Branca, McClain and Katherine Jackson. In the document it is also said that MJ's intent by leaving money to charities is " to benefit children". So most probably the committee (Branca , McClain and Katherine) will choose children charities. Trust also allows the estate to form a children's charity and give the money to the charity they have established.

- After charity share is deducted estate is to pay federal/state/ inheritance taxes.

- The distribution states is like this : If MJ had children they get 50% and his mother gets 50%. If he didn't have any children all of his estate would have gone to his mother. If he didn't have children and his mother didn't survive, his 6 cousins would get the money.

- Debbie is left out , just as in the will.

- Katherine is provided for her lifetime from the net income (the principal is kept). After her death her share goes back to MJ's kids and his grandkids. If none are alive , his 6 cousins become the beneficiaries.

- Until they are 21 the children are also getting shares from the net income. When 21 they can apply for their benefit - meaning when they are 21 they can request to get their full share (in other words get the money from the estate and the executors). If they do such a request they get 1/3 of the principal when they are 30, 1/2 of the principal when they are 35 and remainder of it when they are 40.

- If they die before getting their shares, their money goes to their kids (MJ's grandkids). If they don't have kids their shares goes to their brothers and sister equally.

- If the estate doesn't have enough net income to cover the living expenses of the beneficiaries, they can provide money to the beneficiaries from/through the principal.

- It also says that they can request and get additional money if they want to buy a house, for their education, marriage and start a business etc regardless of their age. (The executors duty is to make sure that the business they want to start is reasonably sound. After that the kids are not kept responsible if the business fails).

- Interesting tidbit: If none of the beneficiaries survive (KJ, MJ's kids and MJ's grandkids and his cousins and his cousins kids) -not really likely to happen - the estate goes to Michael's heirs by law. Meaning any living family member by order.

- Interesting provision : In the case of minor children executors can give money for the care of this children directly to them (and not to the guardian) if they choose. Also if the executors are giving the money to the guardian of the children they can request documents showing how the money is spent.

- Trust provisions are set to follow the laws.

- Simply put executors get the power to manage the estate - quite common. No special powers.

- and bombshell - if no executors remain to look after the estate (and they don't determine the next group of executors), NATIONSBANK - in other words BANK OF AMERICA is named as the executor of the estate.

- If a Bank is the executor of the estate, his children when they are adults (18) could change the bank that's the executor.

- About the fees of the executors it says "executors can pay themselves reasonable compensation without court order".

- Executors can also give accounting of what they do to the beneficiaries. And beneficiaries have the right to disagree with this accounting (earnings, spendings).

What we have learned with my 2 cents

- This is a really good trust document. It's really planned for the future.

- It's obvious that Michael did not want his family as executors. To me this is quite apparent by the naming of Bank of America as the alternative executor.

- The children can get the full money / full shares. All other things said were speculation.

- Giving money in a partial format when they are 30/35/40 is very well thought. It ensures that the children will not have money issues/ go bankrupt. (we know several famous heirs that are penniless).

- Even though children only get shares from net income until they are 30, they can get additional money for expenses such as education, getting a house, marrying and opening their business. Michael thought about his children very well.

- Also if required giving minor children's money directly also very good as well as giving executors the option to ask how the money spent is good too. Guardian (whoever they might be in the present or future) cannot spend money for other things than MJ's kids.

- I hope the talk about executor's fees stops now - by the trust documents they could have determined their fees on their own but they went to a judge.

- Also this document shows what I have been saying all along, executors do not have unlimited power, they can't do whatever they want. If requested (currently by Katherine and the children's lawyer and later by children when they turn 18) executors are to give the accounting of the business deals, money earned and spent to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries (MJ's kids and his mother) is protected against fraud and intentional wrongdoing by the executors.
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Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

From what I read & understood, The trust was first setup in 1995 (see first page of document, MJ had a LIVING trust)...before he had kids. It was amended or completed in 2002.


One thing I did not understand. Where is it written in the document that Katherine will receive her part in life? Unintentionally I accessed the article and I see now the family is complaining that she did not receive nearly $100 million.

I just read some parts of the document.
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)


One thing I did not understand. Where is it written in the document that Katherine will receive her part in life? Unintentionally I accessed the article and I see now the family is complaining that she did not receive nearly $100 million.

I just read some parts of the document.

Page 5. 2nd paragraph.

Upon Katherine's death, the remaining balance of the Katherine Jackson's Trust Fund shall be added to the Michael Jackson Children' trust fund ...

99M is the principal...The executors cannot distribute the principal (unless there is not enough income or interest).

The "source" who provided that quote is ignorant and NOTW are idiots for printing it. The estate is still in probate court so they cannot distribute assets...Furthermore MJ clearly stated the assets (principal) are to be kept in a trust fund...only the interest will be distributed to Kate (unless income is not sufficient..not likely to happen).

Also..see the tabloid section...Ivy provided a great summary of the document.
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Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

Page 5. 2nd paragraph.

Upon Katherine's death, the remaining balance of the Katherine Jackson's Trust Fund shall be added to the Michael Jackson Children' trust fund ...

99M is the principal...The executors cannot distribute the principal (unless there is not enough income or interest).

The "source" who provided that quote is ignorant and NOTW are idiots for printing it. The estate is still in probate court so they cannot distribute any asset...AND MJ clearly stated the assets (principal) are to be kept in a trust fund...only the interest will be distributed to Kate.

Also..see the tabloid section...Ivy provided a great summary of the document.

I do not have access to this section. I never asked for a password. Can You post it here? The summary relates to the document, right?
Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

So MJ made a trust for his kids in 1995 while he was married to LMP and didnt have any kids? Did I get that right?
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)


One thing I did not understand. Where is it written in the document that Katherine will receive her part in life? Unintentionally I accessed the article and I see now the family is complaining that she did not receive nearly $100 million.

I just read some parts of the document.

There's nothing that says Katherine will receive the full amount at all. Page 5 : She gets net income and some from principal if the net income is not enough for her living expenses.

NOTW article has a lot of errors/ mistakes. Look to the document and ignore the tabloid article.
Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

Why is this thread in tabloid? They have copies of the will to prove it.
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

Why are there 2 threads on this?
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

MJSTORM, here is Ivy's summary since you don't have access to the "tabloid talk" section

Summary of the Documents

- The estate is first established in 1995 to transfer the ownership of MJ's assets (at that time MJ's children weren't beneficiaries) - It shows us that the estate planning started quite early.

- During his lifetime Michael made changes to the trust as he wanted , added assets etc. During his lifetime Micheal also got income from the assets included in the trust.

- Trust was also set to provide for Michael if he became physically or mentally incapacitated any time.

- Charities (determined in IRS code as for educational purposes, encouragement of art, prevention of cruelty against children or animals) getting 20% and the charities who will be getting money is going to be determined by Branca, McClain and Katherine Jackson. In the document it is also said that MJ's intent by leaving money to charities is " to benefit children". So most probably the committee (Branca , McClain and Katherine) will choose children charities. Trust also allows the estate to form a children's charity and give the money to the charity they have established.

- After charity share is deducted estate is to pay federal/state/ inheritance taxes.

- The distribution states is like this : If had children they get 50% and his mother gets 50%. If he didn't have any children all of his estate would have gone to his mother. If he didn't have children and his mother didn't survive, his 6 cousins would get the money.

- Debbie is left out , just as in the will.

- Katherine is provided for her lifetime from the net income (the principal is kept). After her death her share goes back to MJ's kids and his grandkids. If none are alive , his 6 cousins become the beneficiaries.

- Until they are 21 the children are also getting shares from the net income. When 21 they can apply for their benefit - meaning when they are 21 they can request to get their full share (in other words get the money from the estate and the executors). If they do such a request they get 1/3 of the principal when they are 30, 1/2 of the principal when they are 35 and remainder of it when they are 40.

- If they die before getting their shares, their money goes to their kids (MJ's grandkids). If they don't have kids their shares goes to their brothers and sister equally.

- If the estate doesn't have enough net income to cover the living expenses of the beneficiaries, they can provide money to the beneficiaries from/through the principal.

- It also says that they can request and get additional money if they want to buy a house, for their education, marriage and start a business etc regardless of their age. (The executors duty is to make sure that the business they want to start is reasonably sound. After that the kids are not kept responsible if the business fails).

- Interesting tidbit: If none of the beneficiaries survive (KJ, MJ's kids and MJ's grandkids and his cousins and his cousins kids) -not really likely to happen - the estate goes to Michael's heirs by law. Meaning any living family member by order.

- Interesting provision : In the case of minor children executors can give money for the care of this children directly to them (and not to the guardian) if they choose. Also if the executors are giving the money to the guardian of the children they can request documents showing how the money is spent.

- Trust provisions are set to follow the laws.

- Simply put executors get the power to manage the estate - quite common. No special powers.

- and bombshell - if no executors remain to look after the estate (and they don't determine the next group of executors), NATIONSBANK - in other words BANK OF AMERICA is named as the executor of the estate.

- If a Bank is the executor of the estate, his children when they are adults (18) could change the bank that's the executor.

- About the fees of the executors it says "executors can pay themselves reasonable compensation without court order".

- Executors can also give accounting of what they do to the beneficiaries. And beneficiaries have the right to disagree with this accounting (earnings, spendings).

What we have learned with my 2 cents

- This is a really good trust document. It's really planned for the future.

- It's obvious that Michael did not want his family as executors. To me this is quite apparent by the naming of Bank of America as the alternative executor.

- The children can get the full money / full shares. All other things said were speculation.

- Giving money in a partial format when they are 30/35/40 is very well thought. It ensures that the children will not have money issues/ go bankrupt. (we know several famous heirs that are penniless).

- Even though children only get shares from net income until they are 30, they can get additional money for expenses such as education, getting a house, marrying and opening their business. Michael thought about his children very well.

- Also if required giving minor children's money directly also very good as well as giving executors the option to ask how the money spent is good too. No guardian (whoever they might be in the present or future) cannot spend money for other things than MJ's kids.

- I hope the talk about executor's fees stops now - by the trust documents they could have determined their fees on their own but they went to a judge.

- Also this document shows what I have been saying all along, executors do not have unlimited power, they can't do whatever they want. If requested (currently by Katherine and the children's lawyer and later by children when they turn 18) executors are to give the accounting of the business deals, money earned and spent to the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries (MJ's kids and his mother) is protected against fraud and intentional wrongdoing by the executors.
Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

There's nothing that says Katherine will receive the full amount at all. Page 5 : She gets net income and some from principal if the net income is not enough for her living expenses.

NOTW article has a lot of errors/ mistakes. Look to the document and ignore the tabloid article.

MJSTORM, here is Ivy's summary since you don't have access to the "tabloid talk" section

Thank you very much.
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Re: The trust fund MJ created in 1995 was made public (see tabloid section)

There are two treads on the same subject, it would be better to merge them? :scratch:

It's just a guess. :)

This thread is to discuss the impact of the latest information on the family & their negativity towards the estate administrators & trustees.

Also, they've been claiming the will is fake or MJ was an addict who did not know what he was signing. Well, we now have an older document stating very clearly MJ would prefer a bank taking over his estate over his family. To quote Ivy, he's been actively planning his estate for 14 years...

Lastly, many fans were complaining about the fact that MJ's relatives had no say in his estate...I am curious to read these peeps' reaction to the trust. The last secret document is finally out.

I think we should keep the two threads separate.
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Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

So MJ made a trust for his kids in 1995 while he was married to LMP and didnt have any kids? Did I get that right?

No you didn't get it right. :) this is the 2002 document. It just says that the trust was initially started in 1995. Starting 1995 Michael transfered the ownership of his assets from Michael Jackson (the person) to Michael Jackson Family Trust (the entity). and it didn't matter as long as he was alive Michael Jackson (the person) was the executor of the Michael Jackson Family Trust (the entity).

It just shows us that Michael was actively planning his estate for the last 14 years.

Why is this thread in tabloid? They have copies of the will to prove it.

documents credibility (real or fake) could be an issue. We'll discuss that with the senior staff and make changes accordingly. please bear with us for the time being.
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Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

So MJ made a trust for his kids in 1995 while he was married to LMP and didnt have any kids? Did I get that right?

The trust wasn't created 1995 specifically for his heir. It was a living trust...if ever MJ became incapacited.

From wikipedia:

A living trust, or inter vivos trust (inter vivos is Latin for "between the living"), is a trust created during a person's lifetime to either save money on taxes or set up long term property management.[1] All living trusts are designed to avoid probate proceedings and may in addition be used to reduce taxes, safeguard financial privacy, and to regulate the use of assets if the owner becomes incapacitated, and for other purposes.[1]

It was last amended in 2002.
Re: Michael Jr, Paris & Prince will start taking control of their father's estate when each turn 30

Thanks for clarifying guys. When I have time tonight I will sit down and read it all.