I if knew how to upload the OMC video I would.. sadly I will posting around 20 pics of the booklet, 7 pics of Another Part of Me, 20 pics of OMC video.
Also sorry if the quality pics of the book aren't that good, i'm taking them from an iPhone4 camera.
*Sigh*. I was afraid of that.
Why, Sony, why? Why to replace the original with a shitty remix? I will still buy it, but it means one less good video on the DVD for me.
It's beautiful, I love it!!
Let me just say, it's very clear that the short film is unfinished, all it needed was some tweaking and polish and it would be complete, my only complaint is that Sony should've added better camera position, most of it is behind Michael, but you can see his smiling face a lot.
Also Michael is VERY energetic in OMC, he starts jumping on tables, kicking lights and smashing drinking glasses around the area, does some awesome dance moves, fluid as always. This MUST be seen by everyone!
Would be great if any Mac user can tell me how to screen cap withOUT using VLC
First, thanks for sharing those pics...
Unfortunately Mac's DVD player automatically disables the snapshot keyboard function (Command+Shift+3 or Command+Shift+3)
So yeah, you still have to use VLC...
Looks to me like OMC is Anamorphic! YAY! Any of the other widescreen video's anamorphic?
Moonwalker777. Press CMD, shift, 4. It will appear as a crosshair. then simply drag the area you want to take a screen shot off.
The video is awesome, I personally like it, BOTDF is the Refugee version.
Ok I'll try to explain, the reason why I asking is because it will give us an idea how "remastered" some of the video really are.
Do you have a widescreen tv? If so do the videos Remember the time, Who is it?, YRMW fill the screen? Or are they smaller images in the center of the widescreen tv with Black bars on the top, bottom and sides?