Michael Jackson’s Thriller 3D

Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

I'm trying not to be ecstatic about this idea because it might not happen. However, I was reading a comment on the "Massive D25 boxset" thread. A member named MiniMJJ brought up the idea of this project being a "Thriller" + "Ghosts" release.

I was wondering, could this actually be the case? Let's not forget: It's not only the 35th anniversary of the Thriller album, but it's also the 20th anniversary of both the Ghosts film and the Blood on the Dance Floor album. Plus, according to this article, Michael was in talks of re-releasing the "Ghosts" film around Halloweentime, specifically as part of a Halloween special that he planned to do with AEG and CBS, which also would have included HD concert footage of "Thriller/Ghosts/Threatened" from the This Is It tour.

Michael has two legendary horror-themed short films: One of which he had been in talks of re-releasing. The other may or may not be receiving special treatment (3D update and/or alternate ending). They both have anniversaries this year: "Thriller" is 35, "Ghosts" is 20. Halloweentime is coming up, so perfect timing. And the Estate says (in the tweet) they believe we'll be pleasantly surprised by the announcement. I honestly can't think of anything more pleasantly surprising at this point than a "Thriller" + "Ghosts" release in celebration of both Halloween and the 35th and 20th anniversaries of both the albums & the films.

Again, I'm trying not to be so ecstatic because it might not happen, but this idea sounds very exciting and it does seem like a possibility (at least IMO it does).
It would seriously elevate this release to a whole new level of greatness and many people who aren't even aware of Ghosts would be blown away! Imagine many casual fans of Thriller buying it for nostalgia and then discovering something equally as brilliant. I highly doubt they'll do that but I'd love to be wrong. I hope they go the extra mile with this one.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

I am all for a Ghosts release someday. I think the general public would really enjoy it, especially if they love Thriller. It really is a hidden gem in Michael's body of work. Thriller was ahead of it's time and is iconic, but Ghosts truly is the better short film out of the two in my opinion. Releasing it in conjunction with Thriller could work, but I don't see it happening.

I was half right. 15 days lol.

If they're planning on getting Thriller into cinemas and marketing to the wider public I can't see Ghosts being seriously considered.

What I'm wondering is what will accommodate Thriller if this does go to theaters? The video is 13 minutes and some seconds long, surely there would have to be something else following it? Would it play before an actual movie in lieu of previews, or would it have its own showing with extras following (a documentary, Making of Thriller, etc.)?

3D Thriller with Ghosts following would be a fan's dream, but I doubt it's a thought that crossed the Estate's mind.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

What I'm wondering is what will accommodate Thriller if this does go to theaters? The video is 13 minutes and some seconds long, surely there would have to be something else following it? Would it play before an actual movie in lieu of previews, or would it have its own showing with extras following (a documentary, Making of Thriller, etc.)?

What is expected to be announced is a documentary about the restoration and conversion process of Thriller with some kind of restrospective impact analysis.

We'll know for sure in less than 2 hours.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

What is expected to be announced is a documentary about the restoration and conversion process of Thriller with some kind of restrospective impact analysis.

We'll know for sure in less than 2 hours.

Not interested.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Surely they'll include the original Making of Thriller documentary aswell. There's some great behind the scenes footage in it and MJ is in such a great place personally and professionally in his life. They had such a great time making Thriller.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

What is expected to be announced is a documentary about the restoration and conversion process of Thriller with some kind of restrospective impact analysis.

We'll know for sure in less than 2 hours.

It could be interesting...but clearly not as a single bonus. It should definitively have Ghosts + both making of those short films !
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Surely they'll include the original Making of Thriller documentary aswell. There's some great behind the scenes footage in it and MJ is in such a great place personally and professionally in his life. They had such a great time making Thriller.

I doubt it. Not in it's entirety. Perhaps footage from it.

I think it's a great idea. The king of music videos deserves this kind of love and attention.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

I doubt Thriller will be shown in cinemas. - It's too short - and honestly waayy too little demand. In Denmark where I live I doubt any cinema will show Thriller 3D - not alone anyway. It could never sell - even if it was free of charge I doubt many would go and see it.

So I think the entire 3D thing is stupid really - who really wants to sit at home with those stupid heavy 3D glasses on and see Thriller 3D?? Not many I guess.

If they have made a deal with Disney or something - so it is showed like Captain Eo was in 3D - that would be great. - But 3D at home.... It's dead already really.

I hope the statement is something like Thriller 3D in amazing quality will play at Disney land (like Captain Eo) - and a documentary - maybe 2. - 1 like BAD25 and OTW and 1 showing how they made it into 3D and better quality etc. behind the scenes.

The original Making of Thriller would be great too. - Was it shot in 35 mm?? or how was it filmed?
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

I doubt Thriller will be shown in cinemas.

John already said it will. We just don't know how wide a release at this point. Could be purely the festival circuit and one off engagements like Bad 25. If so I'd agree it doesn't make sense for it to have been converted to 3D as the home market isn't huge.

My 3D glasses at home are the same weight as the cinema ones and produce really fantastic results, by the way.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

If they have made a deal with Disney or something - so it is showed like Captain Eo was in 3D - that would be great. - But 3D at home.... It's dead already really.

I hope the statement is something like Thriller 3D in amazing quality will play at Disney land (like Captain Eo) - and a documentary - maybe 2. - 1 like BAD25 and OTW and 1 showing how they made it into 3D and better quality etc. behind the scenes.

If Thriller 3D is ever included in Disneyland over the world, I wonder what that'll do to the overall sales of the album? Is there still a market for the album today?
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

They should just release all the short films in HD. Who would buy one short film on Blu-Ray? Even if they released it with Ghosts and some extras there is still too little content. Thriller album re-release with Thriller 3D would be even worse. I wouldn't buy the album again just to get 15 minute short film in HD.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Who would buy one short film on Blu-Ray?.

I would. any MJ blu ray release is gold. also don't expect a short films Blu ray cause that is definitely not happening. Thriller will surely include the Making of, the restoration process, etc (and hopefully a Victory DVD :praying)
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

I would. any MJ blu ray release is gold. also don't expect a short films Blu ray cause that is definitely not happening. Thriller will surely include the Making of, the restoration process, etc (and hopefully a Victory DVD :praying)
Hmmm, a Victory Tour?? I doubt it. Would love it but it's unlikely. Again I'd love to be completey wrong.

Is the announcement coming in the next hour or so?
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Hmmm, a Victory Tour?? I doubt it. Would love it but it's unlikely. Again I'd love to be completey wrong.

I know it's unlikely, I just said hopefully. this could be as good or actually better than Bad 25 if they included a Victory concert.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Concerts are really an easy way to get fans to buy MJ product... If they tossed an unreleased concert attached with any re-release.. even fans that hate re-releases would buy lol! They could release a Thriller re-release every 2 years with a different Victory concert and we would still buy it haha
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

the announcement should come in 48 mins right?
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

If the announcement is just going to be about Thriller 3D - unless there are extra things that are super unexpected I'll be a bit annoyed.. we all know about Thriller 3D
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Concerts are really an easy way to get fans to buy MJ product... If they tossed an unreleased concert attached with any re-release.. even fans that hate re-releases would buy lol! They could release a Thriller re-release every 2 years with a different Victory concert and we would still buy it haha

Wise thoughts!
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

So are we all gonna get as hype as we were yesterday?? I'm hoping it's more than Thriller 3D as well.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

the announcement should come in 48 mins right?

8 pm GMT. Which means in about some hours in my time (Eastern). Or am I wrong?
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Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

They should just release all the short films in HD. Who would buy one short film on Blu-Ray?

I would :)

Obviously I'd love to have a set with ALL of Michael's short films on Blu-ray, but I'd be happy to have one. Better than none.
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Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

I would :)

Obviously I'd love to have a set with ALL of Michael's short films on Blu-ray, but I'd be extremely happy just to have one. Better than none.

Too few stuff to buy in my opinion....
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

T-37 min. The next :00 for you.
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Call me impatient but.. "Are we there yet?"
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

If the announcement is just going to be about Thriller 3D - unless there are extra things that are super unexpected I'll be a bit annoyed.. we all know about Thriller 3D

Why would you be annoyed? It's not their fault you found out before they announced it.

8 pm GMT. Which means in about some hours in my time (Eastern). Or am I wrong?

It's at 1200 EST which is 1600 GMT and 1700 BST (UK time).
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Where will this be announced? On Facebook? The website?
Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

This is me right now...

Re: John Landis - Top Secret Thriller Project!!!! Coming 2017

Why would you be annoyed? It's not their fault you found out before they announced it.

It's at 1200 EST which is 1600 GMT and 1700 BST (UK time).

I am sorry but I didnt understand anything regarding the clocks. :D

8 pm GMT is in England, right?