Michael Jackson's 'This Is It' film being beaten out by 'New Moon' overseas

What's the second example of this having ever happened?

Nirvana with "Nevermind" just weeks after "Dangerous". :(

I don't like Twilight, I've seen it months ago (not in the cinema) and I think the movie is simply boring. I can't stand stories like that, not interesting at all. For me of course.
Well at the end of the day no one knows what will happen till the final results come through... We all know the media LOVE to hype everything else up except for Michael Jackson!

Look what they did with the Beatles new release! At the end of it all, it was all just hype and MJ still is on top!
i don't care about seein New Moon I liked Twilight cuz it was not a mainstream director new moon is gonna b a 'sell out' movie.
as in not good fake
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Nirvana with "Nevermind" just weeks after "Dangerous". :(

I don't like Twilight, I've seen it months ago (not in the cinema) and I think the movie is simply boring. I can't stand stories like that, not interesting at all. For me of course.

Um but Nevermind was released like two months before Dangerous.
What? what? what? what? what?what?:*****:

Twilight over Michael Jackson I DO NOT recognise the world I am living it.
What is this?
Where Am Im?
Who are all these people?:bugeyed
You guys, you're comparing a DOCUMENTARY to a BLOCKBUSTER.

Of course, New Moon is going to outsell This Is It!
Well I'm crazy about New Moon and Twilight and have waited a whole year to see New Moon but I still believe TII will be just as big, if not bigger! MJ is so global, never underestimate the power of his fame.
Of course. New Moon will be releasing in more cinemas than TII. It will collect more money. But the DVD for TII will outsell New Moon for years to come.

good point! no matter the sales....TII surely has more impression in people's heart
and there's so many theatre that hasnt start to sell the tickets...in my home country Indonesia, tickets on sale on Oct 28 and we cannot do pre-order so yep! there's still chances

try to persuade my friends and family to watch....lol. i guess i'm practising my marketing study
Those stupid Twilight movies, I don't understand the hype about all that at all! :rant:

I really hope TII will be bigger then the Twilight movies, it has to be for MJ!
What? what? what? what? what?what?:*****:

Twilight over Michael Jackson I DO NOT recognise the world I am living it.
What is this?
Where Am Im?
Who are all these people?:bugeyed

I couldn't believe the thread title either...but keep in mind, just as "high school musical" lasted for five minutes...so will this momentary tween phenomenon.

They may seem popular now but check it 15 years later down the road , people will be saying.."Twilight, what?"

but Michael Jackson's legacy will live on beyond time.
I don't really care about New Moon, TII is much more symbolic...it shows the last performance of one of the biggest entertainers and musicians/singers of all time and it's like a "Saying Goodbye" to him. I am very grateful that I was lucky enough for having witnessed him. MJ is a legend...and other than Twilight he will even be rembered in many years. So I'm going to see TII to celebrate Michael and his music for the last time.
I just don't understand how some silly teenage vampire flick can compare with Michael Jackson. What has the world come to?

For the record: They say Twilight is the new Harry Potter. I have seen all HP movies (because I like HP), and I was dragged to see Twilight 1. I think Twilight has nothing on Harrry Potter!
Here in Sydney too.....all the first day sales for New Moon are all but sold bar a few seats........but TII has rows left!

Can there really be more New Moon fans vs MJ fans?

Not Possible.

I didn't buy presale tickets but went to the morning session on Thursday.
New Moon is the new Harry Potter. It's a global franchise that attracts in millions of people around the world. This Is It is a music documentary. They aren't even in the same league. It's not fair to compare them at all. When all is said and done New Moon will end up doing north of $200 million in the US, and $700 million globally, while This Is It will be lucky to do half those numbers. Remember guys, the #1 grossing concert movie is Miley Cyrus with US numbers of $65 million, global numbers at $70 million. Now that is MJ's real competition and he will blow that away trust me!
Um but Nevermind was released like two months before Dangerous.

Yes, but "Nevermind" pushed Michael's album from the top of the Billboard charts. "Dangerous" should stay there for a little bit longer.

I was on "This Is It" yesterday and i liked it. I don't care about records, sales etc. The movie is good and it does matter for me.