Michael Jackson's Posthumous Global Record Sales Reach 9 Million

he has more fans now, more people realizing he was as good as good can be, more people who got introduced to him and his music, and are loving them, too...also, i think anything and everything MJ have now become definite collectors' items.

love the man!!!
It was never a surprise that this would happen - that the world would go crazy over Michael's music when he dies. We all expected it in a "That's the only way the public will finally accept him" sort of way.
I just want him to be here...I didn't really mind if retired after the trial...
I agree with earlier posters. Album sales in death? Who cares, it was ALWAYS gonna be this way. It means not a thing. Ohh yay the world fuckin called him a pedo for 20yrs then he died and they wanna buy an album of when he was "black and cool". Well fuckin yay for them, the wooorrrlld lives MJ, feel better now? I don't.
I remember when i saw on the news about this. About how his albums were selling like hot cakes and how there were literally nothing of his on the stands in record stores and thinking, " thankgod i bought all of his albums before this ordeal" and looking over to my collection with a smug sense of warmth and comfort that i had my peices long ago!
I agree with earlier posters. Album sales in death? Who cares, it was ALWAYS gonna be this way. It means not a thing. Ohh yay the world fuckin called him a pedo for 20yrs then he died and they wanna buy an album of when he was "black and cool". Well fuckin yay for them, the wooorrrlld lives MJ, feel better now? I don't.

Agreed. It hurts me that people were constantly hurting Michael while he was alive and now this. It just adds insult to injury. :(

Agreed. It hurts me that people were constantly hurting Michael while he was alive and now this. It just adds insult to injury. :(


So you guys don't think this 'recognition' of his talent offers comfort to his family and children then!?

Do you think they would feel better if nobody bothered to recognise the magnitude of his passing?

Unprecedented sales will not bring Michael back - nothing will - but, through his music and videos, many millions of people are realising they may have made a huge mistake in thinking they knew the real MJ. Perhaps some people just want to make amends in some small way, and to discover who this genius really was.
So you guys don't think this 'recognition' of his talent offers comfort to his family and children then!?

Do you think they would feel better if nobody bothered to recognise the magnitude of his passing?

Unprecedented sales will not bring Michael back - nothing will - but, through his music and videos, many millions of people are realising they may have made a huge mistake in thinking they knew the real MJ. Perhaps some people just want to make amends in some small way, and to discover who this genius really was.

If it offers comfort to them then that is the good I will take from it. I personally find it hypocritical and many of these people who are buying now were calling him a pedo and hurting him when he was alive. It's too little too late for me I'm afraid. You really think people are realising they have made a mistake? I don't. I think they're buying because it's now fashionable to buy his music again. That's up to them, but I don't take any comfort from it.
If it offers comfort to them then that is the good I will take from it. I personally find it hypocritical and many of these people who are buying now were calling him a pedo and hurting him when he was alive. It's too little too late for me I'm afraid. You really think people are realising they have made a mistake? I don't. I think they're buying because it's now fashionable to buy his music again. That's up to them, but I don't take any comfort from it.

Don't kid yourself that people who used to call him a pedo are buying his music - they are not and never will. They are to full of hatred and bigoted/racist ideals.

I suggest the people who are now buying his music are the ones that were a little to weak to speak up if they disagreed with what was being said about him, or they were a little blinded by the media smoke.

Some of these people may have found 'their voice' now he has gone, perhaps deciding they were wrong to be influenced by the negative media. Perhaps others, now the 'smoke' is clearing, are seeing MJ in a different light.

Either way it is a vindication for Michael, his talent, and his family - why would you begrudge that?
9 million and they still have the damned nerve to call him the "self-proclaimed" KoP???

Shame on you, MTV, tsk tsk... :doh:
I love it and I hate it at the same time. Why did he have to die in order for people to start appreciating his music again? :(:(

All of this is not a matter of people not having appreciated his music beforehand. A part of this is the feeling of Michael always being there and that no matter how long it had been since his last performance, there would be times in the future that we would be given more.

Some of the reaction is now simply a focus on what was taken from us. Also, it is newly discovered listeners/fans also. With all the focus on Michael and music playing on the radio and T.V., many people discovered Michael for the first time really in the sense of really paying attention to the music.

Everything is not always about the appreciation for him. Sometimes it is just trying to hold on to something great that we now know is gone from us physically. By buying something "Michael Jackson" people are trying to get closer to him because they now know this is the only chance, since there won't be any more appearances.