Michael Jackson's Music Still Pulls In Diverse Crowds

It defnatelys hows mike is still THE MAN!!!! :)
A friend of mine told me that she witnessed the same scenerio at a Best Buy in Metro ATL, GA, but the video was on ALL of the TV's. :D Perhaps it's an intentional (clever) promo. Ain't nothin' wrong wit primin' folks up before droppin' da bomb (smiles)

nice thought. but none of those places have connections with anyone to tell em...when we know theyll know ;) I dont see how they would know anything unless it was finalized and in the news..
by the way, this thing happens all the time, wherever. if anyone put up a speaker at their storefront and did this, there'd be the same reaction. i can't tell you how many times i witnessed it. it would be a sure bet in vegas, if someone would make sure the bett-ee didn't have a way of telling people not to show up. lol

and...we really don't know what the general public has their ear to the grindstone, to. lol:D
This made me smile :D. Nice.

I've seen it happen too on a few accounts. It's pretty awesome :).
THis is is TRUE! I've been witness to something similar. People invariably, that is young and old alike stop in their tracks and enjoy a Michael Performance or video for at least a few minutes!

A little bit off topic---but still showing how well Michael is thought of----I love watching "Don't forget the Lyrics" which we have on our tv in Australia on Thursday and Sunday night.
They have contestants who are given 9 different catergories of songs, the prize money goes up depending on how well they know 3--5---7---9 words in a song.
They ALWAYS have a Michael Jackson song whether it be Rock and Pop---Motown---etc.
Last night, they had a special night with Boys-to Men---as guests to see what they could raise for a charity of their choice-----they got right through to $$$250,000.00 and the last song was "wanna be startin something"----they sang it right thru---along with the audience and the host.---EVERYONE joined in.
Michael is very much liked---on this show.
i also encounter things like that when i drop by the mall.. a dtore selling flat Tvs will play Mj on screen and people wlill stop and watch but dont have the intention to buy the TV but just to watch!!!1

another incident happened yesterday in a computer shop, they play MJ 30th in one of the display computers and people walking across and those who are about to get on the escalator will stop and "sneak" maybe thinking why are these people crammed in here like these?!?!? ahha
Of course it isn't surprising, it is always just very pleasing to hear about. :) It goes to show just how timeless and outstanding his music is, and always will be, and that you don't have to be a fan to enjoy it and make you stop and listen/watch.
btw our family was at a great Christmas party for special needs clients a few nights ago. A great variety of music was playing. People were up and dancing and having a great time. My kids were out there, and so was my husband. I had a great time just watching everyone. Anyway, the DJ played two MJ songs: Don't Stop Till You Get Enough and Thriller. The crowd went wild. Everyone knew Thriller, though not everyone knew Don't Stop. My husband certainly didn't. He didn't even know it was MJ, yet he was out there dancing and enjoying himself to the music, as well! It was cool. He was surprised later when I told him there were 2 songs played, and not just one. :p
btw our family was at a great Christmas party for special needs clients a few nights ago. A great variety of music was playing. People were up and dancing and having a great time. My kids were out there, and so was my husband. I had a great time just watching everyone. Anyway, the DJ played two MJ songs: Don't Stop Till You Get Enough and Thriller. The crowd went wild. Everyone knew Thriller, though not everyone knew Don't Stop. My husband certainly didn't. He didn't even know it was MJ, yet he was out there dancing and enjoying himself to the music, as well! It was cool. He was surprised later when I told him there were 2 songs played, and not just one. :p

wow..that's all i can say. ur husband didn't know don't stop...wow..

so...halloween serves a greater purpose. lol
wow..that's all i can say. ur husband didn't know don't stop...wow..

so...halloween serves a greater purpose. lol

Off the Wall was really before our time, musically. We grew up in the Thriller era when "Beat It" was continually on the radio whether you liked it or not. Believe it or not I didn't know that album existed till this year, so it isn't surprising that he didn't know the song.
erm I'm 21 and when I was 10 I knew Dont stop till you get enough lol and i wasn't no fan back then

my 6 year old cousin even knows its michael jackson no joke lol
Over the years I have posted quite a few stories like this about incidents in Barbados. Art and talent do indeed speak for themselves.
Nice story! They were playing the Kop album in astore in London and - I immediately started to dance! If I had a shop, I would use for promo as well. Would play his videos on big screens and his music.

The reason why people stare and listen if it was freshly released is of course the high quality - but also the reason that the media ignores his work, they make people forget about him. they trash him and burry him in dirt. Despite they are supposed to forget, people have still a part inside who hasn't forgotten, and that part shines always through when they have the rare possibility to watch him at work.