Michael Jackson's Music Still Pulls In Diverse Crowds


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
The Netherlands
Today, Houston-based blogger and local FOX news reporter Isiah Carey wrote an entry (picture included) of how Michael Jackson's music and videos--despite the years of controversial hardships Michael Jackson has endured--still have drawing power unlike any other, as if they were just released. When Michael Jackson's music and film blared through the television at Fry's Electronics, crowds of all races, genders, and ages stopped what they were doing just to watch. Carey writes:



It's that time of the year when lots of busy people are out and about looking to buy Christmas gifts. One of the places I stopped on Saturday was Fry's Electronics in Houston. As I entered the store I heard a familiar song blasting through the building. It was Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal. His greatest hits videos were being played on a big screen television in the middle of store. But what I noticed were all the people who stopped shopping and just watched the videos. At times more than a dozen people were gathered around watching Michael do the Moonwalk or several other signature moves. Some were bobbing their heads and others smiling with excitement as if they were seeing these videos for the first time. It was strange to see so many people embracing the entertainer's music as if it were new and as if the recent criminal trial didn't happen. I guess great art and great music will endure despite the adversity of the artist. And did I mention just how diverse the crowd of onlookers were. Black, White, Hispanic, young, old, male and female. Way to go Mike in 2008!



well ah, duh! who wouldn't stop? unless they are in a hurry.
As if the criminal trial didn't happen? Well hell, it IS like it didn't happen. He was acquitted and life moved on...

Today, Houston-based blogger and local FOX news reporter Isiah Carey wrote an entry (picture included) of how Michael Jackson's music and videos--despite the years of controversial hardships Michael Jackson has endured--still have drawing power unlike any other, as if they were just released. When Michael Jackson's music and film blared through the television at Fry's Electronics, crowds of all races, genders, and ages stopped what they were doing just to watch. Carey writes:




*more unsurprised laughing and joy inside*

never get tired of these threads tho..keep postin them, cus i know they'll keep comin!:clapping:

thanks for posting!
And on a more positive note, anytime that Michael Jackson wants to drop that CD, now would be the time. The music industry can't suck any worse than it does right now and he can do that 'single handed thang' like he did in the early '80s when it sucked then...
I LOOOOOOOVE IT *squeals with excitement*
just look at michael doing that smooth criminal dance :)

....'single handed thang' time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk:
That's one of the points where you can clearly see that michael is a very very good artist! a true legend! :)
thnx for posting this it makes me happy to see :)
Great thread, thanks for posting. :) And I'm not surprised about this, once you're a Michael fan you're always a Michael fan. :yes:

I'm not even going to comment on what that one person said on the blog, though. Ugh. :rant:
Don't be negative in a positive thread.

Michael's the man. Everyone want's to act like they hate Michael but deep down, they're all fans. They forget all the bullshit they spew about him and all the crap they think about him the moment they see him dancing or hear him singing. No other artist in the world has that ability. Michael's IT and nobody can say otherwise. The most talented performing and recording artist to ever breath.
And on a more positive note, anytime that Michael Jackson wants to drop that CD, now would be the time. The music industry can't suck any worse than it does right now and he can do that 'single handed thang' like he did in the early '80s when it sucked then...

i totally agree, the time is now!
And on a more positive note, anytime that Michael Jackson wants to drop that CD, now would be the time. The music industry can't suck any worse than it does right now and he can do that 'single handed thang' like he did in the early '80s when it sucked then...

Am I the only one not surprised about this? COME ON! This is MICHAEL JACKSON WE'RE TALKING ABOUT! DUH! :tease:

I'm not surprised either, but surprisingly there are some that are completely unaware of these type of things. Or things like this still just doesn't mean anything to them.
Today, Houston-based blogger and local FOX news reporter Isiah Carey wrote an entry (picture included) of how Michael Jackson's music and videos--despite the years of controversial hardships Michael Jackson has endured--still have drawing power unlike any other, as if they were just released. When Michael Jackson's music and film blared through the television at Fry's Electronics, crowds of all races, genders, and ages stopped what they were doing just to watch. Carey writes:




Yay! :clapping: :punk: :clap: :smoothcriminal:
Michael Jackson doesn't entertain the people but he hypnotize them.
I've seen that happen sometimes.One day I was shopping and I went into a shop where there was a large screen displaying the History DVD. I was very happy because all the store stopped to see the Teaser video! People applauded in this final. It has been 2 months ago.
Michael Jackson is wonderful!!!THE ONE!!!!:clapping::clapping:

Thank you for sharing!:)
A friend of mine told me that she witnessed the same scenerio at a Best Buy in Metro ATL, GA, but the video was on ALL of the TV's. :D Perhaps it's an intentional (clever) promo. Ain't nothin' wrong wit primin' folks up before droppin' da bomb (smiles)