Michael Jacksons father on CNN

I will say this much: I didn't care for how he acted before the BET awards.

I hear ya, same as on cnn just now...

One cnn reporter just stated that the family wants to be respectful for Michael and not turn this into a circus with speculations, but one family member keeps speaking out...I'm guessing he means Joe. Seems he likes the attention.
I believe that, sadly, when he heard of Michael's death, he only thought of how he could make money out of all the fans. there were $ signs in his eyes, not tears.

After all, he said that they'd "lost the biggest star in the world", not "I've lost my son"

A truly repellent man.
again i point people to maybe the first time he said i wish michael could have been here to see this..there was a lump in his throat and he was sincere..everyon thinks of way he acting in front of camera relates to how he is when camera is not on him...how do any of us know what he is like around the family or in private moments alone..respect that this man is the father of michael jackson..and please please, just listen to michael at his oxford speech....and then shut up
Keep talking, Joe. Please keep talking.

The more you talk, the more the world will see what MJ had to deal with growing up. The more the spotlight is on you, the more compassion will flow for Michael.

Please, keep talking. Keep plugging that record company.
You may actually end up giving your son a gift that he has a right too. UNDERSTANDING!
I had lots of respect for Joe during the trial. He was there for Michael, now I'm not so sure what his reasons were to be there for him then. It is totally clear why Joe is talking now. He needs the spotlight to stay on him. It is totally outrageous for Joe to keep talking when the family (Jermaine) asked that the family be left alone.