Michael Jacksons father on CNN


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Hi dear fans,

I never post here but i always come to read.
Im watching CNN and i just heard that Michaels dad is gonna say something, (in a few minutes) i havent read anything of that here yet so thats why I put it here.

Thank u guys for being here on the forum, not everybody writes but im sure more people do read! I love u Michael! R.I.P.
U are such a great support!
I will say this much: I didn't care for how he acted before the BET awards.
I will say this much: I didn't care for how he acted before the BET awards.
I feel ya, I wonder if dad might have been in denial

y'know, due to

being in a complete state of shock, plus the suspicions surrounding it, plus the family needing him to be strong, plus the world watching him, plus asking him a bunch of questions, plus the sheer indescribable enormity of his loss etc. (notice how his shades nearly cover his entire face) so maybe he just went straight to his "comfort zone" and talked to the press in the safest way he knew how - about promotion and stuff .. that's my story anyway .. just tryin to understand poppa, u know he's in a LOT of pain, oh my goodness Lord it must be imperceptible for all of them...

and NO parent wants or expects to outlive their kids OMG I can only imagine how hard it must be for them to get their mind around coping right now

I mean... just look at us

:angel: (Jacksons)
The way he acted before the BET awards explained a lot about him to me. I know Michael loved his father, but I could tell from that, that Michael never had a true father figure.
Al Sharpton is visiting the Encino house. He just arrived with Katherine.
The way he acted before the BET awards explained a lot about him to me. I know Michael loved his father, but I could tell from that, that Michael never had a true father figure.

Your right. That's exactly what I was thinking when I saw his behavior. He was more interested in pushing his own business than talking about Michael. Now I see why Michael felt the way he felt about Joe.
I'm not sure if this link will work, but you all can see what's going on here: Looks like they are setting up for some kind of press conference.

Edit: if that link doesn't take you directly to the Jackson's stream, look to the right of the screen. There are about 4 livestream videos to pick from. The "Al Sharpton visits the Jacksons" option is the one to click on.
cnn said earlier they were gonna talk about the F. so maybe an anouncement about that
Completely emotionless he told reporters chipper and happy about a new project, his 60th marriage anniversary, and that he was 'sorry' Michael couldn't be there at the awards show. A disgusting man.
darn it! they havent shown anything!:S (confused)
Guess it was only info about that they asked for custody, which they'll broadcast live from LA.
You can delete this topic if u like.
I just heard that Al Sharpton is gonna be giving a press conf from outside hayvenhurst and will announce a worldwide memorial?
Completely emotionless he told reporters chipper and happy about a new project, his 60th marriage anniversary, and that he was 'sorry' Michael couldn't be there at the awards show. A disgusting man.

No f*kin way :-|!
Completely emotionless he told reporters chipper and happy about a new project, his 60th marriage anniversary, and that he was 'sorry' Michael couldn't be there at the awards show. A disgusting man.

I agree the guy's so fucked up...sorry but now I know what MJ must've felt...he is emotionless...his son has died and he is fine with it
someone just told me sharpton will have P.C in 45 mins. was this said on CNN
I agree the guy's so fucked up...sorry but now I know what MJ must've felt...he is emotionless...his son has died and he is fine with it

It's just embarrassing. This clip is being discussed everywhere. I just came from one blog and they had it labeled as "Clip of the day". Such a stupid move on his part.
Stop hating on Joe he is just putting up a front, it's not in his nature to break down he believes he has to be like that to survive.
Joe always has been a loose cannon with his mouth. I think he is genuinly hurting over Michael, but he is a showman and his show and stiff upper lip has to go on.
he aint even effected he is smiling and laughing -- it looks like a PR stunt to advertise his record company!! WTF show a little emotion your son just passed away! i cant watch it anymore!
It's obvious that Joe's totally confused, and doesn't know how to deal with this. he smiles, then you hear his voice crack...he's trying to appear strong, is that I get from it. The man just doesn't have much tact, but I don't think he means it that way.
ok what you guys have to remember is that he lost his son and he is the man of the house. He has always been known as the rock of the Jackson family. What we see and what Joe feels are 2 completely different things. We see a strong man showing a brave face talking to the cameras and the fans. What we don't see behind the gate might be a broken father.

A lot of people show there emotions in a different way. I'm not defending Joe but please try to understand what hes going through on the inside.

(I could be wrong to)
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I just watched the press conference on Sky TV in the UK and afterwards they said that Joe Jackson had used the press conference purely to advertise his new record company and plug it again like he did last night. They seemed rather disgusted with him as he only seems to want to exploit the death of his son to make money for himself. He said that Michael's children are happy (!) and that there won't be a funeral until they get the autopsy results.

My opinion of joe jackson has just plummeted even further. I think he's vile.
Keep talking, Joe. Please keep talking.

The more you talk, the more the world will see what MJ had to deal with growing up. The more the spotlight is on you, the more compassion will flow for Michael.

Please, keep talking. Keep plugging that record company.
You may actually end up giving your son a gift that he has a right too. UNDERSTANDING!
The way he acted before the BET awards explained a lot about him to me. I know Michael loved his father, but I could tell from that, that Michael never had a true father figure.

and that could be the truth. but you learn to live with stuff like that..
it is my own fate too.. (not to have a true father figure).

it's hard sometimes, but I believe that having his children, being able to do for them what he did'nt get to do himself as kid, was helping him forgetting about his lack of a father figure..

and I am very very positive that Joe DO love his son's and daughters.