Michael Jackson wrote a Novel


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I didn't find this posted on the forum..



New York publishers are involved in a bidding war for the rights to a secret novel MICHAEL JACKSON wrote.
It is not known when the King of Pop put pen to paper and wrote the fictional account of a rock star's struggles with money and fame at the height of his success.
A source tells Essence.com the untitled book mirrors Jackson's own rise to superstardom and self-imposed seclusion.
Insiders claim the late star conceptualised the plot and characters - and then worked with a collaborator on the story and accompanying illustrations
I don't know why I find this hard to believe
I mean why are we hearing about it now?
and who discovered it ?
does MJ's estate know about this?
Hmmmm--I guess I'll believe that (maybe) when the book is in print. Not that I don't think Michael is capable of writing a book--I'm sure he was capable of most anything, but people are looking for ways to cash in on him, so.... We'll see.
Well if he did write a novel, I'd sure like to read it. I like writing stories myself, so to read a story done by the King of Pop? That would be awesome.
IF this is true...

Damn, what COULDN'T this man do?!
I had always had this deep feeling there would be another book of poetry in his private collection like all the unreleased songs in his vault, even long before his death.

Hearing about a novel rather is true or not, isn't a surprise at all to me.....
ppl this is just a rumor
if MJ really wrote Novel I think the story would be bigger than this
and there is no official conformaition from MJ's estate
its like when they said that they found his diary and gonna make it to a book or something
Here is the actual article from essence.com.


Previously Unknown MJ Novel Materializes

UPDATE 9/14/09: ESSENCE.com has learned exclusively that a novel written by the "King of Pop" himself is currently being shopped around to New York publishers, according to a source in the industry.

The illustrated novel depicts a rock star at the height of his success who becomes disillusioned with money and fame and obsesses about death.

According to the source, the book mirrors Michael Jackson's own rise to superstardom and self-imposed seclusion, reflecting an inner torment and struggle with personal demons.

Working with a collaborator, the source confirmed, Jackson conceptualized the story line, characters and even the illustrations.

The book is expected to sell in the six figures.—Christine M. Gordon
Be great if he really did though wouldn't it?!
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i wouldnt trust the source no matter who it was,

its obviously some fake book wrote in the style of Moonwalk
i wouldnt trust the source no matter who it was,

its obviously some fake book wrote in the style of Moonwalk

I agree all tho I know Micheal has the talent to do it there nothing official so far to make me believe this
its just tabloid talk for now
I dont believe it
Not that Michale isnt capable of writing a novel
Im sure he is_ but there are no named publishing companires
and his estate would be the ones that owned this property.

It to generic to be considered as fact

Contact music =TABLOID lies for the most part
they just need some fictional story to use MJs name
to get hits to thier website is all _

If Michaels estate had a novel up for bids
it would be publicised .. by a reliable source
Here is the actual article from essence.com.


Previously Unknown MJ Novel Materializes

UPDATE 9/14/09: ESSENCE.com has learned exclusively that a novel written by the "King of Pop" himself is currently being shopped around to New York publishers, according to a source in the industry.

The illustrated novel depicts a rock star at the height of his success who becomes disillusioned with money and fame and obsesses about death.

According to the source, the book mirrors Michael Jackson's own rise to superstardom and self-imposed seclusion, reflecting an inner torment and struggle with personal demons.

Working with a collaborator, the source confirmed, Jackson conceptualized the story line, characters and even the illustrations.

The book is expected to sell in the six figures.—Christine M. Gordon

Okay so the original source of the story is Essence.com, not contactmusic...

Hmmm.....interesting. The question now is who was the source for the Essence article.

Thanks for posting.
Okay so the original source of the story is Essence.com, not contactmusic...

Hmmm.....interesting. The question now is who was the source for the Essence article.

Thanks for posting.

LOL, it's like a trail of sources!

I'd love to read a novel by Michael, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he'd written one.
Didn't someone say he was writing like a madman in London and when they asked him what he was doing he said he was writing "about his life's journey"...maybe "this is it"? Maybe this is what he wrote? :scratch: (Don't know how true that story is though because one story says he was supposedly writing his will and one says he was writing about his life..:scratch:) Would love it if he really DID write a book though. I'd be more than happy to read anything Michael created or any thoughts he had. He was a GENIUS. :wub:
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I don't doubt that Michael could have been a great writer for he is a phenomenal songwriter.

What makes me suspicious is that the novel is being shopped around, but by WHO???

There is no mention of the estate and we all know that there are things of Michael's out there floating around that aren't known by the estate where they are.

For example, the hard drives at the Holmby Hills mansion are unaccounted for. Dileo thought that Latoya took them the night Michael died. But Latoya says that she doesn't have them and found Michael's house ransacked with money and jewelry missing.
wow, if its true, it would be amazing, i know Michael loved to read and to write, i hope its true, i really hope it is
Well, someone must have stolen it and is now shopping around for a publisher. But I wonder where people get these sources from? They always say other source when they are lying. The tabloids like Halperin only says source and cannot back up shit!!
I don't know... if it is real, I still dont think it should be released. If Michael never mentioned it as an upcoming project or anything and the estate hasnt acknowledged it, then how do we know it was *meant* to be released?? Maybe he liked to write for himself and never intended this to be published. Even then, if he *did* intend for it to be published, he should be involved in the process because we all know how omitting words can create a whole new meaning. Unless his family has final say on any edit then I wouldnt trust big business with the alleged book... they'll want it to sell sell sell even if it means compromising the vision.

I dont doubt he wrote often and wonderfully, I just really hope this isnt going to be some tacky whoring of something he wasnt finished with, or never intended to show us, just because it's got his name on it.
The illustrated novel depicts a rock star at the height of his success who becomes disillusioned with money and fame and obsesses about death.

i cannot imagine Michael writing about death or obsession about death.
it's not him - he was obsessed about life :yes:

i can imagine him writing a novel about children or magic of life and creativity. something that would inspire you and move to the new level
If it really is a Michael Jackson novel, written by him (which could be remember he loved to read and write) is GOLD MINE, specially now, no wonder publishers are fighting for it, but we all have to wait, i hope there's one a real one