Michael Jackson was the victim of a racist conspiracy all his life (video link with Michael inside)

Where is that video from and is there a better quality available somewhere? At some points I could barely hear what he was saying...

I do agree with part of this, me and my friend (MJ fan as well) were talking about this a few years back... Yes it's the race thing and also the power that he has. Yes, HAS, not had.
Of course Sony didn't like it one bit when he got the catalog, he was already influential on his own and adding it to that... corporations don't like when individuals are holding them back and have so much power...
And look what happened with Tommy Mottola. I've never heard of something like this happen, a CEO to be let go because one artist and his fans decided something had to be done. That alone speaks volumes and proves how much we can accomplish just by sticking together.

As for the murder theory, I wouldn't be surprised if it was true... There are ppl out there capable of horrible things that maybe we can't even imagine, there are strings pulled and favors obtained, I'm sure it's just the tip of the iceberg...

But I kinda hope it wasn't it , at least if it was an accidental death there's nobody to blame and maybe it would have happened sooner or later, you know, fate...
I'm afraid that we'll never hear the truth though... whatever they find they'll make it out to be Mike's fault or something...:no:
Yeah, a record company that spends 30 million dollars to make an album (Invincible) really wants to see it fail because they're racist *rolls eyes* -- and its especially racist boss Tommy Matolla who married a Black/Venezuelan/Irish woman, and who Rev Al didn't even agree w/ Michael that he saw racism in that situation.

As for the media turning on Michael because of the acquisition of the Beatles catalog, he was still wildly popular in 1985 (the year he bought the catalog) w/ We Are the World and even in 1986 w/ Captain EO -- and every media article I've read has called his purchase brilliant, so there goes that theory.

Perhaps Mr. Jackson's increasingly different lifestyle/"eccentricities" (his word from Childhood) around the mid-late 80s caused tabloid fodder?

BTW, Elvis has an estimated one billion records sold, versus 750 million for Michael, so the theory that the media hated Michael for "breaking" Elvis' records is untrue, simply because it never happened. If you're talking about Thriller, several acts already had beaten Elvis and the Beatles, so the idea of Michael toppling those two acts is wrong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_albums_worldwide

Ironically it's Elvis who is the victim of racism: http://www.elvis.com.au/presley/peter_guralnick_elvis_racist.shtml

Of course the media's terrible, but it's not always about race people.

"I'm not going to spend my life being a color."
Yeah, a record company that spends 30 million dollars to make an album (Invincible) really wants to see it fail because they're racist *rolls eyes* -- and its especially racist boss Tommy Matolla who married a Black/Venezuelan/Irish woman, and who Rev Al didn't even agree w/ Michael that he saw racism in that situation.

As for the media turning on Michael because of the acquisition of the Beatles catalog, he was still wildly popular in 1985 (the year he bought the catalog) w/ We Are the World and even in 1986 w/ Captain EO -- and every media article I've read has called his purchase brilliant, so there goes that theory.

Perhaps Mr. Jackson's increasingly different lifestyle/"eccentricities" (his word from Childhood) around the mid-late 80s caused tabloid fodder?

BTW, Elvis has an estimated one billion records sold, versus 750 million for Michael, so the theory that the media hated Michael for "breaking" Elvis' records is untrue, simply because it never happened. If you're talking about Thriller, several acts already had beaten Elvis and the Beatles, so the idea of Michael toppling those two acts is wrong: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_albums_worldwide

Ironically it's Elvis who is the victim of racism: http://www.elvis.com.au/presley/peter_guralnick_elvis_racist.shtml

Of course the media's terrible, but it's not always about race people.

"I'm not going to spend my life being a color."

Joey, I don't even know where to begin.
First off, Elvis hasn't sold 1 billion records, neither has the Beatles, or Michael Jackson. Surely you know this. People in Pakistan, Venezuela, North Korea, South Africa, China and other untold parts of the world weren't crying their eyes out when Elvis died. They were when MJ did. In the US Elvis is bigger than Michael, no doubt about that. But internationally, Jackson shits all over Elvis.
Try to dispute this and you're a joke.
And YES, racism has played a HUGE part in his demise. Stop pretending that everytime a successful, famous, rich black guy gets railroaded by the media and society in general, it's somehow his fault. O.J., Barry Bonds, Mike Tyson, Kobe Bryant, Michael Vick, the list of black men crucified for the sake of "entertainment" can go on and on. But I guess they all somehow "deserved" what was coming to them, huh?
For the sake of arguing, maybe Michael did warrant some of the media bias with his sometimes questionable behavior. But despite all that, the media had/has no right to still be disrespecting this man even after his death.
Coming to this thread of all places and trying to convince diehard fans that Elvis is bigger than MJ and that racism/jealousy had NOTHING to do with the extreme cruelty that was hurled at him in his final years isn't gonna work.
Nice try though.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
Joey, I don't even know where to begin.
First off, Elvis hasn't sold 1 billion records, neither has the Beatles, or Michael Jackson. Surely you know this. People in Pakistan, Venezuela, North Korea, South Africa, China and other untold parts of the world weren't crying their eyes out when Elvis died. They were when MJ did. In the US Elvis is bigger than Michael, no doubt about that. But internationally, Jackson shits all over Elvis.
Try to dispute this and you're a joke.
And YES, racism has played a HUGE part in his demise. Stop pretending that everytime a successful, famous, rich black guy gets railroaded by the media and society in general, it's somehow his fault. O.J., Barry Bonds, Mike Tyson, Kobe Bryant, Michael Vick, the list of black men crucified for the sake of "entertainment" can go on and on. But I guess they all somehow "deserved" what was coming to them, huh?
For the sake of arguing, maybe Michael did warrant some of the media bias with his sometimes questionable behavior. But despite all that, the media had/has no right to still be disrespecting this man even after his death.
Coming to this thread of all places and trying to convince diehard fans that Elvis is bigger than MJ and that racism/jealousy had NOTHING to do with the extreme cruelty that was hurled at him in his final years isn't gonna work.
Nice try though.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.

:yes:Aweosmely said..Can't agree more.Joey is just Elvis fan who come out here to prove MJ is biggest but Elvis still rules..lol

And yeah for that one billion records thing,now its kinda shattering cuz now lots of ppl even on TV are questioneing it.Many ppl have said we still dont know lot of things about Elvis and nothing is well documented but with Michael everything is well documented and there are lots of things that support his 750 Million figure but with Elvis it's still in doubts.I was glad to see lot of people including msuic reporters are now speaking out the truth.:cheeky:MJ RULES ALL THE WAY!!!
:yes:Aweosmely said..Can't agree more.Joey is just Elvis fan who come out here to prove MJ is biggest but Elvis still rules..lol

And yeah for that one billion records thing,now its kinda shattering cuz now lots of ppl even on TV are questioneing it.Many ppl have said we still dont know lot of things about Elvis and nothing is well documented but with Michael everything is well documented and there are lots of things that support his 750 Million figure but with Elvis it's still in doubts.I was glad to see lot of people including msuic reporters are now speaking out the truth.:cheeky:MJ RULES ALL THE WAY!!!

LOL, right.
Elvis sold a billion records?
Get the fuck outta here. Maybe in a pipe dream.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
[size=+1]i told you already. Mj said so and I believed him and I know it. He's the victim of a racist conspiracy because look he has their white music legacy: the beatles catalogue and he did elvis's daughter broke these whites' records. You just look at how white trash media with old white man as entertainment editors at reuterus' snarky reporting on MJ then you'll know wat i mean. i mean its okay if its not read by many but the thing is its copied by media from other countries. and recently this pete queen another old white man trashed MJ, and another same old white man, forgot his name wrote a very very trashy MJ blog.btw elvis sold 1billion records bullshit, its like sayin the earth is flat but no one will say anythin bout it[/size]
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:yes:Aweosmely said..Can't agree more.Joey is just Elvis fan who come out here to prove MJ is biggest but Elvis still rules..lol

And yeah for that one billion records thing,now its kinda shattering cuz now lots of ppl even on TV are questioneing it.Many ppl have said we still dont know lot of things about Elvis and nothing is well documented but with Michael everything is well documented and there are lots of things that support his 750 Million figure but with Elvis it's still in doubts.I was glad to see lot of people including msuic reporters are now speaking out the truth.:cheeky:MJ RULES ALL THE WAY!!!
haha...only people in some western countries thought elvis is really great. its the media propaganda to fool ppl. we all know MJ shit all over elvis, ppl cry over MJ from all over the world. elvis can wait for another billion years to get close to MJ but hes dead anyway. hes nothign more than a media hyped up honky. btw he never wrote a single pc of his s*hits anyway and his sales? pls. his songs sucks and its only old folks listen to him.
haha...only people in some western countries thought elvis is really great. its the media propaganda to fool ppl. we all know MJ shit all over elvis, ppl cry over MJ from all over the world. elvis can wait for another billion years to get close to MJ but hes dead anyway. hes nothign more than a media hyped up honky. btw he never wrote a single pc of his s*hits anyway and his sales? pls. his songs sucks and its only old folks listen to him.

Susie, I agree, Elvis is waaaayy overrated and will never be bigger than Michael Jackson.
But please calm down with the racist terms.
That's not appropriate.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
I'd like to campare the way the media treats other famous people compared to MJ

1. Remember when John Lennon (I think it was him) said that The Beatles were bigger than Jesus? Yes there was a bit of uproar (I think there was i'm not 100% sure) when it was first said but know the media don't mention that anymore. Now if Michael Jackson had said that he was bigger than Jesus then you can pretty guarentee that the media would mention that everytime they do a news report/print an article about him claiming that MJ's fame had gone to his head and how his ego was out of controll etc

2. I really hate talking about this but i got to bring up that whole balcony episode from 4-5 years ago. Yes what Michael did right there was really stupid but at the same time i know that it wasn't intentional and it was a mistake. Now if someone like Paul Mccartney had done that the media would have reported about it for maby a day or two and then they would have probably stoped talking about it. But because Michael did it they mention almost everytime they talk about him in a news report or write an article about him

3. The media usually has to call Michael the Self proclaimed King Of Pop but they never refer to Elvis Presley has the Self Proclaimed King Of Rock n Roll
analogue -I'm sorry but I don't think these things are because of race. And there is no point talking about 'what if Paul Mccartney...' because he hasn't so we don't know how people would react. The Beatles bigger than Jesus thing did cause an uproar.

I've talked to many MJ haters face to face and they never mention race - in fact they say they liked him when he was young and he should have never altered the way he looked.

The media has printed crazy stories since Michael himself wanted to paint a 'mysterious' picture of himself - he made up the stories of the elephant mans bones, and released the story and the photo of the oxygen chamber thing. Imagine, being young like Michael and able to say anything and its around the world making headlines the next day. He started it off but the media continued it and got harsher and harsher and ended up calling him W**** *****.

The reason the media went to town on him and the reason haters think he was weird, and I know because they tell me, is because of a few things. I'm going to be completely frank in what I have heard, so here we go (these are NOT MY views):

1. his cosmetic surgery - completely transforming his face & the change in skin colour
2. his revelation that he has slept in the same bed as other peoples children
3. his obsession with childhood and being around children
4. his sweet and sometmes childlike nature (they believe it is a lie)
5. their beliefs about his children & the covering of his children's faces
6. the baby dangling incident
7. some of the things he has said - like on the Bashir doc where he says as soon as Prince was born he took him and ran out of the hospital

So it doesn't appear that haters hate because of race.

We know the truth about Michael but people who don't just see the above things and label him strange and weird. It is nothing to do with the fact that he was black.

Michael has millions of white fans, and some of the comments in this thread 'white this and white that' are frankly offending me, if someone said some of these same comments written in this thread but replaced 'white' with 'black', those comments would cause uproar. Its not on.

I thought we were all one race - THE HUMAN RACE and this kind of race talk had long gone! I'm disappointed to read some of the things written here.
analogue -I'm sorry but I don't think these things are because of race. And there is no point talking about 'what if Paul Mccartney...' because he hasn't so we don't know how people would react. The Beatles bigger than Jesus thing did cause an uproar.

I've talked to many MJ haters face to face and they never mention race - in fact they say they liked him when he was young and he should have never altered the way he looked.

The media has printed crazy stories since Michael himself wanted to paint a 'mysterious' picture of himself - he made up the stories of the elephant mans bones, and released the story and the photo of the oxygen chamber thing. Imagine, being young like Michael and able to say anything and its around the world making headlines the next day. He started it off but the media continued it and got harsher and harsher and ended up calling him W**** *****.

The reason the media went to town on him and the reason haters think he was weird, and I know because they tell me, is because of a few things. I'm going to be completely frank in what I have heard, so here we go (these are NOT MY views):

1. his cosmetic surgery - completely transforming his face & the change in skin colour
2. his revelation that he has slept in the same bed as other peoples children
3. his obsession with childhood and being around children
4. his sweet and sometmes childlike nature (they believe it is a lie)
5. their beliefs about his children & the covering of his children's faces
6. the baby dangling incident
7. some of the things he has said - like on the Bashir doc where he says as soon as Prince was born he took him and ran out of the hospital

So it doesn't appear that haters hate because of race.

We know the truth about Michael but people who don't just see the above things and label him strange and weird. It is nothing to do with the fact that he was black.

Michael has millions of white fans, and some of the comments in this thread 'white this and white that' are frankly offending me, if someone said some of these same comments written in this thread but replaced 'white' with 'black', those comments would cause uproar. Its not on.

I thought we were all one race - THE HUMAN RACE and this kind of race talk had long gone! I'm disappointed to read some of the things written here.

When you said you're offended you made it clear that Mike was always a victim of racism:(.You can bring up all those things about why ppl hate him but none of them make any sense to me.His looks were altered but not by his choice,there is no wrong with obsession with childhood we all have some dreams in our lives and we all are sometimes obsessed with our dreams,being sweet is not a bad thing just cuz somebody is sweet and humble doesnt mean he is bad person,covering faces of his children was not his choice but of Debbie's if you want proof then watch Take 2 Interview,yeah when he said he sleep with other children then it might be a mistake to say it on TV but still it only shows his childish side and his honesty,baby dangling incident was not a right thing but i forgive him cuz in excitement we make lots of mistakes just cuz he is superstar doesnt mean tht he cant make no mistakes at all and yeah about running out with Prince only shows how desperate he was for kids.

You know Michael's child like nature only let these haters say tht much bad stuff about him,believe me if I was in place of him I might have ended being a killer of 4-5 haters atleast:D.These people were lucky cuz Michael was so humble,generous and forgiving plus he always stood in his corner being a nice guy and not saying anything bad.But yeah we saw his anger during Invincible but I don't blame him for that.I can get angry if Im pushed that much so I don't blame him cuz I really believe Michael was 100 times more better human being than me or anyone else.

And come on nobody is gonna say I hate Michael Jackson cuz he is black..do you really think anybody is gonna say that??lol they can't say that directly so they point out all other things so that they end being nice people and Michael end up being a bad guy.It's really stupid nobody ever is going to accept this fact,you all can deny it but truth never fades away that easily.Michael fought against racism and opened gates for many many Black people and he was like the Hero of black community.In late 80's he really became soo huge..man I still remember everybody wanted Michael no matter how great other Artists were but nobody gave a fuck about them if Michael was there:)And how dare a Black Man born in USA can surprass whole industry on his own terms,so alright let's find some weakness of Michael Jackson and hunt him down and forget about any ethics lets go too far so that we can destroy this man and his image forever.
When you said you're offended you made it clear that Mike was always a victim of racism:(.

What do you mean?

You can bring up all those things about why ppl hate him but none of them make any sense to me.His looks were altered but not by his choice,there is no wrong with obsession with childhood we all have some dreams in our lives and we all are sometimes obsessed with our dreams,being sweet is not a bad thing just cuz somebody is sweet and humble doesnt mean he is bad person,covering faces of his children was not his choice but of Debbie's if you want proof then watch Take 2 Interview,yeah when he said he sleep with other children then it might be a mistake to say it on TV but still it only shows his childish side and his honesty,baby dangling incident was not a right thing but i forgive him cuz in excitement we make lots of mistakes just cuz he is superstar doesnt mean tht he cant make no mistakes at all and yeah about running out with Prince only shows how desperate he was for kids.

Us fans know the explanations for all these things, but the haters don't, you only have to look on youtube for comments regarding Michael & children and comments about him being weird for his plastic surgery 'turning himself white'.

I really don't think people from the general public hated him because he was black, especially because some were fans of Michael in his glory days and turned on him when he became older and this information started coming out and the media changed his image forever.

I don't know if its different in the USA but here in the UK I've never heard anyone be racist against black people, ever, and definitely not against Michael. Some people I've talked to say they prefered him when he was in the Jackson 5 and when his skin was black..and before all the scandal. They talk of how beautiful he was then and 'what he did to himself' afterwards...

We'll just have to disagree I guess.

The people in the music buisness at the time, all those years ago, I don't know.. but I would be quite shocked that they would spend millions on MJ and then conspire to make him fail..
analogue -I'm sorry but I don't think these things are because of race. And there is no point talking about 'what if Paul Mccartney...' because he hasn't so we don't know how people would react. The Beatles bigger than Jesus thing did cause an uproar.

I've talked to many MJ haters face to face and they never mention race - in fact they say they liked him when he was young and he should have never altered the way he looked.

The media has printed crazy stories since Michael himself wanted to paint a 'mysterious' picture of himself - he made up the stories of the elephant mans bones, and released the story and the photo of the oxygen chamber thing. Imagine, being young like Michael and able to say anything and its around the world making headlines the next day. He started it off but the media continued it and got harsher and harsher and ended up calling him W**** *****.

The reason the media went to town on him and the reason haters think he was weird, and I know because they tell me, is because of a few things. I'm going to be completely frank in what I have heard, so here we go (these are NOT MY views):

1. his cosmetic surgery - completely transforming his face & the change in skin colour
2. his revelation that he has slept in the same bed as other peoples children
3. his obsession with childhood and being around children
4. his sweet and sometmes childlike nature (they believe it is a lie)
5. their beliefs about his children & the covering of his children's faces
6. the baby dangling incident
7. some of the things he has said - like on the Bashir doc where he says as soon as Prince was born he took him and ran out of the hospital

So it doesn't appear that haters hate because of race.

We know the truth about Michael but people who don't just see the above things and label him strange and weird. It is nothing to do with the fact that he was black.

Michael has millions of white fans, and some of the comments in this thread 'white this and white that' are frankly offending me, if someone said some of these same comments written in this thread but replaced 'white' with 'black', those comments would cause uproar. Its not on.

I thought we were all one race - THE HUMAN RACE and this kind of race talk had long gone! I'm disappointed to read some of the things written here.

Okay, I agree that some of the comments written in this thread are a little over board, but I think you're being naive.
Saying stuff like "I thought we were all one race" sounds great and all, but it's not how some people who really don't like Michael Jackson feel. Seriously.
It's true, MJ didn't do himself any favors with the cosmetic surgery and odd behavior, but come on, pure old fashioned racism has played SOME role in the medias infatuation with destroying this man. How else can you warrant the New York Post still calling him "*****" even after his death?
The media consists of thousands of freelance opinionated journalist's all across the world. You're gonna try to tell me and every member here that NONE of them were racist? That's like saying that all professional athletes are honest and don't use steroids. When we all know full well that some do. You, Joey and a few other members here need to wake up and do a history lesson on America's past in regards to racism and segregation.
It's pathetic.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
Since we're on the subject of race, I hope it's ok for me to jump in on something else...

A lot of people were up in Michael's grill about him rejecting his race, and why he didn't have his kids with a black woman, etc.

To be quite honest, IF Michael did somewhat reject his race later on in life, I can't say I blame him. Black people were amongst the first to turn on him the second his skin got lighter, even though he claimed time and time again that he had a skin condition. They spit him out and rejected him without second thought. It's always disgusted and upset me.
I've seen a lot of footage of MJ being outspoken, and speaking out on human rights etcand he went round the world collecting awards and making speeches on ending war love forgiveness etc. When people say they do not understand why anyone would want him dead, the powers that be do not like pop stars to get semi political.

He would not shut up about injustice, and he had huge global influence.

I love you Michael R.I.P
I've seen a lot of footage of MJ being outspoken, and speaking out on human rights etcand he went round the world collecting awards and making speeches on ending war love forgiveness etc. When people say they do not understand why anyone would want him dead, the powers that be do not like pop stars to get semi political.

He would not shut up about injustice, and he had huge global influence.

I love you Michael R.I.P

He had what they were most scared of...the love of the people

Hi guys,

I'm new on this board. Loved MJ to death all my life and still find it hard to fully comprehend that he's no longer with us.

I've been reading a lot here on the forums and I must say you are a cool set of people and I really hope Michael read this forum at some time to see all the different points of view that his fans have.

Let me begin by saying that anybody with a brain in their head and eyes to see knows that there has always been a bias in the media regarding people of color. There's tons of documented proof that Michael had to deal with it coming up, but being the person he was he overcame all of that to become the most beloved international artist of all time.

I agree to a certain point about what was said in the first post about Michael being destroyed by racism.

HOWEVER.....these two snippets of comments above are where my head is really at when it comes to the expertly calculated and executed downfall of Micheal Jackson.

In the 60's he was simply adorable (awww....what a cute singing and dancing black kid).

In the 70's he was a prodigy (wow....this guy is going places he can really get down).

In the 80's he was an icon (**gasp**.....this man is a musical genius and did you see that moonwalk?)

In the 90's....?

Michael became a HUMANITARIAN.

Rather than spend his time on fortune on the usual (big boy toys, jewelry, women, etc) Micheal spent his time and money hosting sick kids at his Neverland, visiting disadvantaged kids all over the world and doing concerts for which he donated ALL proceeds to charity.

At the same time he started drifting away from a lot of the bubble gum type pop music (which we all still love of course) and moved more towards singing songs with messages so powerful they'd make a grown man weep by the second verse.

Ever heard the saying "divide and conquer"?

To the powers that rule this world (who also happen to control the media) Michael was a threat.

How dare this little black boy from Gary Indiana try to make the world a place for you and for me?

How on earth can THIS one man have the power to bring every country, every race, every religion, every gender, every age group...I could go on but I won't....together as one with only a microphone and a message??

Michael did indeed have power....the power of love which is the most powerful force in the universe. 'Those guys' were crapping their pants in the shadows.

If Micheal had been left to continue on the path that he was on can you imagine what might have been? He founded his Heal The World charity in 1992 and the madness REALLY got started in 1993. Coincidence?....I don't think so.

Michael knew the power of love and togetherness can move mountains and save this planet and his ultimate goal was to unite the world.

But think about this....if the world is finally united and people start caring about each other and the environment, what's going to happen to the people who own the media who also happen to control the oil trade and who make money off of war and conflict and every other negative thing that the super capitalists of the world peddle?

Nothing that I'm sure they'd be happy about.

Once it was fully realized what Michael's true agenda was, the same medium that he used to spread his message of love turned their ammunition on him and started the biggest mud slinging campaign the world has ever known.

I'm just sorry that we (people) don't do our due diligence before so many of us are willing to accept what we see in the news or read in the paper.

Michael was stopped from possibly becoming the biggest force of world transformation towards peace, love and humanity of our generation.

I just have to smile when I think about it, because even though I'm sure they think they succeeded in destroying him and that Michael himself probably thought that he didn't get to fully complete his mission...it is not so.

There are more people listening to his music now than ever before and his message will ring in our ears for generations to come.

Oh and by the way....anybody ever wonder why Michael was so into Military style clothing and why so many of his videos portray him as able to transform others and conjure people (and even ghouls) out of the walls, floors and all over to join him in his dance (think thriller, ghosts, captain eo, remember the time)?

I think it's a metaphor for what he was doing in real life. Bringing us all together, transforming our hearts and building his army of love (of which he was the General/Captain).

Micheal once said "We are here to change the world"...and he certainly did! I just pray that we can keep it going for him and for the good of us all.

R.I.P. MJ...

P.S. Sorry for the long post. I'll go back to reading now. :)