Michael Jackson was the victim of a racist conspiracy all his life (video link with Michael inside)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Look at this video, especially from around 5.30. He is comparing himself with other best-selling entertainers like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and looking at how when he started selling like them all these allegations surfaced trying to turn the media against him. It really makes sense if you listen to what he says. When he accused Tommy Mottola of racism when it came to the Invincible promotion I was unsure of it, but now it's making a lot more sense to me. Michael Jackson became more successful than a black man was supposed to be, so he became a victim of a conspiracy that would follow him for the rest of his life and possibly contribute to his death.

Could be quite true that all of this has played a part.
Michael Jackson is SPOT ON! I wish he were here now to say this and BLAST all the people who are fabricating crap to make money of his name! SICKENING! My heart bleeds for Michael. I can't take the pain of the lies by just being a fan of his, could you imagine the pain he himself had to endure?

I just ask God WHEN will the TRUTH come out about everything! WHEN? Michael deserves PEACE more than anyone because no person has had every single thing you could possibly accuse someone of as Michael Jackson has had.
I'm surprised more people haven't commented on this thread. When I first saw the video it was like a revelation. Michael was so right about this. I can't believe I myself haven't seen it more clearly before.
He made certain comments and those people in power had the power to bring him down. There are certain people you cant comment on, or they pull a certain card. They run the media, newspapers and publishing therefore no opinion about them can be brought forward and they control the whole lot.
Actually it's really controversial topic as we all know but ya I feel Michael's sadness.It is very much true,he even said this in his Take 2 Interview that the day he surprassed Beatles and Elvis,they labelled him weirdo.:(I wish if someday we all can understand that after all we're only Human Beings and no country,no caste,no religion or no race is above Humanity.But we only created differences and still we talk about love,peace,unity..lol God never asked us to create any difference but we only created differences and forgot one thing United We Stand and Divided We Fall.And the truth is we're falling everyday and nobody can deny that:no:
Look at this video, especially from around 5.30. He is comparing himself with other best-selling entertainers like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and looking at how when he started selling like them all these allegations surfaced trying to turn the media against him. It really makes sense if you listen to what he says. When he accused Tommy Mottola of racism when it came to the Invincible promotion I was unsure of it, but now it's making a lot more sense to me. Michael Jackson became more successful than a black man was supposed to be, so he became a victim of a conspiracy that would follow him for the rest of his life and possibly contribute to his death.


You had me up til the end.
I also think the media and certain people (Sneddon) were conspiring against Jackson. But I don't think this conspiracy had anything to do with his death. I personally think MJ's personal physician/cardiologist gave him something that caused him to go into cardiac arrest. Whether it was intentional or not, we might not ever know.
But I don't think racism played a role in his demise. The media has been assasinating MJ's character for the last 10-15 years, so they wouldn't really have anything to gain by offing him. Now, would Sneddon and gang have liked to see Michael get whacked?
But they tried to get him twice and were unsuccessful. I agree though that rich/successful black men are easy targets in the American media.
Conspiracy to kill Michael's character through the media and incarcerate him?
Conspiracy to literally kill him?
Nah, not buying it.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.
I think he did have a strong point about how once he sold more than those famous white artists they labelled him weird, they did... unacceptable.

Stuff like this shows how selective the media is too, like they don't have a video of this speech on file or at least have it typed up... they have pics of his Vitiligo but don't show it in their 'Michael's face over the years' pics - just making it look like he went from black to white over night. They also have lots of other things on file they don't play or show.
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You had me up til the end.
I also think the media and certain people (Sneddon) were conspiring against Jackson. But I don't think this conspiracy had anything to do with his death. I personally think MJ's personal physician/cardiologist gave him something that caused him to go into cardiac arrest. Whether it was intentional or not, we might not ever know.
But I don't think racism played a role in his demise. The media has been assasinating MJ's character for the last 10-15 years, so they wouldn't really have anything to gain by offing him. Now, would Sneddon and gang have liked to see Michael get whacked?
But they tried to get him twice and were unsuccessful. I agree though that rich/successful black men are easy targets in the American media.
Conspiracy to kill Michael's character through the media and incarcerate him?
Conspiracy to literally kill him?
Nah, not buying it.

R.I.P King Jackson
I'll love you always.

You got me all wrong on that one, I didn't mean they conspired to kill him, but the racist conspiracy contributed to his enormous stress and probably ultimately his death.
He made certain comments and those people in power had the power to bring him down. There are certain people you cant comment on, or they pull a certain card. They run the media, newspapers and publishing therefore no opinion about them can be brought forward and they control the whole lot.

What comments?
I strongly believe that money and racism were some of the reasons behind his death. I believed that from the start.
I strongly believe that money and racism were some of the reasons behind his death. I believed that from the start.
I agree money was big part and at the same time RACISM.I never heard any positive story about Michael after Thriller.From Bad era til yet,have we ever heard any positive story about Michael???Especially once he outbid Paul for BEatles catalogue he was labelled weirdo so what else you can say about it??It was purely RACISM,if you call Elvis/Beatles greatest everybody is happy in media but once you say Michael Jackson is the greatest then their eye brows raises.It proves there's so much racism in this world but I've seen even Black ppl saying bullshit about him,I just dont get why.I am not a racist,I dont even like to categorise human beings in any race but still I think BLACKS in AMERICA especially owe big time to Michael Jackson and not just one community but the whole American Music Industry.I have said this millions times and Im not afraid to say this,the whole America owe big time to Michael Jackson.If american music still sells in other continents then Michael has to be given all the credit.But its sad he never got the credit that he always deserved:(but I think Obama have a good oppurtunity to set the record straight though Im not sure he will do anything about it.Everybody is much more interested in their own asses than anyone else:( and still people saying B.S about MIke which is really ridiculous.I wonder if they will ever stop..
Look at this video, especially from around 5.30. He is comparing himself with other best-selling entertainers like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and looking at how when he started selling like them all these allegations surfaced trying to turn the media against him. It really makes sense if you listen to what he says. When he accused Tommy Mottola of racism when it came to the Invincible promotion I was unsure of it, but now it's making a lot more sense to me. Michael Jackson became more successful than a black man was supposed to be, so he became a victim of a conspiracy that would follow him for the rest of his life and possibly contribute to his death.

I have always believed Michael was the victim of racism and racist conspiracy. Always. I know many black people around the world, whether they're fans or not, have felt this much more strongly cuz they go through racism themselves in everyday life.

I'm Asian, grew up in a small town where you're surrounded by only people of your race, but I learned African-American history and literature in college. Also, I learned a lot from talking to some black people living in the US.

Some white people hated and still hate Michael to death. They can't fool me. They hate the fact that he's one of the most successful, admired, loved black men. That's why they tried to kill him literally and figuratively so many times. The trials, the rumors, the media, and...I remember reading he was beaten up and almost got killed by a white man while traveling in the South in the 70s.
And now he's gone:( and they're part of the reason why he passed away at this young age.

I've been feeling so much anger along with sadness and depression ever since Michael passed away. Part of the anger comes from the way he was the victim of racism.

When you're successful, people get jealous. When you're a successful black man in the racist system and country which is the US, people get jealous AND they try to kill you.
I'm not too sure about racism being the reason for Michael's death, or what the reaons for his death are as their is too much speculation at present.

I do believe that racism is the reason for the media vile bullying of Michael, and the reason they have consitantly never acturately reported the true facts about the false allegations of child abuse against Michael in 1993 and 2003. And have never given Michael the respect he deserved for being vindicated of all 10 charges in his 2005 trial. I also find it racist that the media often refered to Michael as The Self Proclaimed King of Pop, when he was the King of Pop. And constantly made Michael feel that he had to prove his legenday status with every album, when he achieved everything he needed to achieve to be a Legendary Music God by 1989 after the Bad Tour. No matter how many hits or how huge his album sales were after Thriller, the media always tried to make out each album was a flop, when it was a huge success.
Some white people hated and still hate Michael to death. They can't fool me. They hate the fact that he's one of the most successful, admired, loved black men. That's why they tried to kill him literally and figuratively so many times. The trials, the rumors, the media, and...I remember reading he was beaten up and almost got killed by a white man while traveling in the South in the 70s.
And now he's gone:( and they're part of the reason why he passed away at this young age.

I've been feeling so much anger along with sadness and depression ever since Michael passed away. Part of the anger comes from the way he was the victim of racism.

When you're successful, people get jealous. When you're a successful black man in the racist system and country which is the US, people get jealous AND they try to kill you.

As a white person, these people make me sick to do that to someone just because of skin colour.
Look at this video, especially from around 5.30. He is comparing himself with other best-selling entertainers like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and looking at how when he started selling like them all these allegations surfaced trying to turn the media against him. It really makes sense if you listen to what he says. When he accused Tommy Mottola of racism when it came to the Invincible promotion I was unsure of it, but now it's making a lot more sense to me. Michael Jackson became more successful than a black man was supposed to be, so he became a victim of a conspiracy that would follow him for the rest of his life and possibly contribute to his death.


You are of course correct.
Read this also:

Sony slides to first annual loss in 14 years

The company's preliminary results for its fiscal third quarter of 2008 show a record loss for the electronics giant, and it has revised its full-year forecast down. More changes and corporate restructuring are planned, but specifics won't be made public until later in the year.
By John Timmer | Last updated January 22, 2009 12:24 PM CT

var entry_author = { "dr. jay":true, "john timmer":true, "dr. jay":true }; The last 24 hours have provided what might be called a "three bears" take on the impact on of the global economic problems. Apple, on the hot side, saw its sales growth come to a halt in several product categories, but managed to keep growing its profits. Microsoft was in the middle, with revenue staying steady as its profits slid slightly. That leaves Sony's earnings, announced today in Tokyo, to occupy the cold end of the spectrum, with a 25 percent drop in year-over-year income and a loss of ¥18 billion (about $200 million), although the company squeaked out a small gain after restructuring charges were considered.

The results are considered preliminary, but Sony broke out some of the numbers during its conference call. A lot of the pain came from its financial services division, which came in ¥60 billion lower, and electronics, which took at ¥35 billion hit. The strengthening Yen caused about ¥40 billion worth of troubles for Sony's exports. Games were a bright spot, as the company specifically mentioned game sales as having offset some of the losses in other divisions.

More striking than the third quarter, however, is how much worse Sony expects things to get in its fourth. It last provided guidance for the full fiscal year in October, and it has been forced to make major revisions to those numbers. Back in October, it was expecting to see about ¥9 trillion in sales; that number has now dropped to ¥7.7 trillion, and the drop has taken the annual profit with it. Instead of a net income of ¥150 million, it's now expecting a loss of that value. In fact, just about the only figure to go up in the revised numbers is the restructuring charges Sony is expect to be dealing with.

By segments, electronics account for ¥340 billion of its problems. Forecast LCD TV sales have been revised downwards by 10 million (to 50 million) and Vaio PCs are now expected to be down by a million from the October estimate of 6.8 million. The PS3 remains on track to sell 10 million units during the year, but the growth of the PSP is slowing down, so gaming has not escaped unscathed.

Making matters even worse, its Sony Ericsson group announced poor results last week: its most recent quarter brought in a loss that took the entire year into the red, and represented a 500 million Euro drop from the same quarter year before.

The most serious financial problems for Sony appear to be the strengthening of the Yen and the fall of the Tokyo stock market. The former makes the cost of its products rise in most markets, while the latter has hammered the company's investments and financial services branch. The company is also caught up in the wider slowdown; CEO Howard Stringer noted in the press conference accompanying this announcement that "some of our biggest retailers have been liquidated."
There's nothing much Sony can do about any of this, but it could possibly overcome it if it actually had compelling products
and a clear plan for integrating them. Stringer claimed to have a plan that would involve a change of corporate culture—"we will execute more quickly, and move beyond our traditional impulse towards consensus," he claimed. That would allow it to bring products to market more quickly than it has in the past, and the focus of these products would be on providing a better experience in an increasingly networked home.

Unfortunately, Stringer has been talking about bringing change to Sony for a while now, and there's no obvious indication that its corporate culture is significantly different. Meanwhile, the actual details regarding the new product strategy won't be disclosed until sometime in the spring. So far, the markets have been very skeptical that anything truly new is going to happen as a result of these announcements—Sony's stock has fallen by nearly 16 percent as of last check.
I think that was some of Rep Ben KIng's problem and why he made the comments. this as the same idoit who said Muslems churches needs to be closed down.
As Mr.Jackson has stated many many times...

For many reasons, there is NO doubt since the purchase of ATV Catalog, the original 1993 allegations (all) was/is etc... the ultimate plan, conspiracy to destroy him one way or the other...

However long it takes, if they like it or not...the truth WILL come, IS going to come out...

:angel:psalm 37
I can totally relate to this topic... I believe this can be true!!

And it makes me sad... I'm a White European ... And history learns us that white people created all this mess in Africa, in South America, North America, in Australia, oh my there isn't a continent were they didn't create this hatred...

Well kinda scince I'm aware of skin-colour ...I practually ashamed of being white.
The media likes to talk rubbish about ever celebrity, but with Michael it seemed personal, the media had some sort of a vendetta against him. It could be because they're racist or just jealous of him. I have never seen the media attack any other like they attacked Michael. A great way to describe it is bullying, which is I think it is, even now when he's gone , they just can't resist being cruel. That just goes to show how heartless they are. I think all media outlets are racist of some sort, even though they try to pretend their not.
once you understand who controls the media, television, films, books then you will understand........

just look for the facts
Amy Whinehouse............ in our media today they talk about her being back and looking great. Now if that was MJ what would they be saying.............???

Connect it all and you have the answers...
The media are openly racist towards Michael and for some reason seem to get away with it. It is DISGUSTING. Just look at the copy of Private Eye currently on sale, WTF IS THAT?????? I remember during the trial there were a load of comments in newspapers about Michael's skin colour, saying stuff like, well he's white now so he can't say it's about race, or something like.

I saw this vid on youtube a couple of months ago, here is a Michael Jackson that will never be shown on the news. Thanks for posting, I love this. He's so right.

One thing that always sticks in my mind is what Michael said about white people sitting in the sun getting a tan, but no-one says anything about that. But clearly he must be bleaching his skin and couldn't possibly have vitiligo.
Amy Whinehouse............ in our media today they talk about her being back and looking great. Now if that was MJ what would they be saying.............???

Connect it all and you have the answers...

dont be starting that off. now aint the time
sure racism played its part... especially in america.
but you can't blame it all on that alone.
and michael does himself no favour in generalizing it so much in that speech.

he was simply too beside the norm in too many ways...
than the public could ever handle...
and that made him an easy target for all haters.

average people are ignorant, dumb and many are racist.
its the sad truth.
Look at this video, especially from around 5.30. He is comparing himself with other best-selling entertainers like The Beatles and The Rolling Stones and looking at how when he started selling like them all these allegations surfaced trying to turn the media against him. It really makes sense if you listen to what he says. When he accused Tommy Mottola of racism when it came to the Invincible promotion I was unsure of it, but now it's making a lot more sense to me. Michael Jackson became more successful than a black man was supposed to be, so he became a victim of a conspiracy that would follow him for the rest of his life and possibly contribute to his death.


I agree that "race"(we all all human) unfortunately was a part in this; and yes this is linked to his murder.Look at how the Media and even Paul McCartney became disgruntled when MJ purchased the Norther/ATV Catalog. Before this Robert Holmes was the owner and nobody minded nor cared. Also as soon as his sales surpassed Elvis and the Beatles as MJ said; The "problems" all started.

I'm surprised more people haven't commented on this thread. When I first saw the video it was like a revelation. Michael was so right about this. I can't believe I myself haven't seen it more clearly before.

Many(here on this board) are afraid. I wonder if this topic will be locked tomorrow?

He made certain comments and those people in power had the power to bring him down. There are certain people you cant comment on, or they pull a certain card. They run the media, newspapers and publishing therefore no opinion about them can be brought forward and they control the whole lot.

I agree with this 1000 percent!
You got me all wrong on that one, I didn't mean they conspired to kill him, but the racist conspiracy contributed to his enormous stress and probably ultimately his death.

My fault Chanya.
I misinterpreted what you were trying to say. For the most part, I agree with what you're implying. The people working against Jackson have been waiting for this day for years. The combination of stress and anxiety is probably what did him in.

Amy Whinehouse............ in our media today they talk about her being back and looking great. Now if that was MJ what would they be saying.............???

Connect it all and you have the answers...

"Is'nt she lovely"? The media deliberately promote this type of low life persona.

once you understand who controls the media, television, films, books then you will understand........

just look for the facts

Exactly and they are the key to his "sudden death" or more likely murder.

Just read this and see how they are like a pack of Jackals fighting over a hunk of flesh!
sure racism played its part... especially in america.
but you can't blame it all on that alone.
and michael does himself no favour in generalizing it so much in that speech.

he was simply too beside the norm in too many ways...
than the public could ever handle...
and that made him an easy target for all haters.

average people are ignorant, dumb and many are racist.
its the sad truth.

I absolutely agree with this post.
Amy Whinehouse............ in our media today they talk about her being back and looking great. Now if that was MJ what would they be saying.............???

Connect it all and you have the answers...

You are so right. When white celebs do wrong they welcome them back with open arms. The media ran brittney spears down but now she's welcomed back. When an black (esp male) person does something, they are made out to be the worst ever. Its a complete difference from how a white male would be treated. They blew OJ's case up so big and when they felt he got off for nicole's murder they got him later for some bogus robbery. I never understood why so many ppl were personally upset about the oj thing. You woulda thought oj killed one of their family members. Anyways
like I how they did whitney houston with her drug problem. Are you kidding me. Do you know how much drugs these rockstars, paris hiltons, lohans, etc etc etc do??? Yet the media doesn't put them on blast and they surely don't make to out to be as bad as they did whitney.

Do you know who many little black girls are killed, raped, go missing and it NEVER makes national news. I mean NEVER!

They treated michael and had the world along with them dissing michael's plastic surgery like he was the only one to get it. You know how MUCH work some of hollywoods finest have had??? A LOT. And you can see it and these white women be looking a mess. But they treat michael like he discovered it. It's so obvious how they ran michael down in the ground that the media was and still is RACIST!

You even have ppl comment on how they are tired of hearing about michael jackson? I wonder why. :smilerolleyes: Even a stupid mnsbc (the guy that comes on before keith o) said "he didn't know michael jackson was this big until his death" :hysterical:.......:smilerolleyes: R U KIDDING ME! They hate that a black man such as michael rose above it all. They even don't want michael's family to have the kids, I think, because they think the kids aren't his and because of how the kids look. Thats why they keep trying to stir up things and hope that debbie will fight for them. Its as if they're egging her on. I don't care what! Michael raised those children so that makes them his. And why do they keep asking debbie if she's gonna "fight for her kids" um since when were they HER kids. Debbie was in it for the money and thats it. That hardly makes them HER kids. they barely know her. :smilerolleyes: She hardly a mother.