Michael Jackson Was 'Never Satisfied' With His Music, Akon Says

yes, its so good that he actually write most of his stuff, including his biggest hits, he is not given anywhere near enough credit for this, especially in the thriller days, im sick off all these idiots talking up quincy jones. lets take billie jean for example, arguable (definantly in my oppinion) the greatest dance track of all time, and the greatest song on thriller, written and arranged by michael jackson, mixed by bruce swedien and a bit of MJ, where is quincy jones there, michael 100% made his own career, going off topic a bit there.

But, it doesnt surprise me that he was never satisfied, and i agree with him, i think given the moment, he could do even better, if that were possible, lol. but he never needed to, and i hope he understood that

They always wanted to downplay his creativity. I hope the movie quiet some flapping lips.
i think you have your point while i have mine, i understand yours but dont fully agree, its good not to agree on everything, but you well stated yours, Mine is, Michael couldnt care less what critics would say in his last years, not a bit, he knew whatever he would do he would be underrated, in a whole i think he realize how all that "critic" thing and award thing works..., he only cared about innovating, he was about to make a classical music album, he loved music, he was passionate for it.

About the melodies Michael always loved melodies, always did, but i dont think he would have cared about the mainstream, i really dont see it that way, he at this point was an artwork himself, there were those who would appreciate him and those who wouldnt, he already had his admirers all over the world, and the ones interested in his kind of work would just discover him,

and he was a mainstream artist when he died, remember he sold out 50 concerts in hours and he was offered to do a 3 year stay in london which he didnt want, he was planning to do a world tour instead, he was a mainstream when he died, he didnt have to convert into one cause in first place he was one already, and it was him who chose to left the "business" and have retirement years, but he was offered concerts everywhere, he was the first one saying "no" to any offer of "comeback" residencies or whatever it was offered to him.
You said it all right here.
The difference is thought with artists like Akon - they get a hit and then move on, that's it. But with Michael, I think he wanted a song to be HUGE and stay that way. Look at all of his songs Thriller, Billie Jean, Black Or White, Man In The Mirror, YANA etc. they're all huge and will be remembered forever and I think that's what Michael wanted, not a one hit wonder.
Exactly! Michael wasn't concerned with cranking out the hits. He wanted songs that would stand the test of time. In other words, he wanted classics.
yes, its so good that he actually write most of his stuff, including his biggest hits, he is not given anywhere near enough credit for this, especially in the thriller days, im sick off all these idiots talking up quincy jones. lets take billie jean for example, arguable (definantly in my oppinion) the greatest dance track of all time, and the greatest song on thriller, written and arranged by michael jackson, mixed by bruce swedien and a bit of MJ, where is quincy jones there, michael 100% made his own career, going off topic a bit there.

But, it doesnt surprise me that he was never satisfied, and i agree with him, i think given the moment, he could do even better, if that were possible, lol. but he never needed to, and i hope he understood that

well, i could understand if MJ might have wondered at times, because people have a tendancy to be scrutinous, no matter what(threads about lip synching, etc.) a lot of times, the more people got, the more they wanted, and may not have realized they already had what they wanted, but became spoiled. i see it all the time. no matter what, in life..for example, the more money someone gets, the more they want. the perfect sum, yesterday, becomes imperfect, today. and the perception gets screwed in the process. so MJ's sound was and is always perfect, but sometimes, some people may not realize it till later, because of the 'never satisfied "gene"' in all of us.(well there are some exceptions..Michael being one of them) but the difference between Michael's music and others is that after all the smoke clears, people tend to realize that MJ's music is perfect. even if they discover it years later, in some cases, and sooner in other cases.
arent we all perfectionists ? AKON does great music too

let's face it. Akon's audience is not as big as MJ's..and..

i find myself forgetting Akon music. Nobody forgets MJ music. including critics who would like us to think they do, because they've been always busy telling us how bad his later music is. but if they truly forgot his later music, they wouldn't mention it at all, rather than badmouthing it. and the key is to make the music unforgettable. that's how u know it's good.
If he was he would have brought out one bad album year after year like everyone else.
It is no accident that MJ's the best - it means hard work.
You hit that one Right

They always wanted to downplay his creativity. I hope the movie quiet some flapping lips.
Yeah, and the saddest most pathetic part is that IT WAS ALWAYS INTENTIONAL, yeah man, thats the world we live in...

You hope the movie will do it, hmmm, they will have no option, but you know how hypocrecy works, it rules the world (thats why this world is so f*cked up) so i dont know... i kinda dont care what they say, but it would bring my trust back to them if they would do the right thing, but hmmm, i doubt it, so.

Anyway it doesnt take a genius to know Michael was beyond magnificent, a real master, beyond genius