Michael Jackson Was 'Never Satisfied' With His Music, Akon Says


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Oct 26 2009 6:52 AM EDT

Michael Jackson Was 'Never Satisfied' With His Music, Akon Says
'He always believed we could do better,' producer says of working with the legend in the studio.
By Jocelyn Vena

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Over the last few years, Akon had the opportunity to work closely with Michael Jackson. The duo recorded many tracks together for possible future Jackson releases. Akon relished working with the superstar, and the one thing that really stuck with him is the fact that Jackson was never satisfied; he was a perfectionist.

"A lot of our memories in the studio is a lot about work, because he was so focused on trying to get the right material out that we didn't really play around," the producer told MTV News. "Like, we talked, but we rarely joked, because at that moment, regardless of what we were doing it's like, 'Lets get serious and really do what we came here to do.' "

What the guys were there to do was concoct another memorable Jackson song — and the two really vibed while collaborating. "It was all about the melody, 'cause we both were melody guys," he explained. "Everything started with the melody. We both would hum the melody and try to create the biz around it."

But despite that common bond, the guys had disagreements over when a track was ready for public consumption. Jackson, being the consummate perfectionist, was almost never ready to release songs, even when Akon knew they had a smash hit on their hands.

"He was never satisfied. Like, we might have passed up ideas that I know for a fact were smashes. He'd be like, 'Nah, nah — we got to come up with something better,' " Akon explained. "We can never do better 'cause his expectation was so high. It was almost to a point where we would have to get a record and I would believe in it and just put it out, 'cause it would never come out 'cause he always believed we could do better."

Don't miss "Michael Jackson's This Is It" Premiere Special, airing on MTV and VH1 on Tuesday, October 27 at 8:30 p.m. ET! "Michael Jackson's This Is It" opens in a limited engagement on October 27 and wide on October 28.

Oct 26 2009 6:52 AM EDT

Michael Jackson Was 'Never Satisfied' With His Music, Akon Says
'He always believed we could do better,' producer says of working with the legend in the studio.
By Jocelyn Vena

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Over the last few years, Akon had the opportunity to work closely with Michael Jackson. The duo recorded many tracks together for possible future Jackson releases. Akon relished working with the superstar, and the one thing that really stuck with him is the fact that Jackson was never satisfied; he was a perfectionist.

"A lot of our memories in the studio is a lot about work, because he was so focused on trying to get the right material out that we didn't really play around," the producer told MTV News. "Like, we talked, but we rarely joked, because at that moment, regardless of what we were doing it's like, 'Lets get serious and really do what we came here to do.' "

What the guys were there to do was concoct another memorable Jackson song — and the two really vibed while collaborating. "It was all about the melody, 'cause we both were melody guys," he explained. "Everything started with the melody. We both would hum the melody and try to create the biz around it."

But despite that common bond, the guys had disagreements over when a track was ready for public consumption. Jackson, being the consummate perfectionist, was almost never ready to release songs, even when Akon knew they had a smash hit on their hands.

"He was never satisfied. Like, we might have passed up ideas that I know for a fact were smashes. He'd be like, 'Nah, nah — we got to come up with something better,' " Akon explained. "We can never do better 'cause his expectation was so high. It was almost to a point where we would have to get a record and I would believe in it and just put it out, 'cause it would never come out 'cause he always believed we could do better."

Don't miss "Michael Jackson's This Is It" Premiere Special, airing on MTV and VH1 on Tuesday, October 27 at 8:30 p.m. ET! "Michael Jackson's This Is It" opens in a limited engagement on October 27 and wide on October 28.


well, what akon calls smashes are probably like a catchy summer dance track or something, michael is looking for billie jeans, at that point in his life, he was under more pressure than ever for an incredible album from the media and the general public and he knew it, im not sure if akon realised the standard of tracks they had to make
of course, Michael wouldnt record a song at least he would feel it was perfect... but who doesnt know he was freaking genius and a hell of a perfectionist, thats why i love him, cause he was a MASTER
maybe mj kepy saying '' look i can NOT have convict at the beginning of the song, can you not understand that? ''

But yes akon and michael's version of great would differ greatly for want of a better word...I would still love it all to be released and he has a point..Mj was a perfectionst with every album tour dance everything...It always amazed me he would wait hours before even singing a note according to will i am.Now whether that was because he had to preserve his voice more as he got older due to lung problems or because he always did that remains to be seen..But he always was very patient and careful in his descisions.

I hope akon will have some power to release the songs
well, what akon calls smashes are probably like a catchy summer dance track or something, michael is looking for billie jeans, at that point in his life, he was under more pressure than ever for an incredible album from the media and the general public and he knew it, im not sure if akon realised the standard of tracks they had to make
Yeah, totally agree with the Billie Jeans part, but seriouly doubt Michael cared about critics...

if Michael wanted he could have done just what the critics consider "good" in a second, but Michael didnt care that at all, Michael only cared about greatness... i mean he was a master, thats what masters do
The difference is thought with artists like Akon - they get a hit and then move on, that's it. But with Michael, I think he wanted a song to be HUGE and stay that way. Look at all of his songs Thriller, Billie Jean, Black Or White, Man In The Mirror, YANA etc. they're all huge and will be remembered forever and I think that's what Michael wanted, not a one hit wonder.
Akon is right. and most likely i wouldn't want to listen to most of Akon's songs, for that reason.

and i always want to listen to all of MJ's songs. because of Michael's passion..even if something gets out that has his voice on it, it turns out alright, even though, otherwise it would be mediocre.
I agree with all of you.
Akon's idea of a "smash hit" is completely different than Michael Jackson's idea of a "smash hit." Akon's songs are popular for about 2 months and then nobody ever hears it again. I'm not surprised Michael wanted something bigger and better.

The difference is thought with artists like Akon - they get a hit and then move on, that's it. But with Michael, I think he wanted a song to be HUGE and stay that way. Look at all of his songs Thriller, Billie Jean, Black Or White, Man In The Mirror, YANA etc. they're all huge and will be remembered forever and I think that's what Michael wanted, not a one hit wonder.

Akon is right. and most likely i wouldn't want to listen to most of Akon's songs, for that reason.

and i always want to listen to all of MJ's songs. because of Michael's passion..even if something gets out that has his voice on it, it turns out alright, even though, otherwise it would be mediocre.
If there is something Michael hated in music was MEDIOCRECY, thats the way it should be...for everybody:smilerolleyes:
Well Mike's a perfectionist, IMHO, he wanted to make sure that a song would be to his liking before it is on a album. I don't think that he is the type too just lay a track on a album and just go. He wanted to make sure everything is perfect. :)
I think the song had to meet his standards.

But also, if a song he released or an album wasn't to the calibre or sold as much as thriller, bad or dangerous he would have gotten hell.

I mean Michael had his own standards and after Thriller the world expected and raised the bar to such an extreme level , can anyone blame MJ for taking time on projects until HE was satisfied?

HECK NO. I mean even his SOME of his fans pick apart his vocals etc.etc.etc.

Imagine the public and especially HATERS.

you all know what i am talking about.
Yeah, totally agree with the Billie Jeans part, but seriouly doubt Michael cared about critics...

if Michael wanted he could have done just what the critics consider "good" in a second, but Michael didnt care that at all, Michael only cared about greatness... i mean he was a master, thats what masters do

hmm, i suppose, but i still think he was a little worried about what people would think of his records, its only human nature, and we must remember michael wasnt a machine, and this time he had so much at stake, he couldnt afford to just meet his own artistic needs, even though we all want him to, he was trying to get back to thriller levels, whatever kenny says. I know michael cared very much about his fame, hence why he was so competive with prince and others
Yeah, totally agree with the Billie Jeans part, but seriouly doubt Michael cared about critics...

if Michael wanted he could have done just what the critics consider "good" in a second, but Michael didnt care that at all, Michael only cared about greatness... i mean he was a master, thats what masters do

you have a point about his critics to an extent.

but i think Michael loved creating LEGACY pieces. Others have already said it, pieces that would last for generations and not the ONE HIT WONDERS today's standards.
today most artists are about making money.... to MJ it was about really MUSIC.
hmm, i suppose, but i still think he was a little worried about what people would think of his records, its only human nature, and we must remember michael wasnt a machine, and this time he had so much at stake, he couldnt afford to just meet his own artistic needs, even though we all want him to, he was trying to get back to thriller levels, whatever kenny says. I know michael cared very much about his fame, hence why he was so competive with prince and others
hmmm, i strongly believe what i said, he had his own artistical views, he built them, he was an innovator. Of course he cared about what ppl said about him as a person cause soem used it to try to belittle his artistical skills, so in that way yes he cared, but only in that way, but musically he knew he was a genius, so of course he hated when the press talk more about his life (in a bad way) than his music, of course, he would be alive if it was like he didnt care what ppl said, im talking about the musical part, he knew at that he was just a master. and i dont think he wantded to recreate something he did before, cause he wanted to be an INNOVATOR, a vissionaryç

and one more thing Michael was competitive even with his own shadow, he wanted to be the best, but i think most critics always favorated Prince... Michael knew that, he thought it was unfair, and well, Michael was just Michael, theres only one Michael Jakcson, he was an absolute genius.
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you have a point about his critics to an extent.

but i think Michael loved creating LEGACY pieces. Others have already said it, pieces that would last for generations and not the ONE HIT WONDERS today's standards.
today most artists are about making money.... to MJ it was about really MUSIC.
its what im saying, about the critics, he cared cause he knew there are some biased critics, some critics would know he was magnificent but wouldnt admid it. He knew that
Trying to always be to perfect is not always a good thing. Some may say it's a great thing and it means your a genius but i disagree. Trying to be to perfect your songs come out overproduced like Heartbreaker and Unbreakable which were way over produced and like he was trying to hard. Sometimes that 1st or 2nd idea weather it's a specific beat or melody is the right idea and track to keep. While the 10th idea is not the best idea and sounds over produced.
Trying to always be to perfect is not always a good thing. Some may say it's a great thing and it means your a genius but i disagree. Trying to be to perfect your songs come out overproduced like Heartbreaker and Unbreakable which were way over produced and like he was trying to hard. Sometimes that 1st or 2nd idea weather it's a specific beat or melody is the right idea and track to keep. While the 10th idea is not the best idea and sounds over produced.

hmmm Hearbreaker and Unbreakable are wonderfully worked out songs, Heartbreaker its one of my favorites from Invincible, but tastes are tastes, so fine with that, but you should say "to me Heartbreaker and Unbreakable are not good" bt thats up to you ;D

OK... then i agree 1000%. Sorry I am a little slow today!:doh:
yes we're just humans :)
hmmm, i strongly believe what i said, he had his own artistical views, he built them, he was an innovator. Of course he cared about what ppl said about him as a person cause soem used it to try to belittle his artistical skills, so in that way yes he cared, but only in that way, but musically he knew he was a genius, so of course he hated when the press talk more about his life (in a bad way) than his music, of course, he would be alive if it was like he didnt care what ppl said, im talking about the musical part, he knew at that he was just a master. and i dont think he wantded to recreate something he did before, cause he wanted to be an INNOVATOR, a vissionaryç

and one more thing Michael was competitive even with his own shadow, he wanted to be the best, but i think most critics always favorated Prince... Michael knew that, he thought it was unfair, and well, Michael was just Michael, theres only one Michael Jakcson, he was an absolute genius.

i totally agree with you about this, right from dangerous onwards, he was in it for himself, you cant deny that thriller for example was designed to break right into the mainstream and to get michael played everywhere, cause there was still problems with racism back then, so thriller was more of a comercial album, similar with bad, but from dangerous he started doing purely what he wanted to do, and wasnt worried about critics. but i mean look at all those awards ceremonys in the bad era, when he got cheated out of an award he looks really really annoyed, he always cared about how people percieved him in his younger years, and his music was geared for that, i believe he truely started to become inivative for dangerous history and invincible, he had heard it all then, everything they could throw at him, his music didnt really get better, he was no more genius really, just wiser and more inivative in his later years, which is why people dont really get them as much, but what im essentially saying, is for his later batch of music, he was trying to break back into the mainstream again, and just write guaranteed mega hits, rather than abstract moving masterpieces. this is why he kept saying to akon neyo ect. its all about getting killer melodys that people can sing, its just my theory anyway, but i would never try to say michael wasnt an amazing inivator and a genius, because to deny michaels greatness would be stupid, he is just everything to all of us
There are two types of songwriters:

1) Those that want to inspire people

2) Those that want to make a hit

Michael is type 1 and Akon is type 2.

Michael wasn't driven by what the industry wanted, who ALWAYS ask for carbon copies of others.

Michael wanted to leave the listener spellbound and taken on a journey that they could revisit again & again each time they heard his songs.

And I like Akon - but he has a lot of growing to do.
i totally agree with you about this, right from dangerous onwards, he was in it for himself, you cant deny that thriller for example was designed to break right into the mainstream and to get michael played everywhere, cause there was still problems with racism back then, so thriller was more of a comercial album, similar with bad, but from dangerous he started doing purely what he wanted to do, and wasnt worried about critics. but i mean look at all those awards ceremonys in the bad era, when he got cheated out of an award he looks really really annoyed, he always cared about how people percieved him in his younger years, and his music was geared for that, i believe he truely started to become inivative for dangerous history and invincible, he had heard it all then, everything they could throw at him, his music didnt really get better, he was no more genius really, just wiser and more inivative in his later years, which is why people dont really get them as much, but what im essentially saying, is for his later batch of music, he was trying to break back into the mainstream again, and just write guaranteed mega hits, rather than abstract moving masterpieces. this is why he kept saying to akon neyo ect. its all about getting killer melodys that people can sing, its just my theory anyway, but i would never try to say michael wasnt an amazing inivator and a genius, because to deny michaels greatness would be stupid, he is just everything to all of us

i think you have your point while i have mine, i understand yours but dont fully agree, its good not to agree on everything, but you well stated yours, Mine is, Michael couldnt care less what critics would say in his last years, not a bit, he knew whatever he would do he would be underrated, in a whole i think he realize how all that "critic" thing and award thing works..., he only cared about innovating, he was about to make a classical music album, he loved music, he was passionate for it.

About the melodies Michael always loved melodies, always did, but i dont think he would have cared about the mainstream, i really dont see it that way, he at this point was an artwork himself, there were those who would appreciate him and those who wouldnt, he already had his admirers all over the world, and the ones interested in his kind of work would just discover him,

and he was a mainstream artist when he died, remember he sold out 50 concerts in hours and he was offered to do a 3 year stay in london which he didnt want, he was planning to do a world tour instead, he was a mainstream when he died, he didnt have to convert into one cause in first place he was one already, and it was him who chose to left the "business" and have retirement years, but he was offered concerts everywhere, he was the first one saying "no" to any offer of "comeback" residencies or whatever it was offered to him.
maybe mj kepy saying '' look i can NOT have convict at the beginning of the song, can you not understand that? ''

:hysterical: yeah that little soundbite at the beginning of every single Akon/Akon collaboration/Akon produced/Akon's record label song is kinda annoying
If he was he would have brought out one bad album year after year like everyone else.
It is no accident that MJ's the best - it means hard work.
I always felt Michael could write, produce and arrange his own songs. His songs standout to me the one's he did. They have a beauty to it a staying power. Even if you haven't heard that song in a while, but when you here it; your like yeah yeah that is my song.(have a heart don't like what you are doing please stop)
I always felt Michael could write, produce and arrange his own songs. His songs standout to me the one's he did. They have a beauty to it a staying power. Even if you haven't heard that song in a while, but when you here it; your like yeah yeah that is my song.(have a heart don't like what you are doing please stop)

yes, its so good that he actually write most of his stuff, including his biggest hits, he is not given anywhere near enough credit for this, especially in the thriller days, im sick off all these idiots talking up quincy jones. lets take billie jean for example, arguable (definantly in my oppinion) the greatest dance track of all time, and the greatest song on thriller, written and arranged by michael jackson, mixed by bruce swedien and a bit of MJ, where is quincy jones there, michael 100% made his own career, going off topic a bit there.

But, it doesnt surprise me that he was never satisfied, and i agree with him, i think given the moment, he could do even better, if that were possible, lol. but he never needed to, and i hope he understood that