'Michael Jackson Was Charming But damaged': Elton John

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Bitter fans ruining things again. I really am sick of this, it never used to be like this here.

Perhaps report posts instead of retaliating? Then it can be dealt with instead of creating yet more drama.
Perhaps report posts instead of retaliating? Then it can be dealt with instead of creating yet more drama.

Because its not really offensive, and then the post would just get deleted and they would do it all over again. Without learning anything.

Besides, posts like the ones i've seen in here infuriate you to the point where all logic goes out the window and you just feel like retaliating.
Thread cleaned. This bitterness is not becoming to read. Please think before posting.

Thank you! I know this is first and foremost a Michael Jackson board, but the constant bitterness is taking over soooo many threads. Very disheartening and off-putting.

Edit: so sorry, will reports posts instead, as StaceyMJ has requested. Please delete post if warranted.
I wonder why Elton John was so critical of Michael from 1996-2005. Michael had known Elton John since the mid 1970's, and he always used to be very supportive of Michael.
The only reason he was "Damage" was because of what the media put him through. I always say to my friendsand family there is no way Michael could f been an ordinary joe and be so talented. You have to think out of the box to accomplish that. As a result that called for some eccentricy or whteve you wanna call it.
I don't know what he said over the years about Michael but when he found out he died he was sad. Michael deserved more happiness in his life and less drama than he got. People watched like every move he made and he tried to have a normal life that he could possibly have. I think that is why Neverland meant so much to him. People could come visit there and no one would bother them.
as far as Michael's attitude about topping Thriller, i love how Michael thought. it's that thinking that allowed him to bust Guiness wide open. take a bow, MJ. take a bow. great imventors always thought big. and it meant change. and it caused controversy, but it meant change. for the better.
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I have nothing against Elton. In fact, I generally like him - just clearing that up first. =P
I feel like rather than just negating that he was "messed up, bizarre, odd", people try to justify it with things like "well, he was hurt, he was lonely, he had no childhood" etc.
I see this all the time, often from people who I know genuinely cared for him. And it's like - I can tell that what they're doing is coming from a good place - they're trying to stick up for him - but they're going about it all wrong! Nip it in the bud and don't leave the door open for speculation - they've been around long enough to know the media's m.o.!
I wish that whenever they were asked anything about him they'd just say "Michael was the kindest, gentlest person I ever met. He was a good, good guy and did not at all deserve to be treated as cruelly as he was."
Because, ultimatley - that is ALL that matters. There's no need to stoop to their level and take the bait, answering questions about things that are not important anymore.

Sorry. Just frustrated and sad. =(
I agree^^^. I don't think what Elton said was inherently bad. I agree with Annie when she said it was the article that was putting its own spin on things. And we all know how they do these things. I also think that MJ did occassionaly exxagerate things.

What gets me is how a person can say one thing about MJ and the fans are ready to stone them. Then you have some people who will do things against MJ for years and suddenly because of their relationship to him, fans are in a very forgiving mood.

I don't know. As someone mentioned, depending on what time period he was talking about, MJ could have very well been in a funk. And when you feel down you sometimes think that by pushing yourself and accomplishing something, you will be revived in people's estimation. It is impossible to say without knowing the context of the story. I don't know what he said about MJ in the past, but I don't think what he says here is offensive.
The only thing I remember Elton saying bad about MJ was that MJ shouldn't have settled the case in 93 cause all it did was made him look guilty! He said if that were him he would have went to trial to clear is name!

I say someone who gets married to a women for yrs to hide their sexuality like Elton did just to fit into society, can also be considered "damage!" I'm not trying to offend, just being realistic!
this looks like just a fragment a clip from some article... is this article legit?
I do not like Elton John. -_-

Soooooooooo many people in Michael's life. They just passed for his life. People were passing in Michael's life, people who left and never came back, nothing more. :(

I'm happy that Michael has had his children and had a great time happy and fun with them. :heart:

I do not know what to say about this article... :( it's just sad. :cry:
Why do folks automatically turn into a SHRINK whenever they "try" and describe Michael Jackson?

I wonder how much time "Doctor" John spent with Michael after Michael had children. If I had to guess, I would say NONE!

such a fascinating post. congrats.

(btw it doesn't take a shrink to see that Michael did have some mental issues. but then again, Elton John is the one to judge him? spoiled drama queen.)
plus he was married for some of that '87-'97 period. .

Are u saying mj was married in 87???? cuz that anit true. Mike first got married i think it was late 93 or somethin like that with lisa marie presley.
The only thing I remember Elton saying bad about MJ was that MJ shouldn't have settled the case in 93 cause all it did was made him look guilty! He said if that were him he would have went to trial to clear is name!

I say someone who gets married to a women for yrs to hide their sexuality like Elton did just to fit into society, can also be considered "damage!" I'm not trying to offend, just being realistic!

Wasn't elton on Rosie o'donnell tv show when MJ married DEBBIE and said "Australia is where gay people go to get married." ? Am i correct thinking elton got married in Australia.?

Not hard to believe MJ rarely sat to eat with people. Every one, including his mom complained he never ate.
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i think elton john is the the one that's damaged. and if he needs a slap so bad he should ask me cuz i'll be happy to give it. ***** Elton John ...hmm how is that for an answer ? :tease:sounds like a good nickname for him ..
Jeeeez...what's with the ridiculously negative talk about Elton here? Didn't Michael learn ya'll to never trust a media source completely? Like someone else in here said, in the interview NOWHERE does he say he was damaged. YET the damn source says he did...THAT is media. If he did say it, big deal. Maybe he didn't even mean it that negative as alot of you are trying to make it out to be, i swear, at times its just crazy how people here go wilding out when someone gives some criticism about MJ.
Let's give Elton the benefit of the doubt, just like we do LMP. These statements may have been manipulated by the media...and taken out of context. I like Elton. I couldn't imagine him saying these things.

I think Elton and MJ forged a friendship that started with the first AIDS Walk Atlanta in 1991. Elton was living there, and I was in the Atlanta area too. They were good friends at that point. I don't see how that changed any.
Jeeeez...what's with the ridiculously negative talk about Elton here? Didn't Michael learn ya'll to never trust a media source completely? Like someone else in here said, in the interview NOWHERE does he say he was damaged. YET the damn source says he did...THAT is media. If he did say it, big deal. Maybe he didn't even mean it that negative as alot of you are trying to make it out to be, i swear, at times its just crazy how people here go wilding out when someone gives some criticism about MJ.

This.. :agree:
Jeeeez...what's with the ridiculously negative talk about Elton here? Didn't Michael learn ya'll to never trust a media source completely? Like someone else in here said, in the interview NOWHERE does he say he was damaged. YET the damn source says he did...THAT is media. If he did say it, big deal. Maybe he didn't even mean it that negative as alot of you are trying to make it out to be, i swearat times its just crazy how people here go wilding out when someone gives some criticism about MJ.QUOTE]

Soooooooooo many people in Michael's life. They just passed for his life. People were passing in Michael's life, people who left and never came back, nothing more. :(

Thats such a terrible point to make. Michael was the most talented man on the planet, and the most famous. But at the end of the day he was a person like you or me.

People come into your life and then never come back all the time, you meet people sometimes and may even spend a significant ammount of time with someone and then they disappear and you never see them again......Thats life. Not everyone who comes into your life has to be there forever, thats rididculous. You'd be crowded.

There are so many people who have come forward since 25/06/2009 who have said that Michael needed help...............

.........So if they were so concerned.......where were they???..........why didn't they help??????
I don't think Elton meant anything bad by this guys.

I agree, I don't think that was the intention, but saying he was "Damaged" is wrong by all accounts..Michael was a such a great, legendary, Godlike in talent, man. Like all of us may have had some flaws, but his flaws were no where near to call someone "Damaged". In fact you could argue that some of his so called flaws were actually positives, to some people it would be appear that way. The perception of what is a "normal" and "damaged" is in the eye of the beholder.

Now if he meant "Damaged" as in Damaged by the morons in the media or the disgusting people who tried to bring him down, then yeah he was "damaged" in that way, but he was not a "Damaged" person describing it like it was some sort of adjective..
I agree, I don't think that was the intention, but saying he was "Damaged" is wrong by all accounts..Michael was a such a great, legendary, Godlike in talent, man. Like all of us may have had some flaws, but his flaws were no where near to call someone "Damaged". In fact you could argue that some of his so called flaws were actually positives, to some people it would be appear that way. The perception of what is a "normal" and "damaged" is in the eye of the beholder.

Now if he meant "Damaged" as in Damaged by the morons in the media or the disgusting people who tried to bring him down, then yeah he was "damaged" in that way, but he was not a "Damaged" person describing it like it was some sort of adjective..[/QUOTE]

I think that we must take this word in that way - :agree:
Their meeting took place in 1993 - a hard year for Michael - he was damaged by all he had to come through - Many of us always wonder how he could bear all this. Now we know ... :(
Thats such a terrible point to make. Michael was the most talented man on the planet, and the most famous. But at the end of the day he was a person like you or me.

People come into your life and then never come back all the time, you meet people sometimes and may even spend a significant ammount of time with someone and then they disappear and you never see them again......Thats life. Not everyone who comes into your life has to be there forever, thats rididculous. You'd be crowded.

I know and I agree with you. :yes: BUT let us look at Michael's life and for some people who were so close, 2005 and many other things... :( Some people were not nice to Michael. :( You know, MJ is a very special case, because it was an incredible human being and wonderful in every way. A person really very special. :heart:

But as you said (and I agree) is life and that's how it works.
look who is talking!elton john gives lessons about being normal?come on!
look who is talking!elton john gives lessons about being normal?come on!

He wasnt criticizing Michael though.

The key thing to remember here is that he wasnt criticizing Michael. If he was criticizing Michael then yeah, he would be a giant hypocrite.

What am I even talking about, he didnt even say anything remotely bad. :doh:

You think Michael wasnt damaged in his life? Of course he was damaged! How could you not be with the way the media hounded him, and with the terrible childhood he had. Elton didnt say anything that we dont know already and havent said ourselves.

How can you all say Michael want damaged. There was nothing wrong with what Elton John said, it just seems like all of you jump at any oppurtunity to rip another celebrity apart.