Michael Jackson Was a Serious Collector of Books (Over Ten Thousand Volumes)

the writer of this article shows some remarkable skills of insight! I am impressed.

In the books... " There, I would humbly suggest, might lie more than a few answers to the many puzzles of Michael Jackson. "

wow ;)
I don't get why anyone would be surprised to find out he was a big reader. It's enough to listen to the man a few times to realise he had the deepest thoughts and carried more knowledge than a damn library.

Thank you for the article and those bits of interviews. Reading them calmed me down a bit.
Yes, he was well-read. Given that, it was perplexing whenever he tried to play dumb or pass himself off as naive.
Sometimes Michael would ask someone something that he already knows...just to see what that person says. I do that too sometimes, at the expense of appearing naive. It's not to 'test' people, but simply to learn something about them. So it's not that perplexing. :lol:
I also think the reason he would play *dumb* was because he was afraid of how people would view him.
Here you've got the world's most talented and gifted artists and now he's a damn genius??
Yeah right.
He would have been slaughtered even more. People don't like it when someone is smarter than they are.

I always knew he had a love of books. I'm always reading. I'm just not into the same type of books.
My reading is for escapism. I've never read a psychology book for fun. I read it while in college. Though I do love to study the human mind. I just don't get the chance to read those types of books living in a small town with a crap library.
I also knew about his love of classical music. He spoke about it all the time.
I remember reading that if his children asked him a question he would run to the books to find the answer.

You can see in their faces that they have been brought up beyond their years. Sometimes I look at their pics and see great knowledge and understanding and forget how young they are....

I just hope they can forever hold onto the true memory of their father and one day perhaps in a joint effort provide us with the truth probs from the three people who truly knew him the most and in the most honest way. Not for them to provide personal stuff but just the basics, just to clear a lot of confusion up etc.
it's slang. "thunk" is slang for "thought". as in past tense of "think". :)

Michael loved Tagore -- my favorite author and a fellow Bengali. India's renaissance man... the first Asian to win a Nobel. he won it for Literature back in 1913.

it makes me love and appreciate MJ even more than I ever did. :love:
that doesn't really surprise me. I myself love books and have a large library of my own. Michael has always quoted in interviews his love to learn and to study. He loved books....:) Sweet man
Michael was a very intelligent man he was amazing. Thank you for the post.

:lol: @ the only climb trees. I think his interviewers are more interested in the controversal stuff. Many questions they ask deal come from their crooked perception of who he is. They ask things not because they are really seeking but so they can say 'See I knew he was a weirdo!'

They could care less who he really is as a man. Remember what he told Oprah: Why is that interesting? I'm a big admirer of Michaelangelo. If I got a chance to speak with him I would want to know what inspired him to create, not who he went out with last night...

The snippet from the 1991/1992 interview w/ Ebony/Jet is amazing. Do you have the entire interview?
Here's the link: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1077/is_n7_v47/ai_12288831/
Thank you so much for posting this great article. I would love to know as much as I can about Michael's library. Right off the bat, Michael spoke the names of some of my very favorite authors. It makes me so emotional because I'd have loved to have had the chance to speak with him about this, too. If anyone else has knowledge of any books Michael read, please post? Especially does anyone know what was his very favorite book?
Thank you so much for posting this great article. I would love to know as much as I can about Michael's library. Right off the bat, Michael spoke the names of some of my very favorite authors. It makes me so emotional because I'd have loved to have had the chance to speak with him about this, too. quote]

I know...there are sooo many things we could have related to him about...*sighs* there's better be a heaven darnit! :cheeky:
He was a book lover. I like this article because I like read a lot, too :)
im not surprised michael was a serious collector of books. often articulate intelligent people are. i love reading too, should do it more as curling up with a good book is very stimulating for the mind and imagination
Hey here are some pictures i took of his books at the auction that never was.
10000 you say ?? niiice ...bookworm here too :D i only got close to 1900 so mike wait for me i'm almost there :p
Sometimes Michael would ask someone something that he already knows...just to see what that person says. I do that too sometimes, at the expense of appearing naive. It's not to 'test' people, but simply to learn something about them. So it's not that perplexing. :lol:

many times people "teach" me or tell me things that I already know. at times more than they do.... i never stop them and say "oh I already know that" - I would find that to be rude. I would rather seem naive or unknowing before I look conceited or disrespectful.
gosh, he'd have made at least one fantastic Disney/Pixar movie, I just KNOW it!

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I don't find it surprising at all.

Betcha some of them disney books came from fans.

The article talks about more 'serious' books.

'The Maltese Falcon' - he knew malta existed :) (even tho the film has nothin to do with malta really). but thats cool.. i'm half maltese.
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I know...there are sooo many things we could have related to him about...*sighs* there's better be a heaven darnit! :cheeky:

There's a heaven and it's not all harps and clouds now! Now it's got something to DANCE to up there!!!

I'd like to read/reread the books and authors mentioned just with Michael in mind.
Thanks so much, Gottobethere, it's so nice to see these. The Three Stooges book made me giggle. Silly Michael. :)