Michael Jackson wants Chinese market if tour extends, report says

That would be a smart move, to do China and/or India. More than likely I can definitely see Japan happening.
^isn't that the place that recently got attacked or blown up. something about terroist pretending to be police and then shooting ppl??
well, there are 1.3 billion people in china, if he was massive over there, he could destroy thrillers sales without selling a single record anywhere else, he needs to grab these markets as they are a great way of mega sales and popularity, which will spread to the western nations with these figures too high to ignore, in short he would be foolish not to try and be huge in china and india.
they need to decide if they'll hit every hot spot and work it until the public is satiated OR if they'll do a few runs and move on. like london, he could do 100 more and it'd still be sold out so this is something aeg and mike need to decide straightaway.
they need to decide if they'll hit every hot spot and work it until the public is satiated OR if they'll do a few runs and move on. like london, he could do 100 more and it'd still be sold out so this is something aeg and mike need to decide straightaway.

Yeah! AEG & Michael need to make up their mind, ASP:timer:

I'm still hopping that Michael will tour,

Sweden,Denmark,Germany,France,Italy,Norway & USA,

Go to Shanghai Baby...^^

i hope it will be confirm before January so i can relax....and decide to go to London or not. since i'm from indonesia and i study in Shanghai right now...its really complicated to get visa and go to UK >"
I think it would be great if he would hit every continent... after the London shows forget Europe, go to Asia, then Australia, then Africa, South America and ending up in the US with a triumphant homecoming in 3 years after he wowed the world!
aww c'mon! Really!? Why can't he come to the US?! No talk about that?!
China makes sense.. since they have all those NEW olympic buildings... he could easily fill up those places... plus MJ always likes new markets and audiences.. would keep him interested!
asia has it's place and time, asia has someone who loves her. but no matter what, home is still home, despite the sticks and stones.
I would be very surprised if he doesn't hit china.. unless it to do with the politics of the country?