Michael Jackson Vacations With Brett Ratner In Today's Daily TwitPic

It makes me laugh and cry at the same time.I still remember when Mike was in the backseat dancing to R Kelly's song. He grooves sitting down too. LOL... I know he had a great time with Bret and Chris and Al. He needed to be around goodfriends.
welcome. the only clip is from the advert from whats coming up next but thats only a few seconds of i think him going onto the plane
For a second, I thought this was a recent pic and I forgot MJ was actually gone. I'll miss coming here and seeing new pics or updates about MJ. I can't believe it'll never happen again :cry:.

Thanks for posting though, Mike's too cute.
I love to see him like that i can feel from the pic that he was so happy around those day. I've seen this pic and other pic taken at Acapulco before in Nancy's FB MJ so so cute with the children and his friends :)

but now missing him so much :(