Michael Jackson - Underrated and unrecognized as songwriter!

I was in this audio store today with my dad, he was picking up some vinyls (records) and he knows the people very well that work there, and they know his music taste. My dad is a real fan of singer/songwriters, you know...the more 'unknown' ones. But he can enjoy Michael Jackson's music just as much, and he decided he'd pick up This is it on vinyl, and for him it's only about the music so he gave me the big booklet , awesome.

Anyway, so he bought several records of singer/songwriters and also MJ's This is it. So the two shopkeepers are looking at the records my dad is buying and with every single record one of the dudes said 'Ah man, this is such a good one, real good choice' but when the last one came..which was This is it, the man said 'Hmm...well, you really can't make me happy with this' . He went on to say he'd never thought my dad would dig MJ's music and he personally found it all rather 'not really music'. Singer/songwriters are what is the real music, real heart..real lyrics and so on.

My dad then said he expected him to say that he never thought he'd buy an MJ record, and also said that he was giving the big booklet to me. And then i simply said...Michael Jackson, yeah...well he's personally my favorite artist ever, it's just that simple for me. The dude said ...you can't be serious, really?"

He didn't really say much else...other than actually calling 'MJ' fake, and not as a person but the music, everything.It's all just show he said, look at his concerts man, nah...a simple man with a guitar in his hands playing songs about life in general, that's the real music man.

And this is just a good example of well....ignorance i guess? I think thats the right word. He didn't say anything about allegations or whatever, and he said his death was very tragic. But this guy and i bet plenty of other people have NO IDEA what they are talking about. They probably only know the entertainer Michael Jackson, probably seen Dangerous in concert on DVD and probably...noticed lipsynching. And know a few videos on tv of him probably. But they obviously have never heard genius songs like Stranger in Moscow with incredible lyrics like "Here abandoned in my fame, armageddon of the brain" , if THAT ain't songwriting...oh my god, i don't know what is.

It's a simple fact if you ask me that Michael is very underrated and unrecognized as a songwriter. You never hear people talking about his lyrics , always about the incredible dance moves and shows and how good his music sounds. But never about the lyrics. But the dude has made songs like Little Susie, They don't care about us, Stranger in Moscow, only to name a few songs where the lyrics are awesome. I guess these people don't know that Michael can actually be considered a singer/songwriter as well, cause he DID write most of his songs himself and he sings them. Now that i think of it...for this guy to call him fake (even if its just about the shows..and in his opinion being less impressive than a dude with his guitar...sigh) is just ridiculous. Michael Jackson IS a genre himself, he can't be placed anywhere, in no genre...he's a genre himself.

I should have said to the guy 'Look with all due respect, but a man who's been making music,performing his ass off since his fifth, respected by (insert any real artist) and so on...and you compare that to singer/songwriters?' if anyone IS music, it's that man...Michael Jackson. "

let this be a lesson to you. if someone puts you down for no reason, for something you do, that is a talent or skill, that should be the talent you persue, because they're jealous of you, because you're doing something right.

MJ is the greatest songwriter, because his songs don't need media boost, like other artists do. he wouldn't have been that successful if his songs were bad.
that man is envious of MJ. he knows who MJ is but we don't know who those other writers are. that says it all. that man knows MJ is the best. he's selling MJ music at his store, making money off of it, and putting it down at the same time. that wreaks of knowing MJ is the best, and being envious of MJ at the same time. how do you put down someone who is paying your bills?