Michael Jackson Sued over Dangerous???

Her lawyer was really inexperienced too, and had a hard time asking Michael questions. He was very precise, and asked for questions to be repeated, re-phrased, clarified... Made the lawyer look dumb (and she sort of fell apart). There's about 1 hour of his testimony (shortened to 50 mins because the court recording is slightly speeded up). Ms Cartier may have lost, but I think she was just happy to be sitting in the same room as Michael for an hour listening to him talk (imagine!). No, people, suing him is NOT an appropriate way to meet him! DON'T GET ANY IDEAS! lol
:D I must confess that I saw an interview on another site that she did recently, where she said that she fell apart after the interview and vbecame a recluse. She is blaming it all on MJ and declaring that he wronged her and wish him not so good future.
If you listen to the song Bless His Soul on The Jacksons, Destiny album at the end of it Michael sings "The life your leading is so Dangerous, Dangerous all The life your leading is Dangerous doggone Dangerous, Dangerous, Dangerous". The way Michael sings the words dangerous sounds just like the chorus of Dangerous from the Dangerous album. So if anything Michael plagiarised part of his own songs, so maybe Michael should sue himself, LOL.

Crystal Cartier sounds mad to me. I have the audio recording of this court case against Michael and he sounds like the true creator of the song, and talks about taking the bassline of the song from Billie Jean etc. Her lawyer seems out of her depth, so does Crystal Cartier who is told off by the judge from dressing inappropriately.
big hoo hah he got sued AGAIN!!! he'll get sued over Bad next or something just silly!!
i got sent the audio back in maybe 95. the courthouse was selling it. its really intresting to listen to to see how mj creates.didnt he mention how he took partsf rom streetwalker? havnt listened to it in years so maybe another song. dito ben her lawyer was well out of her depth and cartier is just a fool
Man Mike has been sued for picking his nose at home...

He cannot do anything without ppl trying to go after him..

I know my friend, That is just so sad, it makes me angry, they are like wolves after him all the time.:mat::angry:!!!
yea I see why she wanted to sue Michael causes she says Dangerous even though he sounds nothing like MJ's version not one bit. If I wouldve been pissed if I had to go to court and explain myself over some mess like this!
WTF! The songs sound nothing a like apart from the fact that she's sining Dangerous!

Thanks for posting, I had never heard this before
This is just so sick always going after Michael . Why can,t people just leave him alone. My heart goes out to him for all he has to go threw all the time.
I remember her being on Geraldo's show whining about it, that was way back in the early to mid 90's I believe. What people won't do to get some attention for themselves...sad really.