Michael Jackson Sued over Dangerous???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Does anybody have information on Michael being sued for stealing the song Dangerous by Crystal somein'...

Thanks in advance.
There's actually audio footage out there of MJ in court. It's actually really interesting cause MJ goes into full detail about how he writes and composes a song
that Crystal geeza or bird tried sueing mike but its all went to pot and mike won, mike whipped out the old demo's and stuff and put the guy to shame! another list of peeps tryin to make $$$ off the MJ brand, amazing how he has never been done for Plagiarism but Madonna has done it and been caught, Elvis took co writers names off the"written by", the beatles......................michael owns them too and the above hee hee
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that Crystal geeza or bird tried sueing mike but its all went to pot and mike won, mike whipped out the old demo's and stuff and put the guy to shame! another list of peeps tryin to make $$$ off the MJ brand, amazing how he has never been done for Plagiarism but Madonna has done it and been caught, Elvis took co writers names off the"written by", the beatles......................michael owns them too and the above hee hee
Actually it wasn't Elvis, but Tom Parker who stuck Elvis' name on records (mainly so Colonel Parker would get money from the publishing to pay his gambling debts). Elvis wanted to record songs he liked, but if the songwriters wouldn't agree with Colonel Parker's demands, he wouldn't let Elvis sing them.
Actually it wasn't Elvis, but Tom Parker who stuck Elvis' name on records (mainly so Colonel Parker would get money from the publishing to pay his gambling debts). Elvis wanted to record songs he liked, but if the songwriters wouldn't agree with Colonel Parker's demands, he wouldn't let Elvis sing them.

Well mr parker was a bad man, well business is business, I know elvis sung Burning Love out of demand mainly because his band supposedly talked him into it, he never wanted to record it but I think it was his best song/live performance ever, shame he went soft but a guy has to do what a guy has to do................he's still alive.................
It was Crystal Cartier that said that Mj copied one of her songs also called Dangerous. I think I have that song of hers somewhere. If I find it and am allowed to, I'll upload it unless someone beats me to it. I also have the court audio which is kinda long.
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Man Mike has been sued for picking his nose at home...

He cannot do anything without ppl trying to go after him..
Man Mike has been sued for picking his nose at home...

He cannot do anything without ppl trying to go after him..

You are so right.He could have been sued for Flushing the toilet by some crazy idiot that looked at him funny.Who knows where these people come from.
As he says "You'ld do anything for Money":no:
Man Mike has been sued for picking his nose at home...

He cannot do anything without ppl trying to go after him..

:toofunny: That's so true. Remember in the early 90s, when he was in court for song copyrights? He had a sore throat b/c he did a concert the night before, you know, that case? He seemed really annoyed just showing up.
thats crazy..the music sounds nothing like mike! such a crap song , I have to say (The above version)
I agree. It doesn't sound anything like Michael. I think this is why the judge threw her lawsuit out of court.
When did she do this video? Did she hurry up and do a video for the courts? She sued for $40 million dollars, Why did she think her song was worth rthat much money when she didn't even made a hit with it? She is a thief. I think she did this video to impress the courts. I have never heard of her before. It is very unlikely that she would have had a video out wwhen she didn't even have a record contract.
yeah. the audio is about 50 min.s long and very interesting. It was so funny how MJ said that he didnt think the songs were alike at all. lol
People need to just stop trying to sue Michael. Why in the WORLD would he steal someone else's song and not give them credit for it???? lol
lol, if a person can sue another for "sampling" so little then there would never anything recorded and like a million cases every second muhahahaha
^^^^true. but Michael didnt even sample that song cause he said he's never heard it in his life! lol. It was just by chance that they both say "dangerous". lol, MJ said the only thing that they have in common is that they both say "dangerous" in the lyrics.
wow..it sounds nothing a like. what is wrong with this lady?the only thing the two songs have in common is the title "Dangerous".
wow..it sounds nothing a like. what is wrong with this lady?the only thing the two songs have in common is the title "Dangerous".

I'm also thionking that she went and did that video in order to take it to court. Why would she have done such an elaborate video when she didn't even have a recording contract and nobody knew about her? Why would she have recorded the song and even made a video for it when she claims that she was sending it to MJ. This woman is a fraud and was looking for a payday. Imagine she suing him for $40 mils when MJ dosn't even make that on his thriller album.
I'm also thionking that she went and did that video in order to take it to court. Why would she have done such an elaborate video when she didn't even have a recording contract and nobody knew about her? Why would she have recorded the song and even made a video for it when she claims that she was sending it to MJ. This woman is a fraud and was looking for a payday. Imagine she suing him for $40 mils when MJ dosn't even make that on his thriller album.

I am thinking the same thing..ughhh no offense but her video sucked too, nothing like Michael's .yes, I also I think she was just trying to make some $$$$$ off of MJ as well...people can be so cruel in this world.
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That song sucks no way michael take it from there. I mean please Michael have better things to do and he can componate his songs by him self.
Personally, I think that stupid woman just wanted attention from Michael. the day of the court, she wore a leather short skirt suit that the judge even told her it was inapporiate and made her changed. She said that Michael sang the song but he just want to glaze all over the truth the she wrote it. Again, you can tell this @#$% just wanted Michael to come and give her some attention. She looked like some stupid fan who used this way in order to get to see him in person. WHile she was talking about him, she was all smiling in stuff. I remember it on the news and we were like HUH.
Her lawyer was really inexperienced too, and had a hard time asking Michael questions. He was very precise, and asked for questions to be repeated, re-phrased, clarified... Made the lawyer look dumb (and she sort of fell apart). There's about 1 hour of his testimony (shortened to 50 mins because the court recording is slightly speeded up). Ms Cartier may have lost, but I think she was just happy to be sitting in the same room as Michael for an hour listening to him talk (imagine!). No, people, suing him is NOT an appropriate way to meet him! DON'T GET ANY IDEAS! lol