Michael Jackson statue could be bound for Capitol building

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
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Michael's decision to no longer do shows in the United States was one of the best decisions he ever made. The stupidity and prejudice of American politicians is unbelievable.

Totally disagree with this. You don't ignore a huge fanbase just because of frickin politician.
Assuming it happens- do you think the family will fly down to DC to be there as its being put in??? (I live an hour away from DC lol. I'd prob steal it and put it in my room lol jk)

do you think they would??
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Totally disagree with this. You don't ignore a huge fanbase just because of frickin politician.

I agree along with you. :) The Dangerous tour would have came to America had It not been for 1993 bullshit. I love how some America bashers intentionally ignore other insulting and at time offensive articles i have seen sometimes about MJ from other countries. Unfortunately America is not the only one.

I wanna so join the legacy team. I really want to help his legacy.
I'm sorry that I am in mad mood but I am having personal probs.

And trust me, if the some of the obsessive Elvis fans were running the country there would be a 60 ft statue in Washington. :no:
I agree along with you. :) The Dangerous tour would have came to America had It not been for 1993 bullshit. I love how some America bashers intentionally ignore other insulting and at time offensive articles i have seen sometimes about MJ from other countries. Unfortunately America is not the only one.

I wanna so join the legacy team. I really want to help his legacy.
I'm sorry that I am in mad mood but I am having personal probs.

And trust me, if the some of the obsessive Elvis fans were running the country there would be a 60 ft statue in Washington. :no:

I'm not an "America basher" - I'm just realistic - but everyone knows that Michael has given preference to other countries since the Bad Tour, although there was Bad Tour in the United States as well.

It does not take a genius to know the reasons.

I'm not saying that Michael hated USA, but for me it's obvious he was very hurt.

About the articles on other countries, we must remember that it is much worse when the country where you were born does it with you.

Although he was a citizen of the world, Michael became the biggest and best representative of the USA ever had.
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I'm not an "America basher" - I'm just realistic - but everyone knows that Michael has given preference to other countries since the Bad Tour, although there was Bad Tour in the United States as well.

It does not take a genius to know the reasons.

I'm not saying that Michael hated USA, but for me it's obvious he was very hurt. Additionally, Michael Jackson was a citizen of the world.

I'm sorry for the basher part, that was too strong of a word.

I wish that Mike could have liked us agian if that was the case. as long as I was alive (born: 3-6-1989, and the bad tour ended a few days before I was born), he has never toured in the us, i now hate the fact that some people ruin it for the rest of us. I would have loved to see him preform in my country and that was sadly my frustration. :cry: Sorry I was mad.
I'm sorry for the basher part, that was too strong of a word.

I wish that Mike could have liked us agian if that was the case. as long as I was alive (born: 3-6-1989, and the bad tour ended a few days before I was born), he has never toured in the us, i now hate the fact that some people ruin it for the rest of us. I would have loved to see him preform in my country and that was sadly my frustration. :cry: Sorry I was mad.

No problem.

PS: I wish that all your personal probs are resolved as quickly as possible.
Michael's decision to no longer do shows in the United States was one of the best decisions he ever made. The stupidity and prejudice of American politicians is unbelievable.
This post is.....sad.

Michael performed in countries not for the politicians, but for his fans.
However, I believe him not performing in the USA had to do with many factors, including the incredibly biased and unfair media. Maybe Michael felt his popularity was bigger overseas.....or maybe the records simply sold better over here.

Regardless of the reason - I feel bad for the American fans (the REAL Americans fans that were there for Michael throughout the years) that the past 20 years or so he never did a tour or a concert there (apart from MSG 2001.....I think all of the world was jealous of NYC ;)).
I don't see anyone genuinely caring for his legacy I guess those who genuinely care for Michael's legacy are too young to voice their opinion in public.

This generation REALLY needs some rebel mentality and faith in what can be done...

But I know what you mean, because I've had this feeling myself.
Whenever I am talking to friends that happen to be non Michael fans and I talk about him I get the feeling that they are annoyed or bored or simply don't get my adoration for him.

But the reason for people not getting it is very simple:
the majority of people is simply stupid, stupid, stupid.

And I'm not even speaking about I.Q.

If the f***ing media would all of a sudden turn around and start praising him in every single segment/article about him and actually only educate people about his musical/artistic/humanitarian accomplishments without calling him names or suggesting to people over and over and over again (so they will never ever dare to forget) that he is strange, which he so is not, (and we know they put it much harsher than that!) then people would actually start talking differently about him and even believe what they say is their own opinion when it was something that was planted in their heads...

That is just an observation I have made myself. That friends that are no fans and whose only source about Michael Jackson is their tv set or newspapers/magazines form their "opinion" about him upon what they see on tv and what you see on tv about Michael Jackson is ... I don't even have words for it... They simply lynch him everytime...

Most people really do not think for themselves anymore and that is SCARY!
This post is.....sad.

Michael performed in countries not for the politicians, but for his fans.
However, I believe him not performing in the USA had to do with many factors, including the incredibly biased and unfair media. Maybe Michael felt his popularity was bigger overseas.....or maybe the records simply sold better over here.

Sadly, I just think MJ bought into the nonsense that his popularity had waned here. It's ashame because him not touring here made it so much more easier for his detractors to downplay and undermine his popularity. I still remember that moron Kurt Loder from MTV gloating ear to ear that the "King Of Pop" wasn't bringing his History tour here.
This whole statue thing is not a rumor...it's seriously being considered but it needs fan support (preferably fans that actually live in Calfornia) to push it through...you gotta get a hold of your representatives and let them now how you feel...

Don't be discouraged...it's truly amazing what the fans can do when we stand together, just check this out as an example: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Uncov...Gardner-St-School-Issue-Campaign/339260689115

How amazing would it be if this (which I doo think will work) goes through?
^^^ exactly, ITS NOT A RUMOR, ITS A POSSIBILTY, the ones there can DO something DO IT, im not from CA, but i will what i can, is we fans the ones who should be STRONG, Michael deserves this and he was a SOLDIER, always fighting for his rights, we dont have to be otherwise, we should follow his steps, dont GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT, NEVER GIVE UP, thats what Michael ALWAYS SAID
I wish people would think before bashing Michael's home land. Despite of everything the guy went back that ought to count something.
Yep, cut it out please.

Yes I agree . We are all Michael fans and should think about Michael in the way that he treated all people. Yes Michael didn't tour in the USA and the media fueled the fire about Michael's popularity, but there are many fans in the USA as there are in the world. Like someone else stated, a few bad apples (media, pundits, etc.) spoiled it for the USA fans. Michael not touring in the states because of those people led to lack of exposure of him, which potentially could lead to decreased popularity. Regardless, I think what's important for all to know is that many of Michael fans in the USA DO NOT condone how Michael was treated in anyway shape or form. In fact, many wish we can turn off the media period. There is way too much focus on 24 x 7 coverage and in some cases with the goal to build up and tear down these celebrities or anyone else. So I ask that we all remember that Michael had fans everywhere in the world. He was loved and admired globally. There are always the bad few apples that spoiled something for the majority. The USA fans love Michael just as much as anyone else. In the spirit of Michael, can we please come together to extend love as Michael did? MAJOR LOVE to everyone. :wub::angel:

Lastly, I think it's a great idea for a statue of Michael to end up in the Capitol. I hope it happens.
Guys, Mike's popularity in the United States has always been great. I remember that even during the trial Michael was selling more than Madonna, Prince, Usher, Ms. Carey, etc..

I'm sure Michael was extremely proud of his American fans.

The problem is that the American media is garbage, the politicians are stupid and some Americans are blind.
Michael loved his country, what he didnt want was media, but he loved his fans.

I think a statue would be the greatest honor for June 25th, it would be the JUST thing to do, a statue to a genius that gave everything of him for the world to enjoy and appreciate, the statue would be the greatest memorial, and he WOULD BE PROUD.
I really hope this happens.

Would be fantastic.
Michael didnt hated his country, he did not liked some stuff, like media and all that, but who likes it??? i dont...., but he did loved his country and he wouldnt have dont this song if not

Michael Jackson deserves this statue, and it should be presented on June 25.

Being from California, I can say that there are many many fans who love Michael and have always loved him. Most of us don't support the media. I've seen a lot of hate from people all over the US and I think it's sad that Michael's own country didn't show him the support he deserved. The country should have been so proud of him and not push him away. Sadly, I cannot remember California ever being outwardly proud of having Michael Jackson either. Maybe it was different in the 80s, but I was too young to know how it was then.

That being said, it would be incredible if this statue comes to be. I actually got to see him when he came to the Capital in 2004 to meet some congressmen/women. I hope they do this.
^^^^Well im not for the USA, i been there in 2009, i was at New York and it was before MJ passed away, and people on different known spots of the city would be selling things,

and about famous musicians the most popular ornaments such as garment's neckband and stuff were by far Michael Jackson and The Beatles (even though The Beatles are british)

i bought a LOT :lol:
I hope this happens...and I hope that when it does that horrible NY Congressman Peter King, who said those vicious and nasty things about Michael shortly after his passing, sees this statue everytime he goes to DC. Heh.