Michael Jackson Slept Here

thank you for sharing this post....Michael sure did love his jammies..:love:.....I am so happy that this family gave Michael a haven when he needed it and they kept their mouth shut at the time...also..the part about the wine bottles...uummm..I didnt like it so much...I think that the other adults that were in the house with Michael at the time probably helped Michael drink some of that wine.....If they didnt want to talk about obvious signs...why talk about it now..thats all I am saying...
I liked what Michael was wearing lol. He looks comfortable. That was a nice thing for this family to do. I remember during that whole time how Michael was treated. Most people treated him like he was guilty without knowing the facts and without the trial even starting. Are you not innocent until proven guilty? I still don't understand how people just thought the worst of him. He grew up in the public eye, did so many good things and what a good person he was and still no benefit of the doubt. That must have been so hurtful to him.
Lucky Family! :wild: Although parts of the article is depressing.:(

And those a-holes who said that they wouldn't let Michael near their kids but were the first ones there. I f-ing hate those people, they got to meet MJ while I never will, fake asses.
awwww I never knew that :cry:

oh god.. Michael is so beautiful :wub:
This article is depressing to read and I'm jealous of everyone who is sooo lucky to have had met him. I'm seriously jealous cause my chance is gone now.

and, the wine bottles part. I think all fans know by now he's tormented.
I can't wait to hear the news about gavin commits suicide.
A lovely article, tinged with sadness. I, too, think mentioning the wine bottles or hinting at 'other signs' of torment were hardly necessary. The wine bottles could have been left by anyone as there was an entourage there, and even if they were Michael's... Well... Why does the world need to know? Thanks for posting this. It does give a favourable picture of Michael and that is always good.
Awww Mannn....It hurts to just even think about how the BACKSTABBERS also pretened to be fans of his. I can not believe they talk behind their back when he's not there but when he comes, they're like prefect lil' angels who love Michael. What B.S. Some people are. Dispicable.

I'm sorry if i chose the Negative part to talk about, but it really got me upset. But over all, Its a nice article.

"sleeping during the day and roaming the house at night."--> This part got me. :cry:

I love you so much Michael, And Maannn...How I MISS YOU Beyond words!

IMO, you can tell by that picture Mj was not doing well, and understandably so. i really cant imagine what that would feel like to go through what he did at the length he did. and to still make time to honor the family who did him a favor speaks a ton about him.
if Mj drank some wine, who cares? i kinda hope he got a little buzzed and danced all over the floors in the middle of the night. he deserved it.
it was nice of that family to let him live there, but some of that story was unnecessary.
IMO, you can tell by that picture Mj was not doing well, and understandably so. i really cant imagine what that would feel like to go through what he did at the length he did....if Mj drank some wine, who cares? i kinda hope he got a little buzzed and danced all over the floors in the middle of the night. he deserved it.

This is the worst of it, that nobody has cared about him in such a difficult time! Hidden bottles usually points the abuse of alcohol out. For his children it was certainly not a joy to see their father only at night. But who cares...they had three nannies.

What makes me so sad about this story is that Michael has always spoken out against alcohol and drug abuse during his lifetime. Now more and more information comes to light that his actions were the exact opposite of his own values. It's exactly the opposite of what he wanted to teach us through his songs. Michael always wanted to be a role model for his young fans. That was his ultimate goal. He never wanted to stand for something like that. And this was also a reason why I have appreciated him as an artist. So my disappointment is huge (if this is true).
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Maybe Im just weird but the wine comment didnt bother me, not in terms of his drinking in itself but it did bother me in terms of showing just how terrible the time was. I just saw a man going through something of such a magnitude that hopefully none of us will even have to try to comprehend, having a drink to himself to subdue some pain. To be honest, if I ever have to face as much as bullcrap as Michael did and the hardest thing I ever turn to is a glass of wine in the very momentary depths then that's a pretty strong resolve. It makes me ache that he kept his grief inside, the solitude is what really hurts...
That article gives me mixed feelings

'the King of Pop and at the time one of the world’s most wanted men'

'Gone was the cute boy who had swooned his way into the hearts of generations. He was replaced by a man-child, a suspected pedophile.'

:cry: Michael went through so much, poor guy :(
Its so nice to know people still showed him so much kindness in those horrible times!
Thanks for posting this artical. Sometimes you just forget hes gone for a minuite, reading something like that makes it all dawn on you again *sigh*.
Michael... what a beautiful person you were :(
This made me miss him even more...
I'm sorry if i chose the Negative part to talk about, but it really got me upset. But over all, Its a nice article.

"sleeping during the day and roaming the house at night."--> This part got me. :cry:

I love you so much Michael, And Maannn...How I MISS YOU Beyond words!


It's okay, it's understandable. I miss him too.

What makes me so sad about this story is that Michael has always spoken out against alcohol and drug abuse during his lifetime. Now more and more information comes to light that his actions were the exact opposite of his own values. It's exactly the opposite of what he wanted to teach us through his songs. Michael always wanted to be a role model for his young fans. That was his ultimate goal. He never wanted to stand for something like that. And this was also a reason why I have appreciated him as an artist. So my disappointment is huge.

We can't say that the wine was all his if any though. There were 14 other people around.

man it's hard.....

why :(

I miss the guy..

Me too.
I read this only earlier this morning on another fan forum and it made me cry. :-(
The whole thing of it stayed with me all day...........thinking of it over and over............and the good thing is that this family gave our Michael a safe haven and a place of refuge. The didnt snitch on him. They loved and supported him.
what a damn pity there wasnt more people doing the same thing?
Mountain views................MJ's mountain fragrance that lingered long after he had gone..........just so sadly beautiful. Sad as he shouldnt have had to hide, but glad cos he found a safe place. wow just wow. :)