Michael Jackson Slept Here


Proud Member
May 25, 2004
I looked, didn't see it. I think this would the right forum... It was posted on there site back in July but...

At a difficult time in his life, the King of Pop was looking for a safe haven—and wound up at our house.
By Del Walters Published Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On his final night in Loudoun County, Jackson hosted a gathering at the house, where he introduced his three children to the Walters family and posed with Taylor, 15, McClaine, 13, and their mother, Robin. All photographs courtesy of Del Walters

This is the story of how Michael Jackson—the King of Pop and at the time one of the world’s most wanted men—hid out at my family’s house.
Among his staff, Jackson was referred to as the Principal. In our family, he was known as the Secret—one we kept for nine days five years ago. We believed then, and do now, that not revealing Jackson’s whereabouts was the right thing to do. Now that he’s gone, I can tell why and how we did it.
It was March 2004. The previous year, Jackson had appeared on TV explaining why he believed it to be normal for adults to share their beds with children, that it was the most loving thing you could do. What he saw as innocent a Los Angeles district attorney saw as criminal. Rumors were swirling that Jackson would be indicted on charges of child molestation by an LA grand jury. The King of Pop became a subject of ridicule. Gone was the cute boy who had swooned his way into the hearts of generations. He was replaced by a man-child, a suspected pedophile.
In April 2004, Jackson was to receive an award from the African Ambassadors’ Spouses Association for his humanitarian work. But few of the journalists seeking credentials for the event cared about his work in Africa—they wanted to ask him about what had happened at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. So a routine trip to Washington became anything but routine. Jackson needed a place to stay, and those closest to him were finding that there was no acceptable room in a Washington hotel.

The real-estate agent assigned to locate lodgings for him was running out of options. Stopping for a bite to eat, she saw the April 2004 Washingtonian. It featured a “Great Places to Live” article with me, my wife, and our two children on the cover. The story talked about how we had designed a house near Leesburg with no walls and plenty of open space. The agent knew us well enough to pick up the phone and ask whether we’d consider allowing Michael Jackson and his children to stay in our home.
What would you have done if a friend had called out of the blue and suggested that Michael Jackson might be interested in staying at your home? We first assumed she was joking. But she was serious.

Read the rest here:

Beautiful article thank you so much for posting this. So happy to hear that some people did show him some kindness during that dreadful period in his life.
^ hehe obviously whatever he wanted to be wearing lol.

I think the family had quite an experience. I'm glad they were kind to him.
I'm glad they saw that he was a good person. Still, it's sad, some of it.

Thanks for posting.

I am nocturnal too, I wish I could have Michael to talk to at night.
this makes you realise he is no longer with us and it is very hard to accept 'cries'.
i wish i was on that family... but is a sad story, poor Michael they did his life a hell, that district attorney with that dirty head.... disgusting, Michael is better now, but he was just so naive, how come that ever hapenned to him... poor Michael he trusted everyone... Murray, Klein all thos characters look how Michael ended up... not fair, was Michael even from this world??? how come all this happened to him...

But above all that he looks soooo beautiful and kind there, lucky family
I got a chance to see him a couple of times when he was in DC. I remember that night after him being at the embassy. Some of the DC fans followed his SUV into VA but they got derailed:hysterical:. I wanted to go but ummm...decided to take my booty home. Was Not into chasing MJ..lol. But back then; they had found out he was staying with someone in VA. We were wayyyyy off. We thought he was near Crystal City..lol. Cool to know he was safe and that was a nice family for letting him stay there.:wub:
that is a beautiful article but i don't want to put a negative spin on this thread but i hate people who does this :The empty wine bottles hidden around the house hinted at a man we now know was deeply tormented. There were other signs, but my wife and I have agreed they will remain secret.

If you want it to remain a secret then don't say that because the details doesn't really matter it is out there. It's like that idiot of gotham chopra who keeps saying that he helped Michael write songs but says "oh i will never say it"! well you said it. I think there is a saying that says if you tell you have a secret then you already said half of it or something like that lol

sorry for the OT
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That's a nice article.

that is a beautiful article but i don't put a negative spin on this thread but i hate people who does this :The empty wine bottles hidden around the house hinted at a man we now know was deeply tormented. There were other signs, but my wife and I have agreed they will remain secret.
I don't understand this part.
Beautiful article. Thanks for posting. Glad to know that somebody was there for him at that time.
I love that picture! Michael's rockin' that outfit.

Gone was the cute boy who had swooned his way into the hearts of generations. He was replaced by a man-child, a suspected pedophile.

:cry: It hurts reading that.
That's a nice article.

I don't understand this part.

they are saying that they saw empty wine bottles (Michael drank them) around the house hidden (like alcoholics) and that he was tormented. given the fact that he was facing a trial maybe that was legitimate
they are saying that they saw empty wine bottles (Michael drank them) around the house hidden (like alcoholics) and that he was tormented. given the fact that he was facing a trial maybe that was legitimate

there were other 14 adults in the house with MJ ,
but ppl love to exaggerate these stories and , i'm sure the other things he "won't" going share with us was how MJ's nose look , so yeah !
that is a beautiful article but i don't want to put a negative spin on this thread but i hate people who does this :The empty wine bottles hidden around the house hinted at a man we now know was deeply tormented. There were other signs, but my wife and I have agreed they will remain secret.

If you want it to remain a secret then don't say that because the details doesn't really matter it is out there. It's like that idiot of gotham chopra who keeps saying that he helped Michael write songs but says "oh i will never say it"! well you said it. I think there is a saying that says if you tell you have a secret then you already said half of it or something like that lol

sorry for the OT

I agree. I didn't like that part either. Is he not allowed to drink? I mean, if you think that and other things were signs he was tormented but it's best to keep secret why even bring up wine bottles at all?
I agree. I didn't like that part either. Is he not allowed to drink? I mean, if you think that and other things were signs he was tormented but it's best to keep secret why even bring up wine bottles at all?

exactly!! why bring it up in the first place?! and there was indeed 14 people in the house
His outfit makes me giggle :giggle:
"Those who had ridiculed him the most were first in line." Ugh... this type of stuff pisses me off. :doh:
The wine remark...kind of annoying.
But overall, a sweet article...and it makes me happy to know he was welcomed at such an awful time. :cry:
Thanks for sharing.
Love you Michael!
nice family. nice of them? lol they should be honered having MJ in their house:p just kiddn. I like what he's wearing! simply Michael =D
I'm sorry it is a lovely article but i just cant believe anything anymore. I know Michael had problems but he wasn't a fall down drunk like they are painting him as. I love Michael and no story that someone says is going to change that feeling. To me this is just another person seeking their short lived 15 minutes of fame. If I'm wrong i'm wrong but this is how i feel.
I looked, didn't see it. I think this would the right forum... It was posted on there site back in July but...

At a difficult time in his life, the King of Pop was looking for a safe haven—and wound up at our house.
By Del Walters Published Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On his final night in Loudoun County, Jackson hosted a gathering at the house, where he introduced his three children to the Walters family and posed with Taylor, 15, McClaine, 13, and their mother, Robin. All photographs courtesy of Del Walters

This is the story of how Michael Jackson—the King of Pop and at the time one of the world’s most wanted men—hid out at my family’s house.
Among his staff, Jackson was referred to as the Principal. In our family, he was known as the Secret—one we kept for nine days five years ago. We believed then, and do now, that not revealing Jackson’s whereabouts was the right thing to do. Now that he’s gone, I can tell why and how we did it.
It was March 2004. The previous year, Jackson had appeared on TV explaining why he believed it to be normal for adults to share their beds with children, that it was the most loving thing you could do. What he saw as innocent a Los Angeles district attorney saw as criminal. Rumors were swirling that Jackson would be indicted on charges of child molestation by an LA grand jury. The King of Pop became a subject of ridicule. Gone was the cute boy who had swooned his way into the hearts of generations. He was replaced by a man-child, a suspected pedophile.
In April 2004, Jackson was to receive an award from the African Ambassadors’ Spouses Association for his humanitarian work. But few of the journalists seeking credentials for the event cared about his work in Africa—they wanted to ask him about what had happened at Jackson’s Neverland Ranch. So a routine trip to Washington became anything but routine. Jackson needed a place to stay, and those closest to him were finding that there was no acceptable room in a Washington hotel.

The real-estate agent assigned to locate lodgings for him was running out of options. Stopping for a bite to eat, she saw the April 2004 Washingtonian. It featured a “Great Places to Live” article with me, my wife, and our two children on the cover. The story talked about how we had designed a house near Leesburg with no walls and plenty of open space. The agent knew us well enough to pick up the phone and ask whether we’d consider allowing Michael Jackson and his children to stay in our home.
What would you have done if a friend had called out of the blue and suggested that Michael Jackson might be interested in staying at your home? We first assumed she was joking. But she was serious.

Read the rest here:


oh gosh.. to think he was a stone's throw from where I was at the time!!

it's a damned shame how he was chased from place to place to place. oh Mikey :cry:
Madonna said that three things Michael hated was "swearing, drinking wine, and eating fries."

And OMG, I LOVE his jacket!!! And those hands...sexy, so big and masculine :)
that is a beautiful article but i don't want to put a negative spin on this thread but i hate people who does this :The empty wine bottles hidden around the house hinted at a man we now know was deeply tormented. There were other signs, but my wife and I have agreed they will remain secret.

If you want it to remain a secret then don't say that because the details doesn't really matter it is out there. It's like that idiot of gotham chopra who keeps saying that he helped Michael write songs but says "oh i will never say it"! well you said it. I think there is a saying that says if you tell you have a secret then you already said half of it or something like that lol

sorry for the OT

yeah, they don't think we see through them. they think we're all idiots. :rolleyes:

still, I am grateful to them for putting him up at such a time in his life.