Michael Jackson Sims 2

I can make an almost spot on version of:

In sims 3. Right down to the glasses.
It was just a few days or so I had finally gone back and play both my Sims 2 and Sims 3 games. I haven't really played them. Since before Michael had died. I just lost the desire of playing them. I really love those MJ sims. Especially this one:


I tried making a MJ sim one time. I was trying to make Michael from the In The Closet video. But I had deleted it because I didn't like the way it was turning out. So I am just going to stick with what I really know how to make. And that is MJ t-shirts and MJ paintings. I have all of the Sims 2 expansion packs. As well as most of the stuffs packs. And in the painting folder I have some of my favorite MJ pictures in it. For my Sims to paint and then hang them on the walls.




But you have to be a member of the site before you can start downloading. I have that MJ sim in my game. He is married to a blonde female fan of his. I had made the fan up. I will post a picture of them together later. Of course I have my Michael wear his black fedora hat. And he is wearing a red shirt and black pants. My 3 favorite things that I had always loved seeing him wear.
Wow ! I don't know anything about SIM but all these MJ made me interested in :)
Well, I tried to do Michael in my Sims 3, but I couldn't LIKE THIS :lol: It's great!

I don't have the sims 3 yet and I really don't plan on getting it but i'll see if I can find a good looking MJ in the sims 3.

I hate to say it but most of the sims 3 have fat faces and it take time from my understanding from other players to create slim faces in the game.
Aww, I always wonder if Michael played Sims. With the way he loved video games and spent lots of time on the computer at night, you'd think Sims would be like his dream...he could be a "normal" person, living a "normal" life. =P
^honestly i have sims2 and 3, and id much prefer 2! i really dislike the 3rd one i thought itd be brilliant, buh its not. sorry... :/
liking alot the michael sim which is made by mjfan84,:lol:
Haven't played the Sims in a while, but now this thread kinda makes me want to play again just to make a Michael sim. :D BTW, I found this cute video a while back

I love that MJ sim video.

I have Sims 3 I think it is pretty worth it. But I really don't play it very much. Because I am more use to Sims 2 where you can do more things in that game. Sims 3 is cool especially being able to choose your own color patterns and textures. For the different objects in the game. But that is the one thing I hate about that game. Because I spend more time trying to decide and change my own colors and patterns for the different objects in the game than on playing the actual game itself. Which is why I prefer Sims 2 more than Sims 3.

Here is Michael in my Sims 2 game. He is married to one of his fans name Michaela who has blonde hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a MJ t-shirt. And she is now pregnant with their first child. I am in the process of working on their real house. That house that they are in now is just temporary until their real house is done.


And of course I am going to type motherlode a few times or so in the cheat box. Just so they can have more money. So they can move in to their new house when it is done. And their new house is going to have everything. Especially a movie theater. I have all sorts of things I downloaded and installed in to my Sims 2 game. Especially some giant size wall tvs.
^ amazing. i love it. i remember one time i made a story up and had screen caps from the sims2 in it. its was like a wee illustration-story thing it was cool. i downlaoded the Michael sim and all earlier, was playing it then the game kept freezing on me :( :(
and it recked my laptop i had to go and fix/repair it lol so no more sims for me. :(
the michael sim is very life like..i love it. just sad now that i cant play it! :boohoo:
haha wow.
ive tried to make some myself but they never look anything like him!
some people are good at making their self in the sims 2 game, but I never tired to make myself yet.