Michael Jackson should work with Craig David and Chris Brown

Well he is so and so popular here. But come on, why not work with some more TALENTED (not necessarily more popular) people...

Alicia Keys and MJB are the first that come to my mind.
Nah, Mary would be screaming all over the track lol Their vocals wouldn't have good chemistry
lol, sorry chaos.

Really? That's no surprise, actually. He comes across as totally full of himself, to be honest. If that's the case, then Michael REALLY shouldn't work with him. Not only because he's a lame talent, but also because can you imagine him getting all snippy with Michael, lol. I wouldn't put it passed him. Remember when he was bitching about how hard Michael is to get a hold of? Like he was entitled or something, lol.
I don't think MJ could do create anything special with Chris

Craig David can sing so he can probably do something good with him
Yeah, Craig wouldn't be bad, I guess. But Chris, gag me with a spoon. That fool can't sing and his dancing is sloppy as sh*t. And if he's really as arrogant as is being said, then later with him. He'd probably be all like:

Chris: Michael, you know I can outdance you, right hommie!

Michael: Uhh... no... you can't.

Chris: Hellz yeah boooyyyy! Check my flow!

Michael: Shut up bitch.

Michael proceeds to wipe the floor with him and then walks out of the studio without saying one word.
Michael Jackson needs to work with me again, but seeing as I'm too busy its just really too bad for Michael. :(
Nah, Mary would be screaming all over the track lol Their vocals wouldn't have good chemistry
For real, lol. I always say about MJB, she has an okay voice, but she doesn't know how to sing.
have to disagree big time
they don't need to duet on a slow jam or something like this. firstly, you know Mike could 'outscream' just about anybody and i can envisage a funky Earth Wind sounding collab between the two with Mike's funk voice rawness switched on. and Mary's done her fair share of great duets, and the woman knows how to sing, Nicole lol

George Michael & Mary J. Blige "As"
I don't think so. She always starts out okay, but then she just starts wailing like a dying animal. It's just painful to listen to, lol.
Mary J. is an acquired taste but her imperfection makes her a brilliant artist. You can say she screams, I say she sings from her soul. Ain't that how Michael sings nowadays?


No. When Michael does it it doesn't sound like my cat when I step on her tale. And so are cigerretts and alcohol. An acquired taste I mean.
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Jealous of the drama queen? I think not, lol.


Poor Mary J. Blige. Poor, poor, poor me another.
No it ain't. Bitch is always cryin' bout somethin', lol. Least with Michael's it's just like, one or two things, but Mary'll complain that her toe nails ain't the right color, lol.
HEY! We don't need no hateration up in here. Feel me? :party:

If you only looked into her life, you'd be wanting to sing like that too. :search:
Oh I know about her life, lol. I just can't stand her singing, that's all. If she complained with more flare, then I'd be feeling her, lol.
Uh-huh, and that's why Michael can still talk about his childhood, right? :)

MJB and MJ feel alright singing about pain though MJB has been more like "get me off this baggage". ^_^
Naw. I'm just playing. I don't care what MJB sings about, it's her music and she should be allowed to sing about whatever. I just joked about it because you joked about what Michael sings about. Truth be told, I HATE it when fans complain about artist getting personal in their work and singing about their pain. They have every right to do so and no one else has any right to tell them not to. For me, it's just all about her style. I think it sucks, just being honest.
I don't know why but I always thought had he lived, Michael and Marvin would've been a great duet. :)
label(s) could have at least done a posthumous duet album like Minnie Riperton's 'Love Lives Forever'. MJ and MR's duet turned out beautifully. we know Marvin had quite a lot of demos, unfinished songs or vocal cuts they could have used.