Michael Jackson Settled One More Case!

Looking good! Looking great! These court cases are dropping off!

Go 'head, Mike!
Good to know! They were asking for A LOT of money. It's highly likely that MJ and/or his trusts did offer to pay some amount (that's how cases are settled) but it was probably far from what they sued for.

I feel pretty confident that the 2Seas case will be settled amicably as well. It's clear from what the prince said recently that they are still friends. They probably don't want to battle it out in court.

Like the rest of you I'm really happy that MJ can finally move on from the legal cr*p and concentrate on making great music.
:yes: It's actually entirely possible that the judge deemed Transitional Investor's case unfounded and ordered the dismissal of the case. Throughout the past year the judge has denied numerous motions and requests by Transitional Investors, where they were asking for sanctions against MJ and so on. Plus, the case was dismissed "with prejudice" which usually indicates that the court found the case to be incredibly unfounded and factually lacking, and they will be unable to refile such a case ever again.

The official dismissal filing will be published tomorrow so we'll see what it says. No matter what the circumstances, this is very good news and indicates the last of Michael's major civil cases.


You know what, I'm not surprised either. Transitional suit mirrors that of Prescient, in a way it's kinda redundant, you would think team MJ is out of their mind to scour the entire country to match the BOA loans then.
Thanks for posting the good news and scans, Leslie.

One more shitty lawsuit to be dealt with and it will be finally over for the KING! :)
There is no way Transitional got what they were asking for. And just because they say it was settled does not mean that Michael had to come off of all that money. It could simply mean that Michael's lawyers came with irrefutable evidence that Michael didn't owe them this amount of money and that if he owed them anything, it was minimal and Transitional took the offer because they knew it was the best they would get. This is what I am leaning towards believing.
I agree. people in general only sue for money. If they know they aren't going to get any they will withdraw their case. I would imagine that mj HAD MORE RESOURCES TO FIGHT THE CASE THAN TRANSITIONAL.
Why spend a lot of money going to court when you know you are going to lose it.
I agree. people in general only sue for money. If they know they aren't going to get any they will withdraw their case. I would imagine that mj HAD MORE RESOURCES TO FIGHT THE CASE THAN TRANSITIONAL.
Why spend a lot of money going to court when you know you are going to lose it.

I also go along with your line of thinking.

The "other" clue is that when Michael Jackson comes out on top, the media never picks up on it. Now had Transitional made any SIGNIFICANT progress, we would have heard all about it.
Request for Dismissal

Reason: Contract

Source: http://lesliemjhu.blogspot.com/
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I also go along with your line of thinking.

The "other" clue is that when Michael Jackson comes out on top, the media never picks up on it. Now had Transitional made any SIGNIFICANT progress, we would have heard all about it.
Yes, indeed. They were asking for a lot of money and MJ was prepared to fight it. this is the new Michael jackson. He is now prepared to go to court and fight. This is what was lacking in the old jackson. if the parasites know that MJ will fight they will not want to meet him in court.
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To be fair, we can't really tell if this is a success for MJ or not. That all depends on the terms of the settlement, which we know absolutely nothing about. The amount he's agreed to pay is probably less than they sued for but how much less, we can't know without seeing the actual agreement.

The reasons for settling a case can vary a lot. If one of the parties feels they have a weak case they may be willing to settle for a lot less/more than originally intended. We have no way of knowing if this was the case here and if so, who was the weaker party. Sometimes, a case is settled because the parties don't want to be spend so much time and money on something as unproductive as a trial. That usually leads to a settlement somewhere in the middle.
To be fair, we can't really tell if this is a success for MJ or not.

I don't know about that Judge. LOL! I'm still sticking with my theory.

Which is: when it's BAD for Mike we hear all about it, but when it's GOOD for Mike we don't hear a peep.

Even though the "other" side is probably not allowed to say anything. I expect, if things turned out good for them, to hear somebody from their side tell the media how happy they are with the settlement. LOL! You know how these folks usually get the message out there, when they win.
To be fair, we can't really tell if this is a success for MJ or not. That all depends on the terms of the settlement, which we know absolutely nothing about. The amount he's agreed to pay is probably less than they sued for but how much less, we can't know without seeing the actual agreement.

The reasons for settling a case can vary a lot. If one of the parties feels they have a weak case they may be willing to settle for a lot less/more than originally intended. We have no way of knowing if this was the case here and if so, who was the weaker party. Sometimes, a case is settled because the parties don't want to be spend so much time and money on something as unproductive as a trial. That usually leads to a settlement somewhere in the middle.
The original party that MJ was dealing with got a mere 5 million which covered expenses, they were suing for 49 millions. They got virtually nothing out of it. They lost most of their claims in court remember, and that actually did go to court. I doubt that a claim which merely jumped on the bandwaggon and had NO DEALINGS with MJ directly, would get any money what so ever. I recond that they saw that MJ was willing to see them in court and they wiothdrew their claims, cause they would have lost time and money pursuing it.:D
whcih one?
the prince of bahrain suit for breach of contract.

tbh all that matters is this case is over and done with cause if it had gone to court it could have cost mj a huge amount and who knows what that could have caused. unless we get the settlement papers no one wil lever know what happened
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the prince of bahrain suit for breach of contract.

tbh all that matters is this case is over and done with cause if it had gone to court it could have cost mj a huge amount and who knows what that could have caused. unless we get the settlement papers no one wil lever know what happened
This is true, but since many of us followed the original case and knew that most of that case was completely distoyed in court, it is safe to speculate that this case would see even less comfort. This case had nothing to do with MJ cause Transtional was not dealing with MJ but with the company that was suing MJ. They had no case then, It think they withdrew the case because they couldn't win.:D
yes thats true but im just saying without the docs we dont know what happened one way or the other.

BTW TSCM posted on kop that there was a hearing for the bahrain suit in london on the 14th monday thats just gone. hopefully they might post more info
Thanx for the updates :)
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I wouldn't shout for joy, lol.

Court cases are a drag and when it ends, no one comes out with a victory salute, lol. Either as a settlement or whatever.

For all we know both parties could've said "man let's just drop it we ain't getting nowhere fast", lol.

The 2Seas thingy could be "the one left" but who knows, I guess?
yes thats true but im just saying without the docs we dont know what happened one way or the other.

BTW TSCM posted on kop that there was a hearing for the bahrain suit in london on the 14th monday thats just gone. hopefully they might post more info

Yeah I read that on the KOP. Michael wasn't in London though, I don't think.
I also go along with your line of thinking.

The "other" clue is that when Michael Jackson comes out on top, the media never picks up on it. Now had Transitional made any SIGNIFICANT progress, we would have heard all about it.
So true. Not even RF is talking about it which means everything went well.:yes::D
yes thats true but im just saying without the docs we dont know what happened one way or the other.

BTW TSCM posted on kop that there was a hearing for the bahrain suit in london on the 14th monday thats just gone. hopefully they might post more info

Yeah. That's all I'm sayin'. I'm still glad he settled because trials are drawn out, expensive and soul destroying things. I should know :lol:I just want him to get on with his life and art without being forever held back by stuff like this. So in my book it's a success no matter what he paid them.