Michael Jackson Settled One More Case!


Source: http://lesliemjhu.blogspot.com/

Michael Jackson Settled One More Case!

Michael Jackson's lawyers settled another court case today with Transitional Investors LLC.

Transitional sued Jackson exactly one year ago because of alleged unpaid fees.

The details are not known as yet of now.

Now Jackson has only ONE court case left.
TY for the info. Once MJ gets all lawsuits out the way, he'll be free to release new material with out anyone trying to ruin his comeback.

BTW whats the source apart from your own blog?
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cheers leslie. saw the old info on your blog wondered if there would be news soon.this was potentially a massive case so its great its settled. the one remaining being the bahrain one?? or another
DI: court papers.

EM: Yes, I have no information about that case at all.
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thank you... Man there is always lawsuites going on around the clock with Mike.. It's not about when he's being sued, it's howmany lawsuites at one moment..

CRAZY... He's his own company.
Thanks for the info Leslie. Just one case left. That's great!
I wonder if he had to pay the alleged fees or if he won over that.
I'll be as happy as MJ when all is resolved....well, almost as happy.
Thats great to hear!....one more to go.....

Sometimes I wonder if a day will ever come Mj is'nt being sued!lol
Awesome news. Yep, we are gettin' closer... well Mj's gettin closer :lol:
So settled in court means he paid them or the judge ordered MJ to pay them?
Source: http://lesliemjhu.blogspot.com/

Michael Jackson Settled One More Case!

Michael Jackson's lawyers settled another court case today with Transitional Investors LLC.

Transitional sued Jackson exactly one year ago because of alleged unpaid fees.

The details are not known as yet of now.

Now Jackson has only ONE court case left.

Thanks for the news Leslie

One down /One more to go :timer:
Only ONE more left? :eek: :blink: Wow...that's....something... :mello:

Thanks alot for the info! :sarmoti This really is good news :D
Yay...Another big one bites the dust! Thanks for posting. :flowers: Lookin' good! :shifty:
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I just think Mikes been waiting to clear all the obstacles in front of him before he can move on musically!
There is no way Transitional got what they were asking for. And just because they say it was settled does not mean that Michael had to come off of all that money. It could simply mean that Michael's lawyers came with irrefutable evidence that Michael didn't owe them this amount of money and that if he owed them anything, it was minimal and Transitional took the offer because they knew it was the best they would get. This is what I am leaning towards believing.
I just think Mikes been waiting to clear all the obstacles in front of him before he can move on musically!
Mhm. Thats' a good way to think of it. He's handling all these obstacles first before he can freely do whatever. :D
There is no way Transitional got what they were asking for. And just because they say it was settled does not mean that Michael had to come off of all that money. It could simply mean that Michael's lawyers came with irrefutable evidence that Michael didn't owe them this amount of money and that if he owed them anything, it was minimal and Transitional took the offer because they knew it was the best they would get. This is what I am leaning towards believing.
:yes: It's actually entirely possible that the judge deemed Transitional Investor's case unfounded and ordered the dismissal of the case. Throughout the past year the judge has denied numerous motions and requests by Transitional Investors, where they were asking for sanctions against MJ and so on. Plus, the case was dismissed "with prejudice" which usually indicates that the court found the case to be incredibly unfounded and factually lacking, and they will be unable to refile such a case ever again.

The official dismissal filing will be published tomorrow so we'll see what it says. No matter what the circumstances, this is very good news and indicates the last of Michael's major civil cases.

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As to my understanding Transitional requested the dismissal:




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