Michael Jackson Remembered: Inside Rolling Stone’s Special Issue

i wasn't impressed with Rolling Stone and not entirely surprised at that either.

But for those of you who really want something very well written AND respectful of Mike, ya'll should pick up the LIFE commerative magazine. It has beautiful pics and beautiful well written articles. It truly is a commemorative edition; when I read it I felt like I was reading a eulogy, not a magizine, and definatley not sensationalism.

Fo' real ya'll need to get LIFE!!!!
i wasn't impressed with Rolling Stone and not entirely surprised at that either.

But for those of you who really want something very well written AND respectful of Mike, ya'll should pick up the LIFE commerative magazine. It has beautiful pics and beautiful well written articles. It truly is a commemorative edition; when I read it I felt like I was reading a eulogy, not a magizine, and definatley not sensationalism.

Fo' real ya'll need to get LIFE!!!!

Duly noted. Thanks for the recommendation.
i wasn't impressed with Rolling Stone and not entirely surprised at that either.

But for those of you who really want something very well written AND respectful of Mike, ya'll should pick up the LIFE commerative magazine. It has beautiful pics and beautiful well written articles. It truly is a commemorative edition; when I read it I felt like I was reading a eulogy, not a magizine, and definatley not sensationalism.

Fo' real ya'll need to get LIFE!!!!

will it be in canada? :D
I also LOVE the Life Mag and it helps that it has one of THE most gorgeous pics of MJ on the cover from the Keep it in the Closet video. The articles were exceptionally well written, nothing garbage about it.
I also LOVE the Life Mag and it helps that it has one of THE most gorgeous pics of MJ on the cover from the Keep it in the Closet video. The articles were exceptionally well written, nothing garbage about it.

You mean Time magazine? How does LIFE magazines MJ tribute cover look like?
i wasn't impressed with Rolling Stone and not entirely surprised at that either.

But for those of you who really want something very well written AND respectful of Mike, ya'll should pick up the LIFE commerative magazine. It has beautiful pics and beautiful well written articles. It truly is a commemorative edition; when I read it I felt like I was reading a eulogy, not a magizine, and definatley not sensationalism.

Fo' real ya'll need to get LIFE!!!!

That's right! I bought it when I was in Los Angeles. It's the best so far!!!
I dont have the USA version but the Australian Rolling Stone magazine comes with glossy cover and back cover as well as double-sided pullout pinup and large pullout poster of Michael and reprints articles from previous Rolling Stone magazines. I'll post some photos so other fans can see if there is any difference
I just bought it off the newstands yesterday....can ya beleev it..

I LOOOOVEED it, it was a bit snarky in some parts, but fair and balanced and WELL DONE!!!
I was in Wal-Mart a few days ago and they still had a few shelves of copies of this...I don't like buying magazines because they are so expensive!! Can anyone scan the articles/pictures on the internet ??