Michael Jackson Remembered: Inside Rolling Stone’s Special Issue


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
i didn't know they had the rolling stones magazine :yes: know i'm going out tody to find it :yes: i didn't see it yeserday in stores :no: maybe it'll be out someday this week where i live :yes:


here is link:http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdai...membered-inside-rolling-stones-special-issue/
In Norway l couldnt find any copies. But l will try next week. The same with time magazine:(
me too i what out yesterday i didn't saw it in stores at all so i wish it'll come out tomorrow :yes:
i got it this past friday, very beaautiful pics and most definite reading for MJ fans....
I thought it was very negative, and focused on the allegations too much. it basically said after Bad Michael had no musical career. And incorrectly states that Remember The Time came out in 1987. I am not impressed at all.
I thought it was very negative, and focused on the allegations too much. it basically said after Bad Michael had no musical career. And incorrectly states that Remember The Time came out in 1987. I am not impressed at all.
I was hoping it wasn't negative, I was really looking forward to buying a copy.
I liked the Rolling Stone tribute issue, I thought on the whole it was fair and balanced and portrayed all sides evenly. In Australia the issue comes with a different cover and I was able to buy it yesterday but I am going back to the newsagent tomorrow in hopes of buying more as I really thought it was a beautiful done - it comes with tons of photos, a pinup and a pullout poster. Around 83 pages. Its all MJ - all the way!
I hope it will sell at Hong Kong.
But i go to the stores, there didn't have this book...SAD~~
I hope i can find it in the other stores.
I think many stores might have sold out worldwide which is why people have trouble finding issue. Here in Australia I was told by several people I talk to at newsagents that groups of people were coming into stores and buying up 20-30 copies each so they can sell it on ebay for inflated prices (ive seen it on ebay selling for $90!). its only 9.95 in australian dollars when on sale at newsagents. it really is a nice issue. if youre a mj fan i think its a must buy. im hoping to buy another 1 or 2 copies so i can keep them in mint condition and read 1 copy as there are tons of articles and photos to look at. so far its the only magazine i have been able to buy as all the others have been sold out due to people buying so many copies each but hopefully i find other magazines (fingers crossed)
I thought it was very negative, and focused on the allegations too much. it basically said after Bad Michael had no musical career. And incorrectly states that Remember The Time came out in 1987. I am not impressed at all.

Revisionism at its worst. Michael had no career after Bad? Dangerous sold faster than Bad and just 2 million copies less than Bad. Stupid people. I wonder what History and Invincible would have sold had it not been for the false allegations of abuse.

Edit: I'll never buy a Rollingstone magazine after this.
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I was hoping it wasn't negative, I was really looking forward to buying a copy.

hun :no: there is :no: negative about it :no:

do you like me to take picture inside of the magazine that you'll know and understand what is :yes: :flowers:
i didnt find it a negative tribute but i confess i havent read many of the articles. i thought the magazine was beautifully put together. here in australia the tribute issue has a closeup of michaels face and comes with a pinup and pullout poster you can hang on your wall. its filled with many wonderful photos and articles to read. i think it was 83 pages all up. not bad for 9.95! im hoping the newsagent has more copies tomorrow so i can buy maybe 1 or 2 more copies so i can put them away in storage for keeps. one thing i dont like about the issue is that there are some sellers on ebay who are charging outrageous prices for it. one seller even charged 95.00! that sucks. its just pure greed which makes it even more horrible.
well they put some old articles in it or an article from a past rolling stone, that was pretty cool. who doesnt like reading old articles michael has done? i mean we can say its negative but i didnt really see it as that bad. you cant sugar coat things and not bring up his later years. noones perfect. they talked about his life the good and the bad stuff he went through. then again i ain't finished reading .
well they put some old articles in it or an article from a past rolling stone, that was pretty cool. who doesnt like reading old articles michael has done? i mean we can say its negative but i didnt really see it as that bad. you cant sugar coat things and not bring up his later years. noones perfect. they talked about his life the good and the bad stuff he went through. then again i ain't finished reading .

The good and the bad? Most of the "bad" stuff was out of Michael's hands, as in he had no control over it whatsoever. Does the reporting in RS reflect that? I doubt it. And the factual errors and revisionism is something which simply cannot be excused. RS can print a thousand pictures of Michael and it wouldn't make up for their innuendos and lazy errors.
I gotta tell ya, I haven't read a whole lot. I finally found it last night here and I read all the way up until the Thriller era and so far it's pretty damn good. Now, knowing Rolling Stone and how they treat artists (esp. black artists), I don't expect much good stuff past Bad or Dangerous...but so far it's all good. Incredible pics. I'm looking forward (with apprehension of course) to the next parts and the pics.

I guess I'm holding out hope because the last MJ related issue of Rolling Stone was back in '92 or '93 (with the "In The Closet" pic on the front cover) and it was pretty good overall. I remember reading that and thinking it was fairly well done back then. I'm just hoping that here in 2009 it'll be decent too.

Not to say that back then might not have been some bull****......there probably was. But overall, from what I can remember...it was alright overall. I remember that old issue was talking a lot about Neverland and what it meant to him as a new property owner of like 4-5 years and all the sick/needy kids that came to visit, etc.

Lookin' forward to reading more of this issue. No matter what they say though, I already know the truth of who Michael was, so it don't matter what **** they might say and what they might speculate on.

Accusations are one thing. The truth however.....is the TRUTH.
I got a different cover for this one? Or maybe they made two.
I didn't really enjoy the reading. It was all about his career and the really boring details like how long tracks were and what his producers thought and stuff like that.
I wanted poignant things, but i guess these boring details is what separates itself from 'tabloid gossip'
they have been mostly negative all through his later years. now they feel they need to join in on the comem mags.

the reality is, nobody has 'hard facts' on Michael. it's all speculative. the only thing they 'know about' is the music.. and the reality is, MJ's magnetism was a threat to most media, and they couldn't take it. but these mags are all we have..and they're only out because of the massive adulation MJ has always received, at the chagrin of the media. and the mags want to cash in. now, there's a piece of realism for you.
I gotta say - I love the cover! That is my fave pose of MJ's. It epitomises his genius, his beauty and his passion. I just LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE that pic!!!
i bought it about a week ago, I just haven't gotten around to reading it yet
Oh the times i wish i had spent the last off my money on 2 first edition stephen king books, but i will keep an eye on it and hope to get it soon, even though most reviews are bad if it has michael in it its worth buying just for him.