Michael Jackson Opus being auctioned on Larry King to raise money for Haiti

Paula Abdul auctioning off The Michael Jackson Opus on Larry King

I'm watching a 2-hour Haiti special on Larry King live right now on CNN and there are a lot of special guests helping out with the disaster relief.

Anyone interested in bidding on this rare (and really heavy) book? Paula stated that 80% of the photos have never been seen before.

Bid is currently at $19,000!

For that much, I can buy at least 20 genuine Michael autographs!!!!!!

And anyway, if I wanted to give 19 grand to help the poor people of Haiti, I would give it straight to charity and avoid all the leeches!!!!!!
Re: Paula Abdul auctioning off The Michael Jackson Opus on Larry King

I'm watching a 2-hour Haiti special on Larry King live right now on CNN and there are a lot of special guests helping out with the disaster relief.

Anyone interested in bidding on this rare (and really heavy) book? Paula stated that 80% of the photos have never been seen before.


That's just Paula. We saw most of them *gives an angry look to KrakenOpus*
Its not even signed by the Jacksons?

No, but it is for Haiti Charity relief.

Paula brought the book with her to the telethon and got people who were there to sign it including: Paula Abdul, Joel Madden, Nicole Richie, Will.i.am, Alyssa Milano, Ryan Seacrest, Duchess Sarah Ferguson, Pete Wentz and more.

I think it was nice of Paula to think of this. She contributed an essay to the Opus, I believe. So she was involved with it.
Artist Nate Giorgio - designed (the cover) and contributed to the MJ Opus - is donating a set of exclusive paintings for auction. They are beautiful like his other work.

From the artist, Nate Giorgio: "This exclusive set of paintings was created while coming up with different ideas and concepts while putting together the Michael Jackson Opus. These were all concepts from my studio for different cover designs to inside chapter ideas. The paintings were never used in the Opus but are one-of-a-kind originals from my private sketchbooks."

