Michael Jackson Opus being auctioned on Larry King to raise money for Haiti


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Paula Abdul was on LKL's special show for Haiti tonight and she said that she is donating a Michael Jackson Opus filled with signatures of the many celebrities that are on the show tonight for 'Haiti: How you can help'. Celebrities on the show tonight are Jennifer Lopez, Ben Stiller, Benicio del Toro, Snoop Dog, Tea Leoni, Will.i.am, Ryan Seacrest, Maria Bello, Jared Leto, Alyssa Milano, Nicole Richie, Joel Madden and many others.

I will post the link for where you can bid for this special Opus soon.



No bids yet and min bid seems to be $3000. Auction will end on Feb 26th.

ETA: There are TWO copies being auctioned off.

ETA: Bid is at $19,000.
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I must've switched the channel when she came on.

Hope they get a nice amount for it as it would be worth it.
Current bid is at 6000!! I wish I had the money :O
It's over $6000 now. Bids coming in :) I love that MJ is a part of this in some way :heart:
Current Bid: $8,000.00
Number of Bids: 12
Minimum Next Bid: $8,500.00
Wow, thats one expensive opus, if i had a million dollars i would have given it for it. Unfortunately i am not a millionaire yet.
wow! that's cool.

i missed this though :(

will the bid continue on the next larry king live?
That's so amazing, I hope it raises a lot of money. Even though he's not physically here anymore Michael's still finding a way to help.
Much as I sympathise with Haiti and have donated, I couldn't part with mine no matter how much I was offered, but seeing how much it could be worth, I feel like locking it away in a safe!
Jared Leto Buys Larry King's Suspenders for $1,000, and a Good Cause

By Chris Ariens on Jan 18, 2010 11:26 PM
Tonight's Larry King Live "Haiti: How You Can Help" special raised $5 million for UNICEF and the American Red Cross, including $1,000 for the suspenders King was wearing. Actor Jared Leto had the winning bid for those.
The suspender suspense was begun by Ryan Seacrest with several celebs bidding. P Diddy followed suit and auctioned off his sunglasses. Paula Abdul brought a copy of "Michael Jackson OPUS" and auctioned it off for Haiti relief. At last check, the bid was $7,500.

Much as I sympathise with Haiti and have donated, I couldn't part with mine no matter how much I was offered, but seeing how much it could be worth, I feel like locking it away in a safe!

I think the fact that it is for Haiti and also signed by several celebrities has helped bring the price up a bit.
Wow, amazing.....it is so good to know that he is so loved.
Scroll to 0:18 where paula talks about MJ's Opus book and wow it's GIGANTIC that jennifer lopez who was sitting next to her had to help her hold it up straight!