Michael Jackson leaves Anastasia Salon on April 11, 2009.

That's just too much. I have no idea how Michael got through that crowd to get into the elevator. :unsure:
As far as I know, Anastasia Soare is a beautician, also known as "Queen of Brows" ,
Anastasia is from Romania ... she went to the 90 in America, where he started a business in cosmetics ... in very little time has come to be called Queen of Brows ... of her clients are: Madonna, Sharon Stone, Jenifer Lopez, etc ...
As far as I know, Michael has also worked with Anastasia in the past.

I hope that Michael have a new look in this summer! Gooooo Michael!!
i can see one fan holding this pic

wow...and this is in america...gonna be 10 x worse during the concerts in london... makes me a bit nervous lol!!!!
u can see him in the mirror at the start but only his back. his hair looks about shoulder length and straight!
But why is this unsettling , and that other previous video where people just went completely nuts not unsettling? I find both pretty unsettling and rather un-normal.
Not a word..but f it, lol.
pure michaelmanie

but paps are crazy
they will crowd and shove to get a glimpse of the KOP but them degrade him on there shows and articles acting like they're just writing about michael just cuz and they don't really give a shit

yeah right
I wish Michael could go out in public just once, being just a regurlar guy. I am so tired of all the papz, but of course, he IS Michael Jackson. :/ Guess there's not much you can do about it.
Nah, i remember seeing a umbrella, a black one...much closer to the guards..isn't that him but just hiding himself behind it or something? Otherwise dunno
LOL! I know exactly where this place is. It's in the same building as my dermatologist. Too bad he wasn't there last Thursday instead of Saturday :(
thanks for that info nicule. :cheers: de unde esti din romania?

wow michael way to go man get that brows nice :wild: are u kidding me i cant wait to see his eyes :wild:

right now i am so happy that she is romanian. :tease::wub: i am a little goofie today please dont pay atention to me i ate too much chocolate. :dont_mention_it:

As far as I know, Anastasia Soare is a beautician, also known as "Queen of Brows" ,
Anastasia is from Romania ... she went to the 90 in America, where he started a business in cosmetics ... in very little time has come to be called Queen of Brows ... of her clients are: Madonna, Sharon Stone, Jenifer Lopez, etc ...
As far as I know, Michael has also worked with Anastasia in the past.

I hope that Michael have a new look in this summer! Gooooo Michael!!
oooo hes a makeover, wonder what he new haircut is gunna be like, i hope its different.... Lets pray, maybe we have the curls back :D:D Please god, can we have the curls back!!!!!! :p xx

It is SO STRANGE that you said that because a person I know that I thought was a complete LIAR about MJ said to me three days ago that I would be surprised with Mike's new look...specifically his hair.

I thought, yeah right, whatever. And now I see this, so I want to see a picture of his hair to find out if she is right. If anyone obtains one, please post (like I really need to ask for that...LOL). If this is correct, then my friend is WAY inside the loop. I can depend on much of what he's saying. I hope it is true, because I want to know what's going on from the 'inside'.
I think its one of Michaels bodyguards :)

IF that is Mike, it looks like he got a 'bob' haircut. now that would look different for sure. I believe he had a 'bob' haircut on the last Italian Vogue & TV Guide photo shoots, and it looked great.
I think its one of Michaels bodyguards :)

wow.. that was very unpleasant to watch I must say

Sorry for all the replies. I hate to say it, but this is NOTHING in comparison with the Thriller era. You couldn't even get NEAR him and I mean 25 feet near him, without being attacked by his body guards. Did you know that 4 fans have been trampled to DEATH because of this? This was just during the Thriller era and I'm unsure of the number now. But, I can just imagine why Michael hates when he is pushed. People rip his clothes, his hair, scratch his face. Why are these people considered fans? They aren't fans in terms of respecting the man. They are fans in regards to its origin "fanatic". Fanatic means crazy. Why would anyone not care about stomping on another human being when they are more concerned about seeing a star. It makes Mike and me sad.
I hated watching that. Poor Michael. :sad: It must be awful for him sometimes.