Michael Jackson--Just An 80's Pop Star?

I've read many articles where MJ is referred to as basically an "80's act" and I do find it a bit annoying when people act like he was only big in the 80's. They fail to mention the fact that he had a very successful career with his brothers and was also quite successful well into the 90's. I've heard people say so many times that "MJ went downhill after Thriller or Bad" and that's just not true, he's made some incredible songs/video's after. I think I know why that is though. I think it's because many think MJ went "crazy" :smilerolleyes: after the 80's, so that's the reason I feel that so many people refer to him and his later music in a negative way.

As for his earlier work in the 70's and before, it just does not get the recogniton it deserves for some reason. I have no idea why that it is. It's a shame really.
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well...people don´t look back. the look at what is in right now. and he hasen´t been doing anything groundbraking in 00`.
personly I think mj was at his top in 1992 at the dangerous tour. it was madness:)
Every time I see an article or a news story/report on Michael Jackson lately, I always hear him being associated with the 80's and nothing else. He's always referred to as the "biggest pop star of the 80's", or some other form of that same phrase (he's the biggest pop star EVER if you ask me!).

I feel like Michael is being marginalized into a decade by people, and I don't like it!

Michael has had an incredible musical career, from the 60's & 70's with his brothers, all the way to the 2000's!

Look, I know that the 80's is when Michael made his BIG BOOM and had a HUGE impact on the world, but I just feel like his 60's (well except for on Christmas when everyone goes to buy the Jackson 5 Christmas album), & 70's (i.e., Off The Wall) work is forgotten, while his work in the 90's (as well as invincible later in the 2000's) is underrated, and tossed to the side..."not as good as Thriller". He has made some of his greatest songs after Thriller, and was still huge during the Dangerous and History era (and Bad in the late 80's), touring the world, and MJmania was everywhere (like it's emerging today--though not as nuts!)

Michael is not just some 80's pop star. He's so much bigger than that. He has continued to have great impact on the world, long after Thriller.

What'dya think?
Michael Jackson sold at LEAST 50 million records in the 90's alone, and that's just counting Dangerous and History. If you count the singles he sold, Blood On The Dancefloor and probably millions or even tens of millions his back-catalog of work has sold, he probably sold much more than that. He's not an 80's act, people just have a wierd habit of referring to the height of a singer's career.

Put this into perspective: Jay-Z is seen as a 90's/2000's act. He has total album sales of around 33 million.... or about the same as ONE of Michael Jackson's albums, that being Dangerous.
I don't understand this. What has this got to do with race?

You know, like a conspiracy to undermine great black artists/talent.

Like, calling Elvis the "King" (instead of the black artists who, admitted by him, inspired elvis--since they were musically oppressed at the time, so he took the spotlight).

I don't really attribute it all to race or anything, but I kind of understand where the person who said that is coming from.

Michael broke down barriers of racism by being the first black artist played on MTV. People rejecting him and refusing to air his music because he was black, etc. So, he knows his share of racism.
You know, like a conspiracy to undermine great black artists/talent.

Like, calling Elvis the "King" (instead of the black artists who, admitted by him, inspired elvis--since they were musically oppressed at the time, so he took the spotlight).

I don't really attribute it all to race or anything, but I kind of understand where the person who said that is coming from.

Michael broke down barriers of racism by being the first black artist played on MTV. People rejecting him and refusing to air his music because he was black, etc. So, he knows his share of racism.

Yup! Exactly.
You know, like a conspiracy to undermine great black artists/talent.
he knows his share of racism.

but how is that anything to do with him being an 80's pop star?? there is no conspiracy. You see, its not about races. Just places. Faces. Where your blood comes from. Is where your space is. Ive seen the bright get duller. I'm not going to spend my life being a colour