'Michael Jackson' is trending on Twitter NOW! Join in!

Twitter is afraid of the MJ takeover..lol..but seriously, I'm glad that MJ is living on through so many people!
Remember when #MJis was trending?

Well I wrote two tweets using that tag, in the correct way, in the correct context.

The next time I went on Twitter those two tweets were deleted from my page.

I didn't delete them and nobody can access my Twitter.

Somethings fishy here.
Every time MJ's trending, he's down within a couple of hours just like that. :(
If 100s of fans are spamming the trend topic
and not using it correctly _ The system kicks out
the topic and considers it SPAM .. becuase it
is spamming the topic and not being used as it
was set up to use -

There is no person at twitter blocking it .. the SPAM filter blocks it

The Twitter Rules explain what behaviors are permitted on Twitter. In addition to these rules, we've included some tips below to keep your content relevant (and listed in Twitter search). We caution against aggressive behaviors and suggest that you stay away from:
  • Repeatedly posting duplicate or near-duplicate content (links or tweets)
  • Abusing trending topics or hashtags (topic words with a # sign)
  • Sending automated tweets or replies
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  • Posting similar messages over multiple accounts
  • Aggressively following and un-following people
Twitter automatically remove accounts engaging in these behaviors from search (or even suspend in some cases) in order to ensure the best experience for everyone.
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Remember when #MJis was trending?

Well I wrote two tweets using that tag, in the correct way, in the correct context.

The next time I went on Twitter those two tweets were deleted from my page.

I didn't delete them and nobody can access my Twitter.


Thats werid!
A couple of people had a response from Twitter about it. What is happening is that the spam filter are blocking it as the people that tweet about MJ are the same people so the spam filter thinks its spam.
^ Ooooh, so basically it get's blocked because of the same people Tweeting it like crazy second after second?

Would be logical... :lol: But then I still don't get how Justin Bieber gets in there everyday.
I mean...they're probably tweeting like crazy as well. Hmmm.
^ Ooooh, so basically it get's blocked because of the same people Tweeting it like crazy second after second?

Would be logical... :lol: But then I still don't get how Justin Bieber gets in there everyday.
I mean...they're probably tweeting like crazy as well. Hmmm.

That's exactly what I asked! It can't be everyone tweeting about Justin Bieber now can it!
That's exactly what I asked! It can't be everyone tweeting about Justin Bieber now can it!
Wait...I thiiiink I get it....maybe there's too less people to get MJ trending, so let's say there are like 5.000 people tweeting like craaazy, which means they type it second after second and it gets in trending topics because of that, but that is ofcourse spam. So I guess Justin Bieber let's say has like 10.000 people all just tweeting a few times a day and not like crazy for a certain time.

So it's based on...how many people -> type how many tweets -> per time. :smilerolleyes:
Maybe we should arrange a worldwide twitter campaign when all the fans tweet Michael's name once. And we'll see if it becomes a trending topic.
I don't understand this Bieber thing. :smilerolleyes: Michael has 10000000000000000000000 more fans and yet he can't trend no where near as much.
Isn't that the whole point of the # TT's though. People just tweet them like crazy to get them trending?
Mrs. Music;2731906 But then I still don't get how Justin Bieber gets in there everyday. I mean...they're probably tweeting like crazy as well. Hmmm.[/QUOTE said:
I dont get it either, but each to their own i suppose.
This annoyed me so much, we were doing so well - within 25 mins we had Michael on the list, what the hell is so great about Justin Bieber that makes him on there all the time? I'm not dissing him (well i am kinda, but I don't like him come on isn't anything compared to Michael) but like wtf? :mad:
What the hell is so great about Justin Bieber that makes him on there all the time?
Nothing...just lots and lots of tween girls that don't know what good music is...come to think of it, they probably don't even care about his music. :p
He's a trending topic now.


Get twit-tattering!
I think I'm gonna make a new account just to tweet about mj 24/7.

Isn't that the whole point of the # TT's though. People just tweet them like crazy to get them trending?
Yeah but I think it's taking more time for those subjects to get in trending topics and it's not like only a 'few' people tweeting them, I guess we were with too less statistically. Obviously the same people tweeting every single second like crazy, doesn't work.

We're probably with too less people, tweeting too much of the same stuff and in a too short amount of time. :scratch:

Wondering how we could get Michael trending w/o being seen as spam.
Yeah but I think it's taking more time for those subjects to get in trending topics and it's not like only a 'few' people tweeting them, I guess we were with too less statistically. Obviously the same people tweeting every single second like crazy, doesn't work.

We're probably with too less people, tweeting too much of the same stuff and in a too short amount of time. :scratch:

Wondering how we could get Michael trending w/o being seen as spam.

Oh yeah, I see what you mean. :unsure: So tweeting something over and over again doesn't help.
Oh yeah, I see what you mean. :unsure: So tweeting something over and over again doesn't help.
That is correct
Also fans have been spamming Jerry Browns and the the DAs Cooley's Twitter account with the trending topic
over and over and that is considered SPAMMING _ so that also throws the trending topic out _ But of course its
not their fault _ that is what the People heading the Justice for MJ are telling them to do _ If fans would follow
the basic twitter rules #MichaelJackson would be trending every day :) Its not just the amount of tweets _
Its the content of the tweets and not spamming your followers or other accounts over and over _ some find it annoying
and will report it as SPAM and that will also throw the topic out from trending _
We should all type something meanigful everyday about #MichaelJackson (and get all our friends to do it the RIGHT way) so he can start trending at some point in the near future..
When there are significant dates more people will be tweeting. On the first anniversary he'll be trending and we got him trending on his birthday last year.