'Michael Jackson' is trending on Twitter NOW! Join in!


Proud Member
Jul 4, 2009
The Netherlands
Wanted to make a separate thread about this to call out all MJ fans on this board, let's get 'Michael Jackson' trending like crazy!

Focus on the good stuff, we don't need lies, we don't need a mess, we don't need bickering, we don't need negativity and calling names....let's show the world about Michael and that we'll continue to spread what he did!

It's an important day, some of us may want to tweet stuff specifically on Murray, but the world needs to see who Michael was first in order to believe what we say and demand justice as well. I wanted to get that out there and I know we can do that, so come on join in!:punk:

Share your good Tweets here so we can copy & paste them and stuff!

Here's a few I just tweeted on the HTWFC account:
Stop the bickering, stop the hate, stop the lies, stop the mess....and let LOVE shine through to act together as one, Michael Jackson fans!

Michael Jackson - a name that changes the world, that heals the world, that bonds the world. Let us continue and make it last forever.

Let us dream of tmrw where we can truly love from the soul & know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation. - Michael Jackson
Oh NO! I just see that it's out of the trending topics! No possible way! It was on 5th place just a second ago! :mello:
Oh NO! I just see that it's out of the trending topics! No possible way! It was on 5th place just a second ago! :mello:

I know right?!

I see Justin Bieber's still trending though. :mellow:
Some are saying that twitter blocked "Michael Jackson" from appearing on the TT list. WTF?
Some are saying that twitter blocked "Michael Jackson" from appearing on the TT list. WTF?
It darned seems that way yeah! Last time they deleted #Justice4MJ and now they just kicked out 'Michael Jackson'!

How can Justin Bieber be trending every single day again and when we get MJ in there they kick it out?! There was an error and next thing I saw was it was gone from tt's. Like, in a matter of seconds....no way that it was 'natural'. Gimme one good reason to delete that!:rant:
How do you contact Twitter? I can't find anything except help pages. I wanna know what's going on and what their reasons are.
wow, the twitter people are haters. O_O unbelievable. I honestly didn't expect this.
Right, so it looks like they have actually blocked it from being a TT.

Pathetic. :doh:
How do you contact Twitter? I can't find anything except help pages. I wanna know what's going on and what their reasons are.

I got an response from one of twitter team members.
Login to you twitter account and then go to this page http://help.twitter.com/requests/new
you can file a complaint / question through this link.
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Thanks for the link, ivy. Now they're gonna get their ass kicked.
I thought it was trending when I had a million tweets saying Michael Jackson. Seriously what is going on with Twitter? Everytime we have an MJ related hash tag it soon disappears.
Some are saying that twitter blocked "Michael Jackson" from appearing on the TT list. WTF?

That's absolutely ridiculous. What does TWITTER have against Michael? Why can't somebody else besides Justin Bieber (who trends every single minute of the day) trend?
I don't know if I'm more upset or angry at this. What's the problem with Michael Jackson trending?

I will continue on tweeting Michael's names though and #Justice4MJ. I'll tweet to twitter too.
I got a reply...

Hi _MissLadyV_,

All of Twitter's suggested Tweets and trending topics are determined by algorithms we have developed. Twitter staff does NOT editorialize these lists; user data is used to determine what or who appears in these lists.

Read more about Twitter's TOP TWEETS here: http://twitter.zendesk.com/entries/131209

Read about TRENDING TOPICS here: http://twitter.zendesk.com/entries/101125

Happy tweeting!

Twitter Support

well I got a response too. It also got a personal touch at the end.


Thanks for your mail.

We have a help page for Trending Topics that may explain some of your questions: http://help.twitter.com/entries/101125-about-trending-topics

At the bottom of that page, there are some behaviors listed that could jeopardize the status of your account. The status of a trending topic, itself, may become jeopardized if we detect multiple accounts exhibiting these behaviors posting to that topic. Under the guidelines we have, we can see how the status of that trend could have been jeopardized.


PS - Michael Jackson is not currently blacklisted.

It's nice to hear that Michael Jackson is not blacklisted.
When I looked to the link I believe this is what they are talking about as being against the rules

- Repeatedly tweeting the same topic/hashtag without adding value to the conversation in an attempt to get the topic trending/trending higher.

so in short if we want MJ to be trending - we should write our own unique tweets (not copy paste a rewritten tweet) and have other tweets/subjects in between tweets as well. they are basically saying if you copy paste the same tweet/trend 100 times that's a spam.