Michael Jackson Is MTV News' Man Of The Year !

wow...that is good news however....to bad they waited until he wasn't here to enjoy it!!
Wow. What an amazing article.. Made me cry. I am suprised at the tone MTV used and it is very respectable and outlines how huge Michael was around the world.. This award couldn't have gone to anyone else.
I could care less. It's only because he passed away and we know it.

I just wish it could have been with his new comeback and doing his tours and releasing his newest album which was supposed to happen late this year or early 2010.

But no, that's not why he's mtv's news man of the year...it's a different reason.
even though i know better..(about MTV) it's still good to read that article.. it had gotten me choked up...It is a nice article. Jeeze i don't want 2010 to come..
how ever reading the article made me smile and think "here's to you michael!"
Ermm..MJ is not here to see all the nice words and honours. They should do this when he's alive. Last time when MTV dissed him, I wonder if MJ went back home and cried or he just shrugged it off?
i'm just miffed by the circumstances. quite frankly i don't understand the phrase 'u don't know what u got till it's gone.' i knew what i had in knowing his greatness. but hey..

is it a lose/lose situation for mtv? sure. but they brought that on themselves. yes that award was his before June 25. and why is he one of the greatest? if anybody else in the industry had his achievments mtv would have called them THE greatest. MJ is THE greatest.
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When MTV dissed him, it was watched by millions of people and the media around the world reported on it the next day about how stupid he was to think he got the award. Now they wrote this 'honest' article and nobody even know about it. The views of the article are like 6000+ only, what's the point?

I dont think the guys at MTV genuinely feel sorry about him, they are just writing positive MJ story to cater to their readers which are mostly MJ fans.
I dont think the guys at MTV genuinely feel sorry about him, they are just writing positive MJ story to cater to their readers which are mostly MJ fans.

Mtv didn't have to make Michael their man of the year. But they did, and perhaps it is another step towards fixing an effed up situation by doing what they should have been doing for some time, celebrating the man and his music.
You don't have to forgive or forget what happened in the past. I sure won't. Yes it is too late. But it would be entirely inappropriate for them to not even acknowledge him right now. The article was well written and seemed very genuine.
Maybe the people responsible for that horrible incident aren't with MTV anymore (good, if true). I mean, it did happen quite a few years ago. Maybe the people there now really do appreciate Michael and his contributions. Just wondering.
Michael has always been 'Man of the Year"... He was still is and will always be #1 forever and ever, for all eternity. :D :wub:
Boo to MTV cause they suck.
Don't try to be nice now! You were horrible to him while he was here. I guess I would feel bad if I were them too.

*sigh* and of course he's #1
This really shows that mtv and the people behind the station are a bunch of hypocrits. He NEVER got the credit he deserved and that's just sad.
I don't give a damn about this sort of things. Why does a wonderful artist like mike have to die to get THE credit he so deserved and needed when he was alive!
OMG :wub: Im so happy now...He is number 1 and Eminem is number 9.. HAHAH TAKE THAT EMINEM YOU JERK! :D
MTV are a bunch of fakes and hypocrites. They treated MJ like dirt for years. They gave several artists their oh so coveted MTV Icon award before MJ (Including Janet whose made some great video's, but come on, she did not deserve it before him). Michael deserved that MTV icon award before anybody and should have gotten it first, but he didn't end up getting it at all which is total bull****. Mike is the video King, so they upset me with that. Then of course the way they humiliated him at the 2002 VMA's was the last straw. They didn't even make much mention of Michael in their 25th anniversary special and made it seem as though they were the one's who made him and that he benefitted from being on MTV and not vice versa as well.

MTV has treated Michael like crap and a complete joke in the past few years, but now they wanna kiss up now that he's gone right? Sorry, but I have no love for MTV due to the way they treated Mike.
Cool, i used to hate MTV lately, but this of paying tribute, RESPECT to a genius, to Michael Jackson, i like them, i mean is Michael Jackson, he needed the respect BUT Michael HIMSELF was the one refusing to go to tv, he was a recluser when it was about giving interviews, Michael was a rebel in his own way, I LOVE HIM for that, he didnt needed all that, he was Michael Jackson