Michael Jackson Is MTV News' Man Of The Year !

Re: MTV man of the year

MJ will be #1.

MJ death was also #1 in the 50 things that matters in 2000-2009 on muchmusic
Re: MTV man of the year

If it's not Mike, I won't slam the person who wins. But just say F-MTV, just like I always do. I hate that channel for other non-Michael reasons.
Re: MTV man of the year

I couldn't care less about MTV and their stupid polls
Re: MTV man of the year

If it's not MJ... death to MTV and all associated with it!
I've really hated MTV for all the stuff they have done to Michael like that certain incident but this article about him was beautifully written and to me it seems that the last line of the article, 'Sometimes, we dont know what we've got until its gone,' was an admission from MTV themselves.
^^Agreed, Sloride.

I was expecting some generic, obligatory paragraph to accompany it, but I was pleasantly surprised. Nearly every article I've read says something like "Michael Jackson was amazing, the greatest entertainer ever, HE WAS ACCUSED OF BLAH BLAH, He broke records, Did some charity work, HE HAD A DRUG ADDICTION, HE WAS A TORTURED MAN, He's the best, RIP."

But I found it very respectful how this article nestled the allegations into a long list of wrongs done to him and when mentioning his death, pointed fingers at questionable doctors. They didn't say or even imply that he was an addict, in any way. They mentioned "demons that haunted him," but the link takes you to a Propofol article, so they're right-on there.

Anyway, It kinda' seemed like an MTV obituary for him. And there was a hint of apology in that last sentence. I was pleased. But not ready to jump on their side.

Thanks for posting. =)
He won it? That's so awesome. :) I still hate MTV for like I said non-Michael reasons due to the fact they have to many crappy reality shows for my taste .
Oh yeah baby! :punk: Not that I really care about MTV, but MJ deserves recognition from them. Michael Jackson was the king of music television.