Michael Jackson estate thrills to biopic

bluesky;3539840 said:

Sharon McHugh, spokesperson for Paddy Power, said in a statement: "It’s going to be one mammoth task trying to get someone good enough at acting and dancing to fill Michael Jackson’s moon-walking shoes but when it comes to the race we’re betting it don’t matter if he’s black or white!"

I like that!! :yes:
In a perfect wonderland world okay, but in reality it DOES matter, Michael Jackson although an international star was a Black Man in every way, the black community will most likely raise hell if that isn't properly depicted in a Michael Jackson BIOPIC.

With that said,I think they should take their time on this and not rush into it to get a quick profit, this has to be top notch or else it'll flop and be forgotten.
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But anyway, I'm the sort of person who will dislike this film regardless. For me there is only one Michael Jackson (I don't even enjoy watching MJ impersonators)!!!!

I may not dislike it, but I'm not sure I would watch it. Like you, I have no interest in impersonators, and I know what I want to know about Michael. It would feel quite weird to me.
Now is the time....otherwise, someone else will make the darn movie and we won't be pleased.

I think it's good to let it be known they are working on an official movie (even if it won't come out for a few years), to discourage others (Latoya? Another GLE type venture) from starting ish.

I think a movie for MJ's 5th anniversary would be a great way to celebrate his life.

Please spare us the J5 years...go straight to Off the Wall. Love the J5 songs, but I like to pretend MJ wasn't related to these bozos that are constantly seeking the spotlight.

FAIL. It's a Biopic, you can't eliminate that part of Michael's life especially if many of his future struggles are heavily correlated to his early years and/or family issues.

Might as well create a mythical movie that Michael Jackson was brought into existence by a flying pelican and raised alone in a forest at Neverland located on some other planet/dimension and Poof! He is transported to Earth via a space ship and mysteriously takes over the world by being the greatest entertainer the world has ever seen and lives happily ever after. I believe that would make a great Sci Fi to entertain some that would rather not recognize the fact that Michael Jackson is indeed a member of the Jackson family who successfully came up from 2300 Jackson Street, Gary IN during an era in US history where Black people had to push through unimaginable obstacles, inhumane injustice and heart wrenching discrimination in order to make a decent living for themselves and their families, and for J5 group to have been able to make it out to California, they all had to have been super tough and sacrifice alot and at Michael's young age just imagine the toll this career had on him as the star of this group, that needs to be DEPICTED or else the world wouldn't have a Michael Jackson to keep our hearts happy and smiling whilst he went through so much and gave up so much that money and fame would never be able to compensate for. So easy to just dismiss the hard life Michael Jackson lived starting from childhood huh? Every moment he had to speak, he almost never failed to mention his childhood because it meant so much to him, and to just dismiss that would be a gross injustice. :cry: I think I need to take a break from this environment, I am beyond disgusted with this senseless hate. Can it be that one can be so zealous in going after every one that made an imperfect and honest mistake around Michael that they skim over Michael Jackson, the man himself and what he stood for? What have we become? I don't know...maybe we all deal with this huge loss in different ways, very different ways even if that means basking in immaturity and the mob like mentality and I have to come to terms with that which I believe will take a long time for me. Excuse me if I went on such a long rant but thats just how I felt and I had to express it.
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I would bet that whoever is picked to portray Michael will be a relative unknown. I can't imagine any of the listed actors in that betting pool actually trying to play Michael. Too hard to shed the existing images. IMO.
Hmmmm I don't know about this? The best people I seen Protray MJ in a movie was in The Jacksons an American Dream Movie both as him as a kid and adult.

I don't like the idea of a white male playing MJ either. It won't be authetic and it will start trouble. He had Vitiligo and had plastic surgery that don't mean a white person has to play the role and I believe that could end up the reason why I think they would pick them. SMH Which I think would be lazyness & ignorance on the producers part if they go down this road. Plus look to the reaction that MJ had when Oprah ask him about the rumor of him wanted a white kid to play him in a pepsi commercial he was pist off.

IMO I prefer someon like E Cas or Navi atleast for the adult MJ roles because they can dance and act like MJ closer then any other two I've seen. Jaden Smith looks to much like His dad Will Smith to play a lil MJ. lol Hopefully they can find a kid with Big eyes like MJ at a younger age that can dance. Hopefully no one will have to sing in the movie and just use MJ real voice.
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They can change someone with make-up. The technology and things they can do today. They don't need different people to play Michael. Obviously for his child years but other than that I don't see it being impossible. I just don't know if there is anyone that can play Michael and do it right.
I love this idea. I hope something accurate and tasteful will be done. I am assuming they will use the knowledge of people who really worked with Michael and knew his work, and not use the "so-called" best friends input.

Who knows, they may use the computer to help the appearance aspect.

I see this as a very positive thing that will help michael's legacy. We have to remember that not everything can be covered in the movie, but I hope the estate brass is intelligent enough to put together the salient aspects of his life/career. They do not need to go into every little detail.

This is going to take some time to be worked out, and while many of you are worried about who will play little and big Michael, I see as important who the team behind this movie is going to be. If it is a solid, ethical team, they will see to it that this movie is done factually, ethically, and artistically.

KOPV lately in more than one thread, you seem to have a disparaging view of Michael fans, at least by your comments. I hope you also realize that the media's view of Michael was created and contrived by them, therefore, the view of his fans will follow the same pattern.
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Personally I would rather see a white actor playing Michael in the later years than a black actor covered in make-up.

Anyway, I saw someone post this on another forum and I think this person would be a good actor for the 80s era.

Evan Ross, the youngest son of Diana Ross. Aside from being an actor, he looks quite like Michael.


Business wise, this is a smart move by the estate.
I don't want any impersonators, I want a real actor! I don't care about his race, to be honest. I can't imagine this being some kind of a Disney-version of Michael. Who the heck would want to watch that? I want to see ups and down, but first and foremost, I want people to see the truth: what a wonderful person Michael was, warm with a kind heart, how intelligent and what an amazing genius he was!
My expectations are high because the estate is involved.

Yes, Evan Ross would be a good choice for the 80s era. I also like the Johnny Depp suggestion for the later eras. I think he could really pull it off. And having a big name might also attract lots of viewers. But of course I wouldn't mind someone completely unknown as long as he's a good actor.
It will be exciting to see who they came up with, but I am really looking forward to this for the future. If it is done right it will show the real Michael, but as I said before they need a good team.
Evan Ross does look like MJ somewhat...but, it will start those rumors again lol

The Wayans brothers did a movie called White Chicks other then the bad blonde wigs and blue contacts they had on in the movie the lightening of their dark skins to a lighter color was not bad at all. So there still can be a black person playin MJ with light Makeup in the later yrs like they did for the movie the white chicks with no issue. I just think if they pick a white male to play MJ because of his Vitiligo and Plastic Surgery it will start trouble. All MJ life he was battling that rumor of him trying to be white and for his own Estate to even consider the thought (if they even have yet?) would be an insult. I pray they don't even go there. Both the Dancing the dream movie and the horror that was the movie Man in the mirror had a black male play MJ. So I don't see the reason why they couldn't do the same for a Movie from MJs own Estate. Plus, like I said look to MJs reaction to the rumor he wanted a white person to play him in a Pepsi commercial, that tell me the man would not approve such a thing. He told Oprah that idea doesn't even make sense and he was very hurt by it.
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Perhaps they could use a light-skinned black male to play young MJ with dark makeup on (until end of Thriller era) and then remove the makeup for the mid-tone years (BAD?) and then add lighter makup for the later years (HIStory to 2009). See what I mean? Using a male with black origins whose skin tone is actually quite light could be feasible IMO. He could look acceptable with dark skin because of his black origins and then the lighter makeup could look less obvious if he naturally has lightish skin anyway. Better than trying to 'whiten' up a really dark skinned actor.
Yeh i was gonna say careful with the "evan ross look a bit like mj" talk otherwise media will pick it up and spread crap
Perhaps they could use a light-skinned black male to play young MJ with dark makeup on (until end of Thriller era) and then remove the makeup for the mid-tone years (BAD?) and then add lighter makup for the later years (HIStory to 2009). See what I mean? Using a male with black origins whose skin tone is actually quite light could be feasible IMO. He could look acceptable with dark skin because of his black origins and then the lighter makeup could look less obvious if he naturally has lightish skin anyway. Better than trying to 'whiten' up a really dark skinned actor.

Prince the singer came to mind as I read your post. :ph34r:
Rivals yes I know but it would be cool if they could get that to happen.
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This is OT, but somewhat similar

Freddie Mercury Biopic With Sacha Baron Cohen Set To Shoot Next Year

9 Comments published: 2011-11-21 09:43:46 Author: Katey Rich

As a producer Graham King has helped shepherd some of the best films of the last decade, from Gangs of New York and The Departed as part of his long-term collaboration with Martin Scorsese to gambles like Ben Affleck's The Town or the trippy animated Rango. This week sees the release of his latest film Hugo, another film he made with Martin Scorsese, and when I talked to him about Hugo yesterday he mentioned the films he's planning to make next year, among them a long-gestating Freddie Mercury biopic that he confirmed is still scheduled for next year.

Nothing is yet official, and ever a diplomatic producer King was careful to say that things can change, but as it stands he currently plans to make the film next year, and with Sacha Baron Cohen still planning to star. Here's what King had to say about the actor's credentials to play the legendary lead Queen lead singer:
Who better to play Freddie Mercury than Sacha Baron Cohen? You never know [if a film will actually come together] until it's done, but I'm hoping [he plays the part]. He's so talented, and you see a side to him in Hugo that no one had ever seen before. Very emotional, and very heartfelt.​
When I talked to screenwriter Peter Morgan this time last year he was writing the Mercury biopic, but King didn't let me know if Morgan's script is still being used. In addition to the Freddie Mercury movie, King is also planning a reboot of the Tomb Raider franchise and an adaptation of the musical Jersey Boys-- he swears he can make all three happen at the same time, but there are plenty of other factors that can delay a movie. Still, if you were excited to see Baron Cohen take on a character as complicated and interesting as Mercury, have faith that Graham King is equally excited to get that movie made. And if you're skeptical that the guy who played Borat can pull off a believable dramatic performance as Mercury, see Hugo, in which Baron Cohen has a small but pivotal role that requires him to build a dynamic in a short period of time.

I'll have more from my interview with King later this week. Hugo come to theaters on Wednesday.

I'm not a Sasha fan, but he looks a bit like Freddie. Which is a start. Now I want to see him play something else than what I've seen so far.
How are they going to protray Freddie's childhood in India? I hope it's authetic.
I would love a biopic of Michael, to be quite honest. But not sure how soon. I mean it's only been 2 years (and some months) since his death. I mean, they are just coming out with one for Marilyn Monroe and it's been how many years? However, this could probably mean something good. As long as the movie is a true depiction of who Michael really was, then I will support it and I will go see it. I think that's all that really matters in the end. It needs to be a true portrayal of his life and him.

Speaking of biopic, kinda off topic but: Saw J. Edgar last night. It was pretty good.
^ well do keep in mind that even if they start the film process now it would not be out for another couple years..

they'll have to come up with the overal concept/theme, finding personel for the film, research for the film, more personel, script, casting, filming, editing, publishing process. that takes a long time..
If we had more respect like others the world would be a better place