Michael Jackson Earth Song Munich 1999.He has an accident,the bridge COLLAPSE and he hurts his back

I really don't think they would, i remember watching it and it was not that big a deal.
no big deal? You do know in the autopsy report, it mentions of his back problem right?
The accident affected so much he always had back pain since.
here's the video of him talking about the fall and how it affected so much he had to take pain medication 7years later.
I saw this years ago on YouTube.I couldn't believe what I was seeing.He was Strong then eventhough he went through so much pain after he fell.He was still being acused of of molesting Jordan C and career slumped because of it but Michael kept going. I cried when I saw that footage and asked myself,why didn't they show this on the news ?This was a sad event and we could have lost Michael back then,Well He had strength to continue,Family,Goodfriends and Fans to keep him going.He kept Strong up to the end of his life.I was Proud of his strength to be a trooper when he fell from that bridge and got up by the grace of God and a Trooper when he was put on trial and won his case. He was back then and still is my hero and I hope people could now see Michael in a different light and stop the rumors.He was a goodman and I will never believe anyother way no matter how they trash him then and now. I miss you Turkle ,I hope you come on here more often. You are truly a true friend to Michael and to MJJC.
I remember when I saw this for the first time and thought "what the he.." It was quite a frightening scene! The situation wasn't as bad as described by Karen Faye, but for sure such a fall will scare you and cause at least back pain... :(
But Michael just pulled through it (and the rest of the performance) like nothing happened. Poor thing...but what a survivor! :wub:
I remember when I saw this for the first time and thought "what the he.." It was quite a frightening scene! The situation wasn't as bad as described by Karen Faye, but for sure such a fall will scare you and cause at least back pain... :(
But Michael just pulled through it (and the rest of the performance) like nothing happened. Poor thing...but what a survivor! :wub:

I believed the situation was as bad as Karen described. What we saw on the screen was different from the real situation. Michael was collapsed after his performance and needed to send to the hospital by ambulance right away. I remembered he also suffered back pain during 04 allegation. The injury from this accident never go away.
wow, he never stopped singing like it was meant to happen.
It was lucky that the bridge landed in front of the stage.It could have landed on the edge of the stage ,Michael could have fallen and got the bridge over him.I guess he was shocked and in pain when he just stood there after the fall singing(lip-synching).
He only shows his pain some seconds when he thought everyone was looking at the child and the soldier.
After you are not alone he left the stage quite quickly , he probably didn´t feel well at all.
I never noticed this until I read about it years ago..
to me it didn't look THAT FAST! in real life I guess it was going much faster than it looks on the screen.
I believed the situation was as bad as Karen described. What we saw on the screen was different from the real situation. Michael was collapsed after his performance and needed to send to the hospital by ambulance right away. I remembered he also suffered back pain during 04 allegation. The injury from this accident never go away.

Well I'm not saying it hadn't been a serious fall..(because it was)
But to me it sounded like Karen was saying Michael crawled from the ruins of the bridge back to the stage...which wasn't the case, since Michael managed to somehow stand on his feet all the time and then basically jumped to the stage to continue his performance. Another question is, whether it was the most rational thing to do..(I think it wasn't, but I understand why he did it)
Are you sure? On the Korea show which was before the Munich show. The bridge just stayed there.....

Im actually asking, as you probably know more about this than me.

I never actually seen the Korea concert but i just remember watching this concert on tv and there was no big deal about it, if you watch the video you see he didn't even fall over.
I never actually seen the Korea concert but i just remember watching this concert on tv and there was no big deal about it, if you watch the video you see he didn't even fall over.

But Michael has said himself he was taking painkillers because he injured his back in this concert. So it must be worse than it looks.
I was there right in front of the stage and that bridge came down FAST.

It freaked us out but when michael continued we thought he was okay. on our way out we heard he was rushed to the hospital.
Back at the hotel Teddy (Lakis) kept us informed, it was just really sad.

If i remember correctly this was on june 24 1999.
9 years and 363 days later he passed away, i last saw him alive on june 25th 1999...thats still shocking to me. i last saw him on that day and exactly 10 yrs later he passes away :(.
Wow, that's amazing that he didn't get hurt..

He acted like nothing even happened either!!

That's so Michael haha..

I'm glad he was okay though =]
i remember watching this live on tv, it was a looong day just waiting for mj i wish i could just fast forward, but the fall i just thought it was part of the show no big deal.
I remember reading this sometime ago and all I could think about was that he definitely was and will always be the ultimate performer. Nobody can and nobody will ever surpass his talent and his ability to impress his audience no matter what.
Wow, that's amazing that he didn't get hurt..

He acted like nothing even happened either!!

That's so Michael haha..

I'm glad he was okay though =]
He GOT hurt but he acted like nothing happened only to collapse backstage and spent his night in the hospital
no big deal? You do know in the autopsy report, it mentions of his back problem right?
The accident affected so much he always had back pain since.
here's the video of him talking about the fall and how it affected so much he had to take pain medication 7years later.

Just noticed I didn't add 'him' in the sentence. :-\
The accident affected HIM so much that he had back pain since.
C'mon guys old news lol! But NO other artist wuda carried on as well as MJ did :)
i remember he was so strong also on the next day that he played with the fans in the window (accepted the balloon gift), even he had the IV in his hand:(
It came down a bit faster than it should have that was it. He pretended like it was part of the show and the crowd just believed it was.
SORRY what you are telling! PLEASE :doh:

I was in the third or fourth row in front. It was dramatically.

And I am just wondering why never have been spoken about this accident again.
But I can remember very well, that his tour manager next day at a press conference tried to downplay it, like: nothing seriously has happened. Only some bruises he said in front of the hospital.
For me it was a miracle how he could get up again. It was incredible when he continues to perform.
I was there right in front of the stage and that bridge came down FAST.

It freaked us out but when michael continued we thought he was okay. on our way out we heard he was rushed to the hospital.
Back at the hotel Teddy (Lakis) kept us informed, it was just really sad.

If i remember correctly this was on june 24 1999.
9 years and 363 days later he passed away, i last saw him alive on june 25th 1999...thats still shocking to me. i last saw him on that day and exactly 10 yrs later he passes away :(.

exactly it happened in Munich, Germany - June 27, 1999

On Jackson Hurt In Bridge Stunt; Dazed and Confused (Daily Record June 29, 1999)

Star goes down in a blaze of fire as prop collapses

Michael Jackson had a miracle escape from serious injury after a stage prop he was standing on crashed down in front of 60,000 people.

Jackson was performing on a bridge which rose 60 feet during the show.

It was supposed to lower him gently back on to the stage after a massive fireworks display in Munich's Olympic Stadium. But things went seriously wrong. First he was hit by a wayward firework and burned. And then the bridge hurtled down throwing Jackson, 40, into the orchestra pit.

The singer was badly bruised and his legs were grazed in the crash.

Concert organiser, Briton Rikki Patrick, said: "We think a cable must have snapped or something. It was really frightening. People in the audience were screaming and crying. Security men were running everywhere. It must have been terrifying for Michael. But he managed to scramble back on stage. He staggered off to one side where I was standing and collapsed on to a chair. I could see he was in a lot of pain and bleeding at the back of his head. " Mr Patrick said it was obvious the star was very disorientated.

He said: "He went back on for the Earth Song but just couldn't hold it together and had to leave half-way through." Jackson collapsed after the show and was taken to hospital.
Mr Patrick said: "For a time, he didn't seem to know where he was. His management did not want him to continue at all but he insisted. He was very brave."

Millions watching the eight-hour spectacular live on television saw Jackson rubbing his arm after the crash.

An eyewitness said: "Because Michael got back on stage, I don't think many people realised anything was wrong."

But the singer was driven with a police escort to the Rechts Der Isar hospital where Manchester United's injured players were taken after the Munich air disaster. He was treated for bruises and minor burns and released after several hours.

A clinic insider said: "He was in a lot of pain. He clearly fell very heavily."

Jackson has had narrow escapes from stage effects in the past. His hair caught fire when a smoke bomb misfired during the filming of a soft-drink commercial in Los Angeles in 1984 and he suffered second-degree scalp burns.

Jackson led 30 top stars in Munich including Status Quo, Boyzone and Luther Vandross, who raised pounds 1million for children's charities.


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