Michael Jackson doing press interviews?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Got this from a poster over at prince.org..

'Capital FM in the UK have said that Michael's UK dates will run from July through September. He spent yesterday doing press interviews, including one for NME'

Michael has been doing press interviews!? How come nobody else knows of this?
If its from prince org. then thats where this whole deal got confirmed anyway so i tend to believe this, plus i think michael has changed the way he does things entirely, much more approachable by press , media, and not just the fans anymore, this is an important step to getting positive and clarified press.

wow private interviews

mikey being sneaky!! :lol: :p
If it is the guy from prince org. who is an insider, then it is defo true elusive knows of this fan and will probably verify, plus as i said its good that he is opening up, and i think we will see a lot more of this, with say album signings, meet and greet, and webcast! In this day and age of electronic transfer it is so much more important to promote , promote, promote!! You will see this happen!

During the whole press conference buildup someone on CNN (Int) briefly said that Michael will be speaking to one of their journalists (Paula something). So maybe there is truth in the rumour that he has been giving press interviews.
there was talk at the hotel about the interviews but i think that was only cause of what was posted on the boards. mark lester was in there yesterday with him. other than that who knows its like it hasnt happened b4. did the info come from the prince poster who provided info about the 02 dates
ooooh, interesting~!! If it's true, can't wait to hear them!!
in one way i would love for it to be true but i also wouldnt like it becouse we all no what the journolists are like! i mean if micheal has some ink on his hand he has a skin disorder so god knows what they will say if he did an interview
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in 1one way i would love for it to bee true but i laso wouldnt like it becouse we all no what the journolists are like! i mean if micheal has some ink on his hand he has a skin disorder so god knows what they will say if he did an interview

Good point, about the ink. Michael ALWAYS has ink on his hands from signing autographs. It's an occupational hazard!
Michael doing press interviews, and with the NME who are very anti Michael Jackson. I doubt this is true.
At one time they where very nice to Michael, especially the review of Dangerous, and they had an interview with Teddy Riley, so i think that he is NOW the IN ARTIST!! its not at all impossible!!

This must be true. Otherwise why didn't he go home yesterday? What was he doing all day! :eek:
who knows if its true its not like mj hasnt spent all day in hotels b4. mark lester was with him and family.
hmm....interesting. If true, I pray they turn out well.

Thanks for posting. :)
mysterygirl can you give us more info on this?? and if so when will we hear , see these interviews??
brilliant , so how do you know this?? ru in journalism???

please tell us more??/
ok thanks again, but how u know this info??? u must have connections then?? and when do u think we will se this interview???? is it NME you refere too???