Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray, may be trying to sell story, Lawrence Schiller call suggests

he wants the money to pay the lawyers . he had to sell his story to generate the money .
No word about a grand jury , I thought the sources told them Murray would have been arrested by now . what happened ?

Murray doesn't come out of his house, he's too scared.

So far, the cops & feds are all on his azz, even when he goes to bathroom...

Murray's singing: "I always feel like, somebody's watching me!"


good he should feel this way.....I hope he thinks that Michael is haunting his ass too....
No word about a grand jury , I thought the sources told them Murray would have been arrested by now . what happened ?

yeah...this was my thought too....suppose to be arrested by know....IDK.....hopefully soon.....Michael deserves justice....Murray better not slip through the cracks on some type of error made by the police.
No word about a grand jury , I thought the sources told them Murray would have been arrested by now . what happened ?

yeah tmz said the case went to the D.A week ago today.maybe the D.A is still deciding. is it poss that at GJ is taking place now and we dont know about it? surely it would leak out.or TMZ was talking crap about all of it
Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray, may be trying to sell story, Lawrence Schiller call suggests

Michael Jackson's embattled physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, is quietly trying to sell his story, we hear.

With a possible manslaughter indictment sapping his assets, Murray is said to be hoping that a book and/or movie deal could be the perfect hypodermic for a quick cash infusion.

Famed writer-producer Lawrence Schiller confirms that he recently got a call from "an interested party" asking for his advice on how Murray's story could be turned into a book and documentary.

"I was asked how [Murray's] story could be properly managed," says Schiller, who collaborated with Norman Mailer on "The Executioner's Song," Mailer's book about killer Gary Gilmore. "The subject didn't interest me, but I gave my advice. People have intellectual property rights which can generate money prior to an indictment. In this case, it's a very difficult situation because the police are involved. The timing would have to be a strategic decision of his counsel.

"I said that, if the project were to hold any credibility, the doctor's involvement had to be above the table," adds Schiller. "I also said I thought the doctor should get a civil attorney, who would have better perspective on [marketing Murray's story]."

Murray's lawyer, Edward Chernoff, denied that Murray is looking to spill what he saw during the few weeks he tended to Jackson.

"The doctor has had plenty of offers, but he is not interested in a book deal - he's interested in his freedom," Chernoff told us. "There is no agent out there authorized to make some deal for Dr. Murray."

Still, Murray's spokeswoman, Miranda Sevcik, admitted he has "money problems."

"He's not able to work," she said, noting that he's stalked by paparazzi and has received death threats from Jackson fanatics who blame him for "killing" their hero. "He can't go to the office ... He has to run errands at night. It's almost like he's under house arrest. "

Though Murray signed on as *****'s doctor expecting to make $150,000 a month, Sevcik says, "He still hasn't been paid. Michael didn't have any money. Dr. Murray's contract was with [Jackson tour operator] AEG. But now AEG is saying, 'We don't have to pay.'"

Meanwhile Sevcik insists that Murray has been an "open book" in helping the LAPD with its investigation of Jackson's death.

"The LAPD is focusing on Dr. Murray because they started investigating him," she said. "The DEA has taken over the investigation of Jackson's other doctors - and because the LAPD screwed up the investigation so badly."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2...sons_doctor_conrad_murray_.html#ixzz0UI5B23QL

Now this is more than SICK, its a shame to the human condition, Murray is it, its a DISGRACE, if true, to me this means Murrays thinks he's gonna be free:puke:(why would he think so, have you aske yourselves why...:bugeyed:puke:), if your in trouble you wouldnt be worried about making this...

Something WEIRD here, why police has not yet arrested Murray, its suspicious


read this

Ugh! What a selfish and foolish jerk, trying to cash in before he gets slammed in. Why isn't he arrested already? There's enough evidence to put him in the slammer just for giving Michael the stuff in the first place. Americans are too weird, their justice system just confuses me too much.
Draliongirl, I think you need to read your signature a few times. I know it's crazy it's taking so long for Dr Murray to get jailed since there's plenty enough evidence to say he was fuelling Michael with that deadly toxin, but if we start speculating the reasons why he did it then we're just making asses of ourselves and ignoring what Michael said about ignoring the rumours and gossipers.
I don't know if this is true or not. What I do know is that I despise this man for murdering the King of Pop and his publicists needs to shut her lying mouth. I am disgusted that he is not in jail and I shudder to think the cops gonna let him get away with this crime.
Draliongirl, I think you need to read your signature a few times. I know it's crazy it's taking so long for Dr Murray to get jailed since there's plenty enough evidence to say he was fuelling Michael with that deadly toxin, but if we start speculating the reasons why he did it then we're just making asses of ourselves and ignoring what Michael said about ignoring the rumours and gossipers.
Umm, i know exactly what YOU MEAN BUT BUT BUT, Michael meant IT OTHERWISE TOO, Michael said numerous times that there was a CONSPIRACY to get him, so i DID read my Signature MANY TIMES NOW, MANY TIMES BEFORE, I THINK I HAVE MY POINT, as Michael had it there too, but i think is good you have your position but i got MINE too, so, its all good, in a weird way of saying Good...
"He's not able to work," she said, noting that he's stalked by paparazzi and has received death threats from Jackson fanatics who blame him for "killing" their hero. "He can't go to the office ... He has to run errands at night. It's almost like he's under house arrest. "

uhh... my heart BLEEDS for you doc!


Umm, i know exactly what YOU MEAN BUT BUT BUT, Michael meant IT OTHERWISE TOO, Michael said numerous times that there was a CONSPIRACY to get him, so i DID read my Signature MANY TIMES NOW, MANY TIMES BEFORE, I THINK I HAVE MY POINT, as Michael had it there too, but i think is good you have your position but i got MINE too, so, its all good, in a weird way of saying Good...

I'll affirm that there MUST be room on this board for a variety of opinions, and that those varying opinions must be respected. So. . good.

It's true, that Michael really DID say, many times, that there was a conspiracy "to get him." He also was all about fighting for justice. If there is ANY chance that his death was more than the negligence of a fool-of-a-doctor, doesn't Michael deserve justice, too? I know this is an opinion that makes some fans unhappy, but. . . . there is a lot of evidence that this is really the case. It's ok if you don't want to read about it or engage with it, but that doesn't change that possibility, that the conspiracy Michael feared, became reality.

So. . discuss what you want, everyone. Just do it respectfully for the diversity of opinions on this board.


sick idea and surely not allowed since he's the subject of a homicide investigation. Glad its not happening:

Oh and whatever we think of him, aeg should pay him for the months/weeks he worked before the 25th. He had a contract.

wtf! Murray shouldn"t ever get paid... Murray was giving michael propofol, he should have had is license taking away...the audacity of you to think he should be paid.
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He made have been under contract but he wasn't doing his job. He was not watching Michael as he should have been. He shouldn't get paid. Get paid for what talking on the phone with his girlfriend and killing the best entertainer the world has ever seen. He didn't do his job.
After he writes his BOOK I hope the Jacksons file a wrongfull DEATH lawsuit and take every red scent that he makes from that book.
If he is convicted (IF???), under the law a criminal may not profit from his crime while incarcerated. That means. . . cannot write about it while in prison. I guess he's trying to get the book done before a trial? This man really needs to be arrested, and SOON.

If somehow he manages to publish this book, the Jackson's can, indeed, file a wrongful death lawsuit. If they win (IF?) they can take the profits from the book. This is just sick. All of it. . . .